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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The media landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, thanks to the rise of social media sites like Twitter. These platforms have transformed not just how individuals receive media, but also how they interact with it (Alekseyeva 2014).

The World Cup is one of the most important sporting events in the world, with a global audience. With the increased use of Twitter by media outlets and fans, it is critical to analyse the platform’s impact on audience engagement during the World Cup (Alexeyeva 2014).

Sport and media have had a mutually beneficial, symbiotic relationship since Joseph Pulitzer, the publisher of the New York World, founded the first newspaper with a sport editor in the 1890s:

sport benefits from media attention, and media benefits from the revenue generated by the audience that sport attracts (Hutchins & Rowe, 2012).

Prior to the Internet and other digital platforms, broadcasters, journalists, and other conventional media members controlled and oversaw sports content dissemination (Hutchins & Rowe, 2012).

With the introduction of the Internet and team-based websites in the late 1990s, teams began distributing content directly to fans rather than through traditional media. A further transition occurred with the emergence of social media programmes such as YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook (Farquharson 2015).

Twitter and the World Cup share a deep and complicated relationship. With the increasing popularity of social media platforms, Twitter has emerged as a vital tool for fans to participate with the World Cup. Twitter allows people to share their thoughts, express their delight and irritation, and connect with supporters all over the world (Gamble, 2019).

One of the most important ways Twitter helps people participate with the World Cup is by providing live updates. Twitter’s real-time tweets and hashtags provide rapid updates on game results and other essential information (Gerbaudo, 2015).

People may follow their favourite teams and players, read in-depth analysis from sports experts, and connect with other fans via tweets, retweets, and replies. This rapid access to information allows fans to stay up to date on the games even if they are unable to watch them live (Gerbaudo, 2015).

Another way Twitter helps people participate with the World Cup is by providing a place for fan conversations. Fans from all around the world can communicate and interact with one another, expressing their thoughts, jokes, and memes about the games.

This fosters a sense of community and belonging among supporters who are bonded by their enthusiasm for the World Cup (Brannagan, 2016). Twitter also allows fans to express their grievances and criticisms, which can spark conversations and arguments over the games (Brannagan, 2016).

Twitter has also become a hotspot for sports journalists and commentators, offering a venue for expert commentary and in-depth analysis of games. Fans can follow their favourite journalists and experts to gain access to their thoughts and perspectives on the games.

This not only increases people’s participation with the World Cup, but also serves as a source of education and learning about the games (Houlihan, 2014).

Twitter has also become a platform for marketers and businesses to interact with the World Cup. Many firms build campaigns and commercials for the World Cup, utilising Twitter to communicate with fans and promote their products. This not only increases public interest in the World Cup, but also generates money for brands and businesses (Heerdt, 2018).

Twitter has become a vital tool for people to interact with the World Cup. Twitter connects fans with games, players, and other fans across the world through live updates, fan conversations, expert opinions, and brand involvement (Heerdt, 2018).

Twitter and the World Cup have a mutually beneficial relationship in that Twitter increases people’s engagement with the World Cup while the World Cup supplies Twitter with content and excitement.

Despite the growing popularity of Twitter as a tool for engaging with the World Cup, there remains a research gap in understanding how Twitter affects people’s emotional responses to the matches.

While Twitter allows fans to express their emotions, further research is needed to understand how emotional participation affects people’s entire World Cup experience (Marwick, 2016).

This study gap is critical since emotions are an important element of sports engagement. Understanding how Twitter influences people’s emotional responses to the World Cup might help inform methods for improving fan engagement and enjoyment.

As a result, more research is needed to investigate the link between Twitter and social media activity during the World Cup.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Twitter continues to have a huge influence on social media participation throughout the World Cup. With millions of active users, Twitter allows fans to contribute their thoughts, ideas, and emotions about the games in real time. This live tweeting fosters a sense of camaraderie among fans and increases participation with the World Cup.

During the 2018 World Cup, Twitter received more than 115 billion impressions. This highlights Twitter’s huge impact on social media participation during the World Cup. Fans utilised Twitter to follow the games, communicate with other fans, and stay up to date on the latest news and highlights.

Twitter also helps to increase World Cup interest outside of the competition. Fans utilise Twitter to remain up to date on World Cup-related news, player moves, and other developments. This promotes year-round involvement with the event, keeping fans interested in the games even when they are not being played.

However, the growing use of Twitter as a medium for engaging with the World Cup raises concerns regarding Twitter’s impact on social media involvement throughout the event.

While Twitter allows fans to interact with one another and express their ideas and emotions, it’s unclear how this involvement affects total social media participation and World Cup experiences.

Furthermore, it is unclear how much Twitter interaction promotes social media engagement and how it relates to other social media platforms.

As a result, the research problem for this study is to look into the impact of Twitter on social media interaction during the World Cup and compare it to involvement on other social media platforms.

1.3 Research Objectives

The basic goal of the research is to investigate the media audience engagement-impact of Twitter on the World Cup, and the particular aims are:

To examine how Twitter has influenced media audience engagement with the World Cup.

To assess Twitter’s impact on media consuming behaviour during the World Cup.

To evaluate Twitter’s potential as a tool for increasing social participation and community-building around the World Cup.

1.4 Research Questions.

The research aims to answer the following questions:

To what extent has Twitter influenced media audience involvement with the World Cup?

What impact does Twitter have on media consuming behaviour during the World Cup?

What is Twitter’s potential as a tool for encouraging social engagement and community-building during the World Cup?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study titled “Media Audience Engagement – Impact of Twitter on World Cup” is important for various reasons:

It will help us understand how social media platforms like Twitter are affecting the way people interact with media material, particularly during significant global events like the World Cup.

The study offers light on how social media is reshaping traditional media channels and developing new forms of media consumption by investigating Twitter’s impact on media consumption behaviour, content choices, and social engagement.

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