Music Theater Business Plan – Project Topics for Student
Executive Summary
Family Fair, Incorporated desires to purchase the vacant Market Plaza Theater and operate it as the “Market Plaza Showplace” (Showplace), a live performance center in the densely populated Market Plaza community of Trinity, Texas.
The facility is located amid retail shops and restaurants in the thriving Market Plaza Business Center, Family Fair will restore it for qualification as a historical landmark. There is no operation of this type in the immediate area, and live entertainment available in the community is limited to local clubs and bars.
The Showplace will offer high-quality, wholesome, and affordable live entertainment in a clean, quaint, and elegant facility. It will bring family-oriented live entertainment to those in the community who would otherwise travel to other cities for such enjoyment.
The operation will generate immediate cash and an excellent return for its shareholders. Revenues projected in this plan are based conservatively on two regular shows per week and a minimum of special events. No revenue is projected for special artist showcases, weekday “Branson, Missouri” type productions, or holiday season special presentations.
In addition to revenues generated by regular showcases, the facility will be marketed to large businesses for special corporate events and will be available for special private event scheduling. Other revenue producing operations will be added later, such as audio and video recording services, sponsored broadcasts, and possible syndication of productions.
The Family Fair executive team has the expertise, experience, and commitment to make the venture a highly successful operation. The venue will quickly become an entertainment “hot spot” in the Southwest with national exposure. Supporting financial information is included in the appendix.
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1.1 Mission
Family Fair, Inc. produces high quality, affordable entertainment in the elegant Market Plaza Showplace. It brings family-oriented live entertainment in a private function facility accessible to those who would otherwise travel out of the community to enjoy similar activities.
The operation makes exceptional profit and generates immediate cash. It provides a glamorous and rewarding work environment for performers and employees, an excellent return to its owners, and offers entertainment events to remember and frequent.
1.2 Objectives To launch the venue with a highly publicized “Grand Opening” event. To produce a healthy net profit in the first year of operation. To double gross sales by the second year of operation.
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Music Theater Business Plan – Project Topics for Student
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