Leadership is defined as the process through which an individual influences the behaviors of followers in order to achieve organizational goals. The followers should see that influence on them as legitimate either through election or a position in the organizational structure.
This understanding of the concept of a leadership assigns a pivotal role to a leader in an organization giving him various powers to be able to fulfill his responsibility to lead others (followers or employees) towards the achievement of stated goals(any type of the organization or church institutions).
The success of the leader depends critically not only on his abilities, skills but also on his own behaviors that is, various actions he takes to influence followers towards the attainment of organizational goals. It is incumbent on him to create and maintain good work climate in compliance with organizational culture and to the satisfaction of employees.
This sounds like an ideal situation because most of the time many workers suffer at the hands of their leaders because little effort is made to build work environment which is conducive to the betterment of the lives of the employees who invest so much energy and efforts to get things done.
According to Jon and Dan (2006), many of us have known poor leaders who promote their own image by taking credit for work done by others, who are selfish, inconsiderate, or tyrannical with followers, or who are unfair, dishonest, and threatened by competence in other people.
These factors decrease our quality of life lowering our job and life satisfaction and our commitment to organizations, while creating high levels of conflict and stress. The same writers continue saying that one recent survey indicated that over 75 percent of U.S. employees are unhappy with their jobs.
The primary reason given was that they were treated poorly by their bosses. If this kind of situation is happening in one of the most leading countries in democracy with supposedly very high values in human rights, we can comfortably assume that the condition of workers is worse in Africa and in some other continents where democracy has not taken solid grounds.
The question then is how are church leaders performing in the context of Africa where leadership is much influenced by cultural values, traditional and political leaders who advocate being in power forever.
The main issue is whether a church leader in the African context is influenced by his environment as he chooses his leadership styles or he succumbs to the temptation of being influenced by an environment which is full of a number of dictators
( in some African Countries) who want to cling to power as long as they live by manipulating and maneuvering constitutions, causing their countries to go to civil war, prepare their children to replace them or even appoint them per force.
According to Stephen and Mary (2009), in today’s uncertain environment, an important consideration for leaders is building trust and credibility. So, can we trust our church leaders? Can they stand the test of credibility? Can they make a difference? We have many church leaders who are dependable and trustworthy.
The trustworthiness of every leader depends upon a number of factors such as how he comes to power, how he relates to the people under his authority what he does, how he does once in power and how he leaves power, among other things. Leaders are expected to come to power through legitimate means within the framework of the policies or constitutions.
Once in power, leaders are expected to uphold to improving the livelihood of citizens practicing equity and fairness for all and make tangible marks in democracy, human rights, socio-economic and educational advancement.
A church leader is expected to do more by exhibiting Christian values at high level and, since he is a messenger of God, adopt servant leadership style. The premise being made here is that church leaders should set good examples to be shadowed by church members, communities, societies in general and political leaders in particular.
The power of church leaders should not be transformed in a kind of corruption through fake miracles and prayers for a fee or counseling for a fee. It is generally accepted that a good work relationship is a strong contributing factor to good performance of the organizational objectives.
A stressful working environment may cause employees to be depressed. Leaders are the ones to create and maintain positive work climate by establishing appropriate organization structure, good policies and their implementation. Their leadership styles also affect organizational performance and productivity.
There have been allegations that some men and women of God in church leadership positions do not do enough to create good work environment in the conferences, missions, hospital, schools and other church institutions.
However, so far, nobody is able to know the extent of that alleged misbehavior and their causes. There are pastors or employees who seek personal transfer to other conferences (mission) because they are not comfortable to work in their respective home conferences in the country.
Therefore, there is a need to undertake a research into the leadership styles and welfare programs adopted by church leaders. Many measures of this absolute poverty of widows deal with the amount and quality of food, water, clothing, shelter, health, security, education, morality, and spirituality.
These are seen as necessities of a healthy life .The persistent deterioration of the quality of life of widows and the associated socio-economic implications of living in abject poverty make the need for a sustainable poverty reduction mandatory on all intellectuals, Churches, Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations.
Successive governments in Ogun State have appeared either not committed enough or able to understand what could meaningfully constitute the way out. Hence the seeming helplessness of many in the State.
For instance, efforts have been made to address the problem of absolute poverty of widows in Ogun State through one political policy intervention or the other. These interventions were packaged in various programs and institutional arrangements.
Leadership is effective when followers have been successfully influenced by a leader to accomplish a shared inspirational goal. Certain behaviors of leaders determine the results of leadership. Leaders should be able to use behavior patterns in an effective manner to positively influence followers.
The problem that arises from the background provided above highlights whether the leadership style and welfare program determines the well being of widows in RCCG. Whether the widows are given the care, treatment and protection they should be enjoying from the ecclesiastical bodies in which they fellowship.
Hightower entrusts the responsibility of the care upon every believer in the following way: “The ministry of the Church is shared by all who name Jesus as Lord. There is definitely no way the ministry of the Church can be complete without the morally acceptable demonstration of the care for the well being of widows.
The focal point which the author will attempt to address, therefore, addresses whether leadership styles and welfare programs determines whether the widows are treated in the most divine way the biblical dictates so spell
The major aim of the study is to examine leadership style, welfare programs as determinant for well being of widows in RCCG camp, Ogun state, Nigeria.. Other specific objectives of the study include;
- To examine the leadership styles dominant in church.
- To examine the availability of welfare programs for widows in RCCG camp.
- To examine the impact of leadership style, welfare programs on well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state.
- To examine sources of revenue for the implementation of welfare programs in RCCG camp, Ogun state
- To examine the relationship between leadership style, welfare programs and well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state.
- To examine a mutually beneficial technique of care for the widows in the church.
- What are the leadership styles dominant in church?
- What is the availability of welfare programs for widows in RCCG camp?
- What is the impact of leadership style, welfare programs on well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state?
- What are the sources of revenue for the implementation of welfare programs in RCCG camp, Ogun state?
- What is the relationship between leadership style, welfare programs and well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state?
- What is a mutually beneficial technique of care for the widows in the church?
Hypothesis 1
H0: There is no significant impact of leadership style, welfare programs on well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state.
H1: There is a significant impact of leadership style, welfare programs on well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state
Hypothesis 2
H0: There is no significant relationship between between leadership style, welfare programs and well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state.
H1: There is a significant relationship between between leadership style, welfare programs and well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state.
The study would be of benefit towards assisting the Body of Christ in developing a strategy for ministry to widows in the RCCG .in Ogun state and Nigeria at large. The study would also be of immense benefit to students, researchers and scholars who are interested in developing further studies on the subject matter.
The study is restricted to leadership style, welfare programs as a determinant for well being of widows in RCCG camp Ogun state, Nigeria.
Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview)
Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.
Widow: Woman who has lost her husband by death and not married again (Allen 1969:1051)
Welfare Scheme: Welfare scheme connotes the administration of certain services to individuals and families who find it difficult or impossible to maintain themselves and their dependents in material solvency and in health by their own efforts.
Leadership: is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence and guide followers or other members of an organization.
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