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Chapter one


As computers become more prevalent in our daily lives, it’s crucial to understand their components, how they function, and how they affect system performance.

Arnold (1994) defines computer performance as the amount of valuable work a system can complete in a given amount of time and resources. Optimal computer performance depends on available system resources.

The computerised system in this thesis (also known as Autospec) allows users to determine system configuration by installing and running software, eliminating the need for traditional methods of extraction.

System development, like construction, requires careful planning and preparation to achieve design objectives.

The parameters or resources of interest in our investigation are the following:


Operating System

CPU RAM Hard drives

Optical drives

Motherboard Graphics


Audio Peripheral Performance

According to Mario (2009), performance analysis is the study of how programmes are executed. The goal is to identify possible improvements to improve computer system performance.

Additionally, a program’s performance is affected by its hardware architecture and operating system. Workload characterisation entails analysing the user and machine environment

identifying key characteristics, and creating a reusable workload model. Having a workload model allows for easy evaluation of the impact of system and workload changes by adjusting model parameters.

To achieve this, use compiler directives like OpenMP for multithreaded applications. Workload characterization can aid in determining normal performance, creating a baseline for comparison, meeting management reporting requirements, and identifying potential optimisation opportunities.

Multicore processors are now widely used in computer applications. For example, many laptop computers contain a two core processor.

High Performance Computing (HPC) addresses several difficulties, including the utilisation of multicore architecture (Mario, 2009).

Multicore processors are now widely used in computer applications. For example, many laptop computers contain a two core processor.

High Performance Computing (HPC) addresses various difficulties, including utilising the capabilities of multicore architecture.
Performance analysis and optimisation is a field of HPC that analyses the behaviour of large-scale computing applications.

Applications with significant processing volumes may require analysis and tweaking. Identifying the many causes of overhead is crucial for improving performance.

While many research have been conducted on supercomputing application performance analysis and adjustment, few have focused on multicore environments.

A multicore system consists of two or more independent cores (or CPUs). Cores are typically integrated onto a single circuit die (CMP) or multiple dies in a single chip package.


This thesis focuses on the performance analysis and optimisation of shared memory applications, as well as the establishment of a computerised system for retrieving system specifications for future revisions.

This research is necessary due to the fact that multicore hardware is more advanced than multicore software. This area of research is still in its early stages, with little recognised standards and technologies in the academic and corporate realms. However, further advancements are expected in the future.

Computer technology has been undergoing numerous improvements over the last several years.

Processor speeds have been rapidly growing in accordance with Moore’s law. The clock rate of each new generation of microprocessors often doubles or exceeds that of the prior generation.

As clock frequency increased, CPU performance improved. However, the speed gap between processor and memory widened. Instruction level parallelism (ILP) provided a temporary solution to this issue (Faxen et al, 2008).

To take advantage of ILP, instructions near each other in the processor stream are executed in parallel. The memory subsystem, including multilevel caching and the Memory Wall, began to consume more cycles than processor cores. This led to a significant problem as memory speed did not match processor cores.

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