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There has been a search for the requirement of applying marketing concepts as a tool for client retention in the manufacturing industry. This study focused on NIPOST in Aba to determine how they operate and to recommend the strict application of marketing concepts in order to increase staff productivity and overall effectiveness in NIPOST marketing.

This research was conducted with the goal of determining the extent to which marketing concepts are being used in the marketing of Nigeria Post Authority Plc, or whether a greater proportion of the effort is focused solely on receiving and posting mails, with no other employee performance being improved.

This research was done to determine whether Nigeria Post Authority Plc has a separate marketing department and how successfully it uses data. Data for the research were gathered from both primary and secondary sources.

The core data were gathered using questionnaires and personal interviews. Secondary data were gathered from the internet, professional journal textbooks, and other relevant sources.

The response was analysed using the sample percentage methodology. The data was analysed using some of the research findings. Based on the findings, necessary recommendations were made to help increase the level at which marketing concepts are implemented to Nigeria Post Authority Plc’s marketing in order to boost employee performance and marketing productivity.

Chapter One:

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

This is the beginning point for enhancing profitability, particularly in terms of meeting client needs. According to Hill et al. (1971), the marketing notion requires an extrovert approach to business.

More specifically, it states that customer orientation for an organisation in terms of customer demands and wants, as well as the integration of all corporate activities in the market environment, are the keys to more lucrative sales.

The notion also implies that a company’s profitability is determined by its efforts to oversee marketing activities rather than other functional areas such as manufacturing, finance, marketing, or personnel.

However, a company’s client orientation does not imply that it should scatter its activities among a wide spectrum of potential customers. Instead, it should be divided into groups whose members have comparable buying habits.

A marketer should be quick at capitalising or newly found need on how customers must be aware of the math and be persuaded in a good math, and how the product must be offered to consumers and appear more desirable than other competing alternative or substitute. Ejionume. 1993.

The tenant of marketing concepts or sales morals is that all marketer efforts should be directed towards meeting the needs of consumers more effectively and efficiently than competitors.

The Nigeria Post Authority Plc is one of the public government entities established by the federal marketing in Nigeria with the primary goal of providing public utility.

It also handles the delivery of document parcels while protecting valuables and money. The services provided by NIPOST are so important and necessary that all diligence is required to supply them in the appropriate quality at the right time, which necessitates the application of marketing concepts.

The marketing notion is a marketing theory that has piqued the curiosity of numerous scholars. Its use in delivery has been interpreted in various ways, including how goods and services might be readily or convincingly delivered to consumers.

The research aims to determine the situation of Nigeria Post Authority Plc as an institution and the services it provides. It is supposed to reveal the context of customer happiness or dissatisfaction with Nigeria Post Authority Plc’s services, particularly in Aba Abia state.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Poor quality service is one of the problems that restrict desirable productivity and growth in the Nigeria Post Authority Plc business. NIPOST plc has received constant criticism and censure from individuals of all walks of life.

For example, clients will go to the Nigeria Post Authority Plc to acquire postal services (NIPOST) only to discover that they are out of stock, or if they are accessible, they will spend more time than necessary waiting to buy them.

At the height of irritation, any attempts to complain are frequently met with rebuffs. It should be highlighted that some motivated the research in order to determine whether Nigeria Post Authority Plc used marketing concepts and, if so, how much they improved the quality of customer service.


For the goal of this research, the researcher intends to determine the following:1. Determine if Nigeria Post Authority Plc’s marketing efforts are focused on organising marketing activities.

2. If the customers are satisfied with the service provided in exchange for their displeasure.

3. To advocate a more effective use of marketing concepts in NIPOST following an evaluation of the current situation.

4. Determine whether Nigeria Post Authority Plc has a separate marketing department and how well it is used.


The study work analysis was an attempt to focus attention on potential surveys that would assist marketers in carrying out their task.
• What tactics are used to identify consumer needs and wants?

• What form of marketing or advertisement was employed to avoid consumer dissatisfaction? • What distribution methods were used?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study on the effect of marketing concepts in Nigeria Post Authority Plc NIPOST is significant because Nigeria Post Authority Plc has an indirect impact on the Nigerian economy as a whole.

Second, the relevance of this project will emphasise consumers’ perceptions of Nigeria Post Authority Plc’s services, as well as recommendations for a speedy recovery strategy where ever shortfalls exist.

Thus, if a company can increase the quality of services it provides to its clients, it can immediately improve the life cycle while also benefiting society in the field of marketing.

Science finds this to be of considerable benefit in the industry. Finally, practitioners can conduct interviews and give questionnaires to incorporate data collection, analysis, and presentation.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is limited to Nigeria Post Authority Plc due to its age among other government establishments and its general growth from the department of post and telecommunication (PT) of the ministry of communication to its current state as a separate and autonomous government establishment.

The experience of Nigeria Post Authority Plc would be a good case study for other government establishments to follow. Additionally, there was a resource shortage that would have helped to conceal the extent.

1.7 Limitations of the Study
The study focuses on the importance of applying marketing concepts to marketing government establishments. Another issue that restricts the study is respondents’ attitude towards research in poor countries. The difficulty in acquiring meaningful information on the true motivation for the research.

The researcher also found it difficult to obtain essential information from Nigeria Post Authority Plc clients, since some were unwilling to cooperate and others were not at home when the researcher visited.

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