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Commercial banks in Nigeria provide services such as cash depository, agency services, and credit facilities such as overdrafts, loans, and so on.

And this might be regarded to be the commercial banks’ stock in trade. This should be accomplished effectively through the use of marketing methods.

Marketing is a new science in Nigeria’s service industry that has never been used before. This had resulted in poor bank/customer relationships and a decline in the quality of services given in banks.

Nowadays, banks use marketing techniques such as promotion price, distribution, production differentiation, and so on. This project seeks to determine the extent to which they have used marketing methods and the influence on the banking habits of Nigerians.

To achieve the aforementioned goals, data was gathered from secondary sources such as the extensive extraction of ideas and information from both published and unpublished materials, journals, and so on.



Marketing for commercial bank services in Nigeria has been unable to play its part or role in the banking sector since it is seen as merely advertisement or ordinary public relations.

As a result, marketing was linked to manufacturing organisations, leaving service inductance such as banking, insurance, and so on to roast.

Marketing efforts have grown in importance in recent years. This is due to growing rivalry in the banking industry.

Apart from the expansion in the number of banks, other forms of financial institutions exist, as a result of the federal military government’s introduction of community banking in Nigeria in 1992 by the community bank’s decree (1992) promulgated by Ibralim Babangida, the then-head of the Tate.

These institutions provide services that are similar to and comparable to those provided by commercial banks. As a result, competition emerges as a favourable condition for marketing to exist in the banking industry or sector.

Other financial institutions include finance houses, investment clubs, credit cooperative societies, and lending associations, among others.

They have also increased their services in order to compete favourably for demand and time deposits, among other things, for their customers’ banks, owing to the fact that they operate in an environment familiar to and familiar to their consumers.

Although the bank client has become more sophisticated in his wants for commercial banks’ non-core services, the majority of the Nigerian populace is yet to be aware of and take advantage of the possibility. For example, even after the establishment of community banking in some local communities, over 90 percent of their residents,

if not more, are still unaware of and do not use these services. Again, the majority of these commercial banks are located in urban areas,

allowing them to sell their services to urban dealers who are already aware of such services. At least in part, if not entirely. This is why people congregate at bank branches, with bankers paying little or no attention to their customers.

To overcome these challenges, banks must adapt to the changing environment and client demands. Since operation orientation has dominated banking activities, marketing has played a minor role.

Commercial banks in Nigeria make their living by providing financial services to their consumers. Some of the services provided by include: cheque collection and payment, credit facility provision, acting as trustees and executors, buying and selling stock and shares, issuing bankers draughts, and so on.

All of the foregoing represent their stock in trade, and the manner in which these services are provided constitutes their marketing techniques.

As a result, it is evident that these marketing techniques in this sense are, the attitude of their employees, prompt attendance to clients, creation of a positive public image i.e communication, establishment of new branches (distribution), and so on.

All of this is said but not done, because banks’ services are not up to the requisite grade. Banks handle their customers anyway they see fit, and the majority of banks in Nigeria think that it is their right to delay customers.

This has resulted in huge lines in banks, with customers sitting and even standing while they wait their turns.

Given all of this, it is evident that banks should begin or enhance their marketing initiatives, as some have yet to begin.

The era or age of the sellers market has passed. As a result, banks should acquire the habit of promoting their services in order to improve and promote their image while also increasing patronage.


The goal of marketing activities is to help banks accomplish their goal of customer pleasure and greater value for money while making a profit.

It is concerned with how modern banking services can be properly made available to customers. Banks face challenges such as competitiveness when doing so.

This is a situation in which those competing with these banks have spread into cities and neighbourhoods, with our people percolating deeper within their organisation, and they are even older. They include, for example, isusu clubs, investment clubs, co-operative societies, loan houses, and so on.

On the other hand, commercial banks in Nigeria still predominantly run the oil system of banking, in which bankers sit and wait for customers to bring them business. Even those who make it here must wait for hours in order to obtain the same or equivalent services from these banks.

It is obvious that some customers do not even inquire for additional services provided by commercial banks as a result of bankers’ lousy attitudes, incompetence, and a lack of adequate information transmission.

Banks, on the other hand, sometimes select how many of these services to provide because their ultimate goal is to achieve an economic balance between service cost, number of clients, and customer pleasure.

This is due to the fact that offering too much service incurs too many costs, but not providing enough results in unsatisfied customers.

Finally, the primary issues noted in this study are that commercial banks in Nigeria do not provide adequate services, that banks confront intense competition, and that necessary banking habits have not been created.


The primary goals of this research are to discover how commercial banks in Nigeria use marketing tactics to sell their services, and how this has changed the residents’ banking habits. Other examples include:

a. to determine the number of services provided by commercial banks in Enugu.

b. to measure the effectiveness of banks in providing these services.

c. to give recommendations for improvements in the necessary areas.


Because of the following points, this particular field of study is useful and beneficial:

Banking habits must be fostered through effective marketing methods in order to create money for economic development, so that monies flow from time savings to real-estate investment. I begin to suspect that this is what sparked it.

In a paper presented at a workshop on financial services marketing at the University of Ibadan, Ajayi stated that “money plays a very important role in any economy, and while money is not a panacea for economic development,

we agree that money matters in economic development.” Because the management of finite resources is best done by proper financial institutions, banks play an important role in the Nigerian economy.

It is also certain that competition with alternative credit organisations would decrease as banks efficiently supply these modern banking services in the manner in which they should be provided. That is, they provide efficient and diverse services that other credit institutions cannot match.

This research will assist banks in marketing their services by identifying their long-standing competitors while also gaining new clients.


APEX BANK is one example.

The central bank of Nigeria is referred to as the “bankers bank” since it oversees the activities of the other banks.


This is a sustained rise in the general price level that reduces the purchasing power of nominal money. The consumer price index is used to calculate it.


A simple statistic indicating how, on average, the price of a given number of commodities compares to some base year price.


This refers to the credit control procedures implemented by a country’s central bank. It is used to consume the supply of money as a tool to achieve the goal of general economic policy.


This word refers to a country’s trading position in relation to another country with which it does business.

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