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Human resources, nonhuman resources, and time are the three main things to manage in life. Organisational efficiency is described as the amount to which an organisation, as a social structure, provides certain resources and means to achieve its goals without imposing direct (grievance) on its members.

The employee is the most crucial aspect of every organisation. This is due to the fact that machines cannot run without human aid; therefore, for a human being to perform properly, he must have the spirit to perform, which means he must be satisfied. A dissatisfied employee has a complaint.

Employee grievance is as old as industrial societies, but in recent years, the subject of employee grievance management in Nigeria, and particularly Enugu State, has reached unprecedented proportions. It is a well-known problem that has infiltrated the very fibre of every well-organized industrial institution.

The problem has also become the order of the day in private and public establishments. In general, the researcher believes that an employee grievance in any establishment indicates the fact that the employees of the organisation are dissatisfied with the organization’s overall scheme of things.

An dissatisfied employee is one who believes he has a grievance against a management or a supervisor or against the organisation as a whole. An unhappy employee cannot accomplish productive work.

He becomes depressed, his morale plummets, and his efficiency suffers as a result. Workplace satisfaction in terms of all circumstances around the job is critical to maintaining healthy morale.

It makes no difference how well compensated or attractive a work is; unless the person doing the job believes he is being treated fairly, his morale will suffer.

When workers went on strike, we realised the value of the human element. This is due to the fact that everything comes to a halt under such conditions. Was unit the means by which the throne’s experience was discovered?

The existence of complaints in an organisation is difficult to detect, because many grievances lie unspoken and unexplored for extended periods of time, requiring only expert anger to deal before it escalates to a hazardous situation.

Human assets are more valuable than physical assets and should be recorded on the financial sheet of the organisation. After all, each production employee represents and training add to this, the cost of it would take to find, hire, and train someone else to do the same job, and you can begin to see the significance of human resource management in periods of economic recessions

a firm would be wiser to drastically reduce inventory and sell machinery than to dispose on their most important assists “the employee”, staff, therefore is to create and maintain a high level of morale which will i

The existence of grievances in an organisation is unavoidable because an organisation with no grievances has no relationship at all. Improper handling of grievances leads to disruption of work in the form of go show work to rule, demonstration, violence, strike, and resignation, which ultimately amounts to labour turnover with its effect on the organisation.

As a result, for real productivity and improved labor-management relationships, an organisation must establish an adaptable and equal grievance handling system.

Employee grievance, according to Ohiri A.U (2002:100), is defined as a condition of dissatisfaction or discontent on the part of either labour or management. He also stated that a grievance is a negative feeling that can manifest itself in a variety of ways, ranging from a complaint to a strike action or destructive consequences.

He also mentioned the following grievances.
1. Failure to pay or delay in paying employees’ entitlements

2. Unfair treatment by management 3. Poor working conditions

4. Management’s branching of contract terms

5. Management’s insensitivity to labour difficulties; 6. Denial of information, and so on.

To ensure a “inbuilt mechanism” for absorbing, resolving, and eliminating grievance in the form of destructive differences in an organisation, he (A.U. Ohiri) provided the following rules for handling employee grievances: 1. Determination of both parties to stop it in their mutual interest.

2. Sincerity and compassion

3. Spirit to forgive and accept compromise during resolution.

4. The willingness of the affected parties to admit mistakes and make amends.

5. The use of a third party agreed upon by the parties.

6. Adoption of traditional and statutory approaches

7. Both parties’ willingness to accept statutory and impartial resolutions proposed by the mediator.

This study will investigate the various approaches of addressing grievances as an unavoidable evidence of a healthy connection between organisational members. This will benefit the members of the organisation.

This will allow them to evolve productively as needed. Given the desirable effect of healthy human relations on productivity in any organisation, the researcher must conduct a study and careful labour turnover of the effect of grievance handling and labour turnover in order to isolate their individual or respective contributions to dividing productivity.

Grievance in the organisation, if not resolved or managed effectively, creates ineffective workers and, as a result, undermines efficiency, resulting in expensive labour or employee costs.
The researcher discovered that in Nigeria, improper or ineffective grievance handling in many organisations, including the firms I chose as my case study, has resulted in high labour or employee turnover, repeated training of new staff, strike and down tool, poor human relations, and ineffective communication of objectives.
It is assumed that all organisations, regardless of location or other contextual conditions, share the same features.

1. The goal of this research is to look into the numerous methods that organisations use to handle and resolve employee grievances, as well as the effectiveness of such methods. The study will link grievance handling strategies to workforce turnover rates.
2. To identify the many types of employee grievances that exist in organisations in the management, senior, and junior staff categories.

Based on the foregoing, the researcher has proposed the following study questions.
a. To what extent has the handling of grievances affected labour or employee turnover?
b. What are the grievances associated with labour turnover in the organisation?
b. Is there a need for grievance in Enugu State government organisations?
d. To learn about the elements that influence grievance rates?
e. To establish the concepts and procedures for handling grievances.
f. What are the methods for managing grievances?

The significance of this study is multifaceted; it will expose to organisational management the many techniques of resolving grievances in a manufacturing setting, as well as the impact of such methods on workforce turnover. This study will also show the types of employee grievances to management organisations.

Because some grievances in organisations do not arise from frustration, which is a result of an amalgamation of factors that can only be isolated by patient and skilled management, this study will be used to guide leaders of human resource departments in various organisations in handling grievances that arise in their organisations and in determining labour turnover as a result of such grievances.

Finally, the study’s recommendations would lead to a better handling of grievances in the organisation, which would reduce worker turnover.

The scope of the study included the following Nigeria government establishments in Enugu state: 1. Nigeria Railway Corporation
2. Nigerian Water Corporation

The study used balloting to identify two establishments from which the sample was drawn. If this study is to be carried out in all government organisations in Enugu state, its scope is extensive.

This will necessitate extensive research and cash, which an individual cannot afford. As a result, the scope of the study is limited to management of employee grievances (A case study of selected government establishments in Enugu State, specifically Nigeria Railway Corporation and Nigeria Water Corporation).


The research met some challenges while carrying out this research effort, the most notable of which are as follows:
Many respondents’ uncooperative attitude led them to believe that the researcher had something to do with the material submitted, given its sensitive nature, other than for academic purposes.

Second, it is difficult for the researcher to acquire data from some personnel of the case study organisations.
Finally, the restrictions played a significant role in limiting the scope of data collection. Because the researcher is attempting to beat the time limit for this task, time constraints played a measurable role in the assumptions made.

Despite this limitation, the researcher worked with great patience and commitment to obtain the amount of information necessary to generate this work, which is hoped to contribute to future research in this field.

1. In this sense, management refers to top management and decision-making in an organisation.

2. Grievances: Is any dissatisfaction or sense of injustice stated or not addressed by an employee in an organisation?

3. Bargaining Agreement:- A record of all legally enforceable conclusions and agreements established between management and employees, particularly through discussion.

4. Contract:- A legally binding agreement between one or more parties that includes the exchange of commitments.

5. Productivity: Output rate per man hour of work amount of output in relation to input

6. Employee: Any person who joins into an employment contract to offer his labour.

7. Labour turnover:- This is the management of personnel departing a company and their replacement.

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