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Consumer happiness serves as the economic rationale for every business’s existence. As a result, any business that wants to exist, survive, and expand must have a strategic strategy.

So, this research focused on strategic marketing planning as a strategy of increasing market share in a competitive market. (A case study of Nigerian Uniliver Plc, Aba).

In this study, we treated these headings as follows. The problem statement resulted in an increase in Nigerian Uniliver’s competitive market. As a result, the researcher is interested in learning about the factors that contribute to gaining a competitive market share.

The study’s objectives demonstrate that the study’s goal was to: Determine the causes for the product. Finding out how to develop items so that they can withstand the test of time.

Understanding the significance of marketing strategy in the organisation. Finding out if other competitors are doing better than Nigerian Uniliver Plc. Providing the appropriate recommendation.

The approach is defined as the systematic collection, recording, and analysis of data about issues or opportunities in any field of endeavour for decision making. After identifying the research work and reviewing the relevant literature,

this section describes how the study was carried out and how the data was analysed. Some of the fallacies employed include research design, data collection sources/methods, population and sample size, sample methodology, measurement instrument validity and reliability, and data analysis method.

The findings from Table 13 of our data analysis; the answer to the issue was clearly indicated through varied response rates depicted, which are normally on the areas of Nigerian Uniliver. Advertising has no positive impact on client demand for their items. The study’s conclusion is based on its results, analysis, and interpretation.

It is important to highlight that the variables around which strategic marketing planning revolves should be carefully researched and implemented in order to meet any company’s goals.

The recommendations are that the company and the entire industry should always be aware of their competitors’ strategies, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as where they exercise better sustainable competitive advantage to enhance effective strategic of the organisation,

in order for the organisation to determine the extent of its performance in comparison to its established standards so as to quickly correct any deviation notified, which should be done on a regular basis.

Chapter one

Background of the study

Although my case study organisation, Nigeria Uniliver PLC Aba, demonstrates that strategic marketing planning is a technique of increasing market share in a competitive industry. Nigeria Uniliver is a public limited firm manufactured from hardly by ancient humans around 400 years ago.

Ancient qualities of current beer include top consistency, which has an impact on taste and froth stability. Beer is not consumed for its sweetness because it is not sweet, and this is a fact.

The brewery industry in Nigeria dates back to the thirstiest days and is based on imported technologies. In Nigeria, indigenous drinks include Palmuline pito, Kavito, Jwanga, Burukutu, and others.

While beer is still new in some quarters, it is progressively replacing these traditional drinks in events such as weddings, birth ceremonies, and funerals, which were rarely celebrated in the past.

The only way these indigenous drinks were advertised in the past was through fasting; consumers were allowed, and still are, to try various palm-wine brought to market by different producers and sellers, and it served as a manner of determining consumer patronage decisions.

This is due to the fact that palm wine and burukutu were previously unbranded. Bottled beer was initially marketed by Nigeria Brewery Limited (NBL) on June 2, 1949. Nigeria Uniliver was founded on June 2nd, 1949, marking the start of a thriving sector that currently markets approximately six (6) brands of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Today, social standards regarding the usage of alcohol in ceremonies have altered, and beer is used instead. In certain circumstances, they are the only option, although in others, such as social clubs, a specific brand may be favoured due to established standards.

The beer sector in Nigeria has now evolved into an interesting competitive market, with approximately 28 brands of beer brewed by more than 27 Uniliver. In some parts of Nigeria, beer is highly appreciated, and it is even utilised as a type of medicine.

Nonetheless, most customers prefer beer over palm wine and other alcoholic beverages, and they do not accept all brands.

Given the expansion of Uniliver’s various beer brands throughout the country, as well as the fact that consumers cannot accept all brands. The phrase survives the tight competition in the sector, and Uniliver employs various methods and advertising strategies to attract and keep clients.

In his article titled “Product and System Dr. Walter W. Ovo, chairman of Savannah Bank Limited, identified the factors that he believes directly affect customer happiness.

These are information, commerce, and needs services that evaluate quality in terms of time accuracy and flexibility in responding positively to client demands in order to attract and retain consumers.

Nigeria Uniliver (NBL), the makers of stare gulilder, maltina, guilder max, Heineken, and legend, has embarked on strategic marketing that is uncommon in other Uniliver in Nigeria today. Some of these strategic marketing plans have had a significant impact on consumer product patronage and industry profitability.

As rigorously gathered, those products do not have the problems that other competitors’ products have because of well-organized strategic marketing planning, which has had a significant impact on customer patronage of the industry. How can a business survive and thrive in the business world without an adequate game plan?

How can an organisation achieve customer happiness, which is the economic rationale for the existence of any firm, when a proper solution is unavailable? Hence, smart marketing is the solution.

Marketing is the cornerstone of corporate strategy.

A.I Okafor (1995:6) described it as all lucrative human activities conducted by the organisation with the goal of creating satisfied customers.

Kotler (1989) defines strategic as a game plan to get there.

Glueck (1976) defined a strategic plan as a complete and integrated plan to fulfil the organization’s target objectives.

Business plans as the focal point and the foundation of strategic marketing decisions Unfortunately, most businesses have failed due to a lack of smart marketing.

Strategic marketing decisions are so important that their absence in any organisation would not be tolerated. They aid in the management of the business environment and the inevitable changes that occur.

They take any organisation from where it is today to where it wants to be tomorrow. Proper strategic marketing decisions transform a company’s reaction to events and situations into a proactive response.

Strategic marketing planning varies from firm to company. It is entirely dependent on the market and business climate. As a result, firms must adapt to shifting market conditions while also developing a “anticipative” rather than reactive management structure.

They should look for ways to deal with a more complex technology, an unstable environment, competitors in their goods and services, and an environment that is always changing. A static environment is no longer feasible.

Firms should consider transitioning from stagnant bureaucracies to adoptive firms operating under tremendous dynamism.

They should analyse their competitors’ marketing strategies, strengths and weaknesses, and then design a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) that will allow them to outweigh their opponents.

If there is no sustainable competitive advantage, the organisation will not progress. Every company organisation competes with other companies in the market to increase or retain its market share. To survive fierce competition and maintain sales predictions and targets, organisations must develop a good marketing plan.

Objectives of the study

This study aims to

Identifying the reasons for increased client demand for Uniliver products.

Finding out what it implies and how to enhance products so they can withstand the test of time.

Learning about the importance of marketing tactics in the organisation.

Determine whether other competitors do better than Nigeria Uniliver Limited.

Providing the required recommendations


The following research questions were proposed for his study in order to provide solutions to the aforementioned problems. What are the research questions?

Is strategic marketing effective in accomplishing a company’s goals?

How has the marketing concept affected the rate of customer patronage?

Does product quality add value for customers?

Is advertising effective in increasing client demand for the company’s products?

Statement of Problems

This difficulty arises as a result of Nigerian Uniliver’s increased competitive market, hence the researchers are interested in determining the causes for obtaining market share in competitive markets.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The project is a prerequisite for the researcher receiving a Higher National Diploma in Marketing.

The study will expose and build the research through his results and analyses on the impact of strategic marketing planning.

It would provide appropriate solutions to the firm understudy through recommendations for its challenges.

It will also be useful to other organisations that are experiencing difficulties as a result of poor strategic marketing planning implementation.

This study can be extremely beneficial to future researchers who may use the results.

1.6 The Scope of the Study

The study focuses on strategic marketing planning as a technique of increasing market share in a competitive market (a case study of Nigeria Uniliver plc Aba).

It is concerned with what strategy is all about, how it is developed, and so on. Questions were sent to Nigerian Uniliver’s management and marketing development / sales personnel via questionnaire.

Limitations of the Study

A broad variety would have been addressed, however various factors hampered progress.

Time constraints: Some of the courses presented in conjunction with this project writing had a significant impact on the researchers’ time.

Information restriction: The company’s reluctance to freely share the necessary information hampered the researchers’ work.

Huge expense: Due to the organisation’s location, the researcher was forced to work under a tight budget in order to gather information from both the corporation and other sources.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Panacea: Something that can solve all of the problems in a specific setting.

Strategy: Means of obtaining a goal (target).

Market strategy refers to how a corporation intends to achieve its objectives.

Market: People with wants to meet, money to spend, and a willingness to spend it.

Proactive placement entails taking control of the situation rather than waiting for it to happen and then reacting to it.

Business environment: The individuals and forces that influence business decisions.

Adaptive form under extreme dynamism: Firm that engages in environment and diagnostics and reacts to the environment regardless of how chaotic it is.

Stagnant bureaucracy; a company that fails to respond to environmental changes.

A competitor’s long-term competitive advantages are used to outperform another competitor, making it harder for the competition to replicate.

Marketing mix: The controllable factors product, price, and marketing that the corporation puts together to satisfy the target market.

Skimming pricing strategy: A method of increasing market share or attracting new customers by entering the market at a low price.

Marketing segmentation is the division of a heterogeneous market into submarkets or units that can be reached with a specific marketing campaign.

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