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Chapter one


The National Identity Card Processing and Administration system is the only way to determine a state or country’s population. To be accepted in a specific location or geographical area, one must leave a mark.

Mark here does not refer to a facial mark, but rather to one’s identity. This identity card includes your name, state, and all other information about you as an individual or person. This reduces to what we know as the National Identity Card.

The question is, “What is an identification card?” As defined by numerous authors and dictionaries, including encyclopaedias. It is a national document verifying state and nationality issued by a country’s government to every individual or person.

The term National Identity Card can also be considered a true image of an individual or person, because it says a lot about a person.

Every citizen of a country who has reached the age specified in the constitution has the right to apply for National Identity Card insurance in the state in which he or she resides.

The National Identity Card is not issued to minors. As a result, maintaining and assessing records is required in order to keep current data about an individual.

It is also useful for quick reference, knowing the amount of labour force, identifying and preventing fraud, and assisting the federal government with tax allocation for accurate population figures.

However, several arms of the internal affairs ministry are responsible for checking and issuing the National Identity Card. However, because of our interest in this initiative

we will focus on the Anaoch Local Government Area of Anambra State’s Department of National Civil Registration, which is part of the federal Ministry of Internal Affairs.


1.1 Statement of the Problem

The national identity card processing and administration system is not an easy task. This is because it requires extreme caution to determine a population figure, prevent forgery, and avoid the dangers of impersonation and duplication of numerous National Identity Cards for the same person.

Scanning through reports for a file with specific information can be a tedious and time-consuming task due to the high volume of records to be scanned.

Also, changing a specific piece of information due to marriage, a change of name, or the loss of an identity card, also known as an update, will be a challenge for the person in charge.

It causes weariness and a loss of dedication to duties among staff, limiting the powers of the Department of National Civil Registration services in accordance with the Federal Republic of Nigeria’s constitution

which states that “No Public Officer shall put himself in a position where his personal interests conflict with his duties and responsibilities” (1999 Constitution 5th schedule point 1 no.1).

Finally, the processing and administration system will be able to block access to non-authorized persons.



The study’s major goal is to conduct a critical analysis of the operations of the National Identity Card Processing and Administration system in order to control forgery and duplication and identify a long-term solution.


1.3 Aims and Objectives

Because the goal of this project research is to convert the manual system of operation used in the Identity Card department of the Department of National Civil Registration Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra state to a computerised system. The following will be considered for topic matters. They are:

Maintain an accurate and timely updating of the holder record.

Check for multiple National Identity cards.

Deprive non-citizen immigrants of the right to get a national identity card.

An accurate account of the identity card issued.

Finally, a good storage system that maintains all critical information available for usage.


This is confined to the actions associated in the processing and administration of national identity cards, as well as the compilation of reports on national identity card holders’ information.

It is based on these that the Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State’s National Identity Card division is functional and efficient.



The limitation is based on facts that the researcher was unable to get for the study, resulting in insufficient analysis.

Time constraints and cost constraints are also considerations to consider.


1.6 Assumptions.

Assuming that this design is implemented, the work flow and assessment, as well as record keeping, of the national identity card section of the Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambre State will be made easier, more interesting, and flexible; additionally, management will make quick decisions so that conclusions and decisions are reached as soon as possible.


1.7 Definition of Terms

As we progress through this work, several words will require exact description to allow the reader to comprehend the entire text.


COMPUTER: An electronic machine that accepts data as input, processes it under a set of complete conditions, saves information or requests references, and produces results in the form of output.

APPLICATION: In this case, it is the individual who applies to the Department of National Civil Registration for the issuance of a National Identity Card at the specified age.


CITIZEN: According to the provisions of the modified constitution decree No. 32 of 1974, a citizen is anyone who becomes a citizen of any country through birth, descent, registration, or nationalisation.

IDENTITY CARD PROCESSING: The procedure for processing an identity card.


IDENTITY CARD ASSESSMENT: The process of checking an identity card that is already in use or will be manufactured.


IMMIGRATION: This is the process by which people relocate from one country to another to settle.


EMIGRATION: The process by which people move from one country to another to settle.

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