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Chapter one


Background of the study

The marketing of educational programmes at Nigerian tertiary institutions could not be more timely.

This assumption is based on the study’s importance to the operation, management, and administration of our tertiary institution. This study will be equally useful to planners and financial managers at tertiary schools.

Knowledge of the study’s key topics will help the institution’s planners and managers truly appreciate the effectiveness of the programmes.

Customers’ (students’) attitudes and perceptions of them, the effect of promotion on them, people’s choices, preferences, intensity, and so on. For this knowledge to be more meaningful and widely appreciated, we have to perceive the programme (course) as items they are shown for people to buy, and people will undoubtedly make choices and offers.

start Mill, a famous English scholar, defined education in his 180-year address to the University of St Andrews as “whatever we do for ourselves and whatever others do for us for the express purpose of bringing us closer to the perfection of our nature.”

It is the culture that each generation intentionally imparts to those who will be its successors in order to prepare them for at least maintaining up, and if feasible, exceeding the degree of advancement that has been achieved.

Following the foregoing, we must see and regard the educational programmes given by tertiary institutions as products. And students comprise the market, that is, the consumers, or potential customers, from which a product-customer connection must be established and nurtured.

The educational programme (course) supplied by tertiary institutions must be capable of generating strong market demand. As a product, they must have appealing

and commendable qualities and attributes to convince the consumer that they (the programme) are good enough for them; in other words, they must have the rich traits and good features that are characteristics of the product or service being advertised.

Consumers (customers) must be able to identify the distinguishing attractants and appeals that will generate effective demand. Such characteristics and appeals should include the course’s capacity to give one with a means of survival once graduation, allowing one to enter society both now and in the future.

The course must be capable of providing people with the desired focus and the opportunity to establish one’s place in a competitive setting. Again, they should be able to help one achieve self-actualization in life.

Prospective students (consumers) must use considerable caution when selecting these products. This is because a person’s course of action can either make or break him. Equally important was the quantity of moral and mental attitude he or she was able to instill in himself or herself.

Schwarz, a renowned philosopher, once said that “a man is a sum total of what he thinks he is” combined with the amount of moral and positive mental development he can invest in himself (Schwartz: 1959:10).

Statement of the Problem

Every organisation exists to meet the requirements and desires of its target market while making a profit, which is defined differently. These needs and desires are fluid. Through its strategic management process, the organisation must adapt to changing demands and wants.

When an organisation is able to satisfy the needs and wants of its target market, it has a better chance of making the desired profit, as well as growing and surviving.

As a result, at some point, an organisation must evaluate its marketing strategies and performance to determine whether they are effective or not in meeting the needs and wants of its customers.

Through this assessment, the organisation will be able to identify its flaws and make the required changes to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.

The Enugu Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), which has been in operation since 1973, provides its consumers (students) with a variety of educational services (courses).

The educational service or entire product offer is meant to satisfy the target market. Are clients satisfied with the educational services they receive? Are companies satisfied with the performance of IMT graduates? Has IMT educational services contributed to Nigeria’s development?


This study addressed the following objectives:

1. To identify the educational services (courses) provided by the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu.

2. Determine whether IMT has appropriate physical facilities to effectively provide educational services.

3. Determine whether IMT has competent workers who provide educational services to consumers (students).

4. Determine whether IMT applies marketing concepts by truly addressing the satisfaction of their clients (students) in the process of providing educational services.

5. Determine whether the educational services provided by IMT align with Nigeria’s development needs.

6. Find out how employers rate the level of service provided by IMT graduates.

7. Determine how students view the overall fees (price) for educational services received.

8. Determine whether IMT has a positive image in the eyes of the public, which will aid in attracting new clients (students) to its educational services.


The researcher conducted the study using the following hypothesis.

1. Current IMT students are dissatisfied with the overall bundle of educational services received.

2. Employers rate IMT graduate performance as extremely satisfactory.

3. Customers (students) are unsatisfied with the existing high rates charged for educational services.

4. Inadequate physical facilities impede IMT’s ability to effectively market its educational services.

5. IMT’s reputation for providing high-quality educational services has declined in recent years.

Significance of the Study

The findings and recommendations of this study are designed to benefit the clients (students).

Employers, the government, and the management of the Enugu Institute of Management and Technology.

Customers want service in order to fulfil their desires and needs. An organisation may provide a service to its intended clients, but they may not be completely happy. If this is the case, the organisation will need to adjust its offspring or develop a better marketing mix to please its target market.

In this sense, this study will be quite important in determining whether the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) is genuinely satisfied its target clients with its educational services offer offers. Any flaws discovered throughout the investigation that need to be corrected or fixed will be communicated to the clients.

Furthermore, if IMT fails to please its consumers, the institute will eventually develop a negative reputation and will almost likely lose potential or prospective customers. In addition, the institute will not fulfil its planned role in contributing to Nigeria’s development.

The Enugu State government, which owns the institute, will not meet its objectives. If IMT fails to sell its educational services adequately.

After spending or inventing a significant amount of money to run and maintain the institute, the government’s aims should be realised; thus, this study will assist the government in determining what to do to enable the institute to better serve its target market.

The survey will also indicate how IMT graduates perform in their careers based on the ratings of their employers. Graduates are being turned out to fulfil the nation’s developmental needs.


This study was limited to the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) in Enugu to examine its efficacy in marketing educational services to students.

The study focused on both current and graduated students who have eaten or are now consuming the institute’s service offerings (course). The employers of IMT graduates questioned were confined to those in the Enugu city.

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