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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

Every organisation’s management has a specific function to do in order for the organisation to function properly. These functions include forecasting, planning, organising, controlling, communicating, and leading.

Before we go into “motivation,” I’d want to briefly describe the other managerial functions:

Forecasting is the process of predicting and considering possible courses of action after determining the most appropriate set of forecasts; these serve as the foundation for the plans to be carried out and are incorporated into budgets.

Planning is the process of establishing goals and objectives for an organisation and determining how to attain them. It is an anticipatory decision in constructing an atmosphere enabling individuals to perform effectively when working in groups.

Organising is a managerial function that involves assigning roles to people within an organisation. It is the process of establishing roles and responsibilities for individuals inside an organisation.

Coordinating is the essence of management for achieving harmony of individual efforts towards group goals. Each managerial function contributes to organisational coordination; it is feasible for one or more persons to pursue objectives that differ from the company objectives.

Controlling: Planning and control are essential for achieving organisational goals within a certain context. While planning provides a systematic approach to pre-selected objectives, control is the monitoring and correction of activity performance to guarantee that enterprise objectives and strategies to achieve them are met.

Communication is the process of transmitting instructions and information to all interested parties, which include employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders, and the general public.

Anxiety, mistrust, and other enemies of efficient management can all stem from a lack of knowledge or a misunderstanding of the information that has been provided.

Leadership is the process of influencing an individual’s or group’s activities in order to achieve the organization’s goals and objectives. A person is regarded to be a leader when he can motivate others to work freely towards the realisation of personal potential and equality.

Motivation is the driving force within an individual that convinces him or her to perform in a specific way without the use of coercion. It can also be defined as how behaviour begins, is structured, sustained, directed, and stopped, as well as what kind of subjective reaction exists in the organisation while all of this is occurring.

This definition points to the following things:

1. Motivation is a process, hence it is possible to determine whether or not an individual is motivated at any one time.

2. A subjective reaction exists in and underpins the actions of motivated persons. Motivation is thus the power that organises, energises, directs, maintains, and sustains action towards certain goals in an environment.

1.1 Aims and Objectives

The goals and objectives of this project are to demonstrate the importance of motivation in any business environment. Without motivation, every organisation will be unable to fulfil its aims and objectives, for the following reasons:

1. To achieve predetermined objectives in any organisation, workers and subordinates must cooperate, which can only be accomplished through incentive.

2. Increase productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

The goal and objective is to communicate to management the necessity of motivation in order for business to prosper.

1.2 The purpose of the study

This study will seek to determine how motivation, as one of the management functions, might improve the effective growth of any business. Sona Breweries Limited was formed in 1980 but began production in 1982.

The factory, located in Sango Otta, began with an installed capacity of 600,000 hectares of beer per year and has maintained full capacity production. The administrative headquarters is located at Plot 85, Akanbi Onitiri Close, off Eric Moore Road in Iganmu Industrial Estate, Lagos.

It is a joint venture between the French Group B.S.N.N, a leading Agro-Allied Industry in France, and the Laks group of firms, both with a 4% equity stake, and Nigeria, which owns 60%.

This research will allow us to look into how Sona Breweries Limited’s management has been able to effectively employ motivation to increase the organisation’s success.

1.3 Limitations of the Study

It should be noted at this point that, despite the researcher’s excellent example on this topic, which stems from his belief in the importance of motivation as a tool for increasing productivity in an organisation

the research study cannot be considered faultless. This is due to challenges encountered during the course of the research. Motivation is undeniably important to an organization’s success.

1.4 Formation of Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a supposition, a speculative or conjectural assertion regarding the value of a parameter, or an observed fact about a distribution or population being studied.

When evaluating the truth or falsity of the hypothesis, it allows the researcher to get reliable conclusions on whether to accept or reject the assumptions.

Null Hypothesis H0: Motivation has a substantial impact on an organization’s growth and success.

Alternative Hypothesis (HA): Motivation has no significant impact on an organisation’s growth or success.

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