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Section I

The Introduction

Background of the Study

The existence of human needs and wants is the foundation of marketing. As a result, the goal of marketing research and development is to meet these requirements and desires for the mutual gain of all parties involved in marketing partnerships.

(Ebue, Nndim, and Adrika E.O., 1997, p.4). It is not enough to define marketing to say that there exist things that can meet man’s needs and that ants have needs as well.

When a person chooses to satisfy his needs and wants through what is known as exchange—giving something for something—marketing is born. As a result, marketing is defined by Kotler 1980:pg as the collection of human endeavours aimed at gratifying needs and desires via trade procedures.

Marketing, then, is the process by which organisations find unmet human wants, turn them into commercial opportunities, and satisfy those needs while making money for themselves.

The ability of the organisation to consistently produce value for its target market in a world where people’s demands and wants are always changing is essential to its survival and growth.

In order to implement the marketing solution, an organisation must be able to provide the necessary services and goals, as well as know how to outperform its rivals in the target market by providing a better offer. (Kotler 1980, P.5)

Without marketing, businesses would not be able to create and sell items at an acceptable pace. Therefore, marketing operations are essential. Businesses can generate the profit required to fund operations, create jobs, and draw in capital only when they can provide goods and services effectively and at a fair price.

If they are unable to do so, they will collapse, which will have an impact on both our lives and the national economy. Additionally, marketing’s consumer feedback aids in distributing resources and output in a way that best meets societal objectives and demands.

Most businesses have three main goals: development, profit, and survival. Each of these goals is directly attained through marketing. It is focused on tasks that are essential to the operation of a business,

like determining the needs and desires of current and new clients, setting prices, creating distribution plans, and interacting with clients and other business stakeholders.

Therefore, it is the duty of people working in marketing to identify the requirements and desires of their clients and to encourage and satisfy their requests. Both individuals and organisations engage in marketing, which aims to achieve both non-commercial and commercial goals.

Profit-making companies advertise and utilise various promotional strategies to sell their goods, whereas non-promotional businesses conduct marketing campaigns to garner support from the public and raise money.

Marketing encompasses more than just tangible goods like appliances and entertainment; intangible goods also need to be promoted, and the process of marketing doesn’t end until the customer switches one item for another (Adirka, Ebue B.E and Nnolim, 1997 P.16). With all of this, one can only speculate as to what man’s needs and circumstances might have been in the absence of marketing.


The fan milk Because it drove a competitor out of the market, Nigeria Plc is among the greatest ice cream makers in Nigeria (i.e. the will ice cream).

The researcher will list the issues causing a drop in sales. Why is there such a fall in the product’s sales when its performance in the market is less than satisfactory?

Could the state or quality of the product be the cause of the decline? Or would this be a consequence of its distribution system? Alternatively, it might be the outcome of its policy framework and marketing strategies.

The study’s objective is outlined in 1.2

The following are the study’s objectives, and the research is being done to assess the diary product’s marketing in Enugu City.

v The goal will be assessed by the researcher in light of the study areas.

v To investigate the diary product’s location

v The researcher will also look into how successful and efficient the diary product’s distribution method is.

v To research the advertising strategies employed in the dairy product industry.

v To research the diary product price scheme in its marketing

v To research the marketing issues that dairy products face.

Section 1.3: Research Questions

The answer to the following question will help you to successfully complete the project during the course of this assignment. These queries are as follows.

v What is Fan Milk Nigeria Plc’s marketing strategy?

v How do they combine marketing mix variables to meet both the requirements and wishes of people and the objectives of the company?

v What marketing issues is Fan Milk Nigeria Plc facing?

v What marketing issues is Fan Milk Nigeria Plc facing?

Section 1.4: Significance of the Research

The project effort will be extremely valuable to researchers, lecturers, and students. The business (fan milk Nigeria plc), its rivals, readers, and researchers who would like to sell diary products are among the other parties that would profit.

The business, fan milk Nigeria plc

The field of study will gain knowledge of their successes and failures from this research, and they will also be able to improve their marketing network and efficiency, which will increase sales and ultimately increase profitability.

The company will then try to make other products available to customers in the Enugu metropolis. Furthermore, the project work will help the business plan and improve the effectiveness of its marketing strategy.

Other rivals

Other rivals will gain from enhancing the effectiveness of their product promotion and addressing issues that could cause their product to lose appeal down the road.


When milk fans Nigerian Limited provides such diary products at the appropriate costs, times, and locations. As a result, consumers may grow their demand for these products, expanding the company’s market and generating satisfaction from their use.

The investigator

The knowledge of Fan Milk Nigeria Limited will be beneficial to the researcher. Their history and merchandise. Once more, the researcher’s understanding of the marketing system, issues, and potential solutions will be expanded to include fan milk Nigeria Limited’s marketing of its dairy products.


After completing the project and comprehending events, activities, phenomena, and issues with the marketing system, readers’ knowledge will grow.


This project is limited to the Fan Milk Nigeria Plc facility located in the city of Enugu. The researcher’s marketing of dairy products through the effective and efficient blending of its marketing mix variables was the main emphasis of this project. and the study’s geographic breadth.


To make the study simply understandable, the team will be defined. positioning, freezing centre, distribution channel, target marketing, etc.

intended audience

This is the market niche or pool of prospective clients that a marketer is prepared to cater to with his offer.

Setting Up

Establishing a credible competitive positioning for the company and its offering in the chosen target market is what this refers to (Adrika, Abue and Nnolin 1996, P. 34).


Ensuring the availability of a product at the desired time and location (Schewe 1987, P. 32).

centre of the freezer

a shop that specialises in providing home freezer users with bulk frozen goods. Hoodridge (1987), page 24.

Channel of distribution or channel of dissemination

Determine which product should be routed to the end user (Schewe: 1987, P. 410).

middle-aged guys

These individuals, known as agents, distribute the company’s goods to final customers on behalf of the business in exchange for a commission (Edoga and Eke 1996, P.71).

Mix of marketing

This phrase refers to the combination of the four variables—the product pricing, the distribution system, and the promotion activities—that make up the foundation of a business’s marketing strategy.

Putting together

This involves creating and designing a product’s packaging or containers (A. Nwokoye 981: p 99).


It is believed that this item can satiate a need (Adirika, Ebue, and Nnolim 1997: p15).

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