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Microbial Evaluation Of Ram Milk From A Diary Farm

Microbial Evaluation Of Ram Milk From A Diary Farm

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Microbial Evaluation Of Ram Milk From A Diary Farm


Twenty samples of raw milk from a dairy farm (Emene fulani cattle rearers) were microbially evaluated using five methods: direct microcopies count, nutrient agar count, blood agar count, Mac conkey agar count (celiforms only), and acid fast bacilli staring to detect the presence of the Tubercle bacillus.

The bacterial types were as follows: Direct microscopic counts varied from 9.0x 105 to 9.5 x 107. Nutrient agar counts ranged from 9.0x 104 to 8.0x 105. Blood agar counts ranged from 7.0x 104 to 9.8×10, while Mac Country agar numbers ranged from 5.0x 102 to 5.0 x 10.

The acid fast bacilli staring revealed no bacilli, indicating the absence of tubercles. The gramme staring results show single chains of gramme positive and gramme negative bacilli, which are typical of staphylococcus spp, streptococcus spp, lactobacillus spp, and coliform.

It is recommended that milk maids and milk processors try to cleanse the udder of the cow, sterilise their equipment and containers, and improve their personal hygiene during milk collecting.

These would help to improve the quality of products in our milk businesses as well as the health of humans, particularly Fulani cattle rearers who drink without pasteurisation.

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