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Nutrient Composition Functional And Organoleptic Properties Of Complementary Foods From Sorghum

Nutrient Composition Functional And Organoleptic Properties Of Complementary Foods From Sorghum

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Nutrient Composition Functional And Organoleptic Properties Of Complementary Foods From Sorghum


Sorghum, African yam bean, and crayfish were combined to create complementary cuisines. The nutrient composition, functional qualities, and organoleptic characteristics of the designed supplemental foods were studied. The various flours were blended in the following ratios: 70:20:5, 80:15:5, 75:20:5, of sorghum, African yam bean, and crayfish.

Cerelac, a commercial sample, acted as the control. Porridges were made from the composite blends for organoleptic testing. Standard procedures were utilised to examine the composite flours.

The protein content of African yam bean and crayfish flours supplemented the sorghum protein, improving the nutritious value of the prepared diet.

The results of the functional properties revealed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in bulk density or viscosity. Sensory examination found that the control porridge was preferred over the other options.

The porridge composed with 70:20:5 sorghum, African yam bean, and crayfish was chosen above the others. The study found that composite blends made of sorghum, African yam bean, and crayfish are nutritionally adequate and have high functional features, which are necessary for the manufacture of supplementary diets for newborns.

Chapter one


In impoverished nations such as Nigeria, complementary foods are primarily made up of starch tubers such as cocoyam and sweet potato, as well as grains such as maize, millet, and sorghum. Children are typically fed these commodities in the form of gruels mixed with hot water (Igyor et al., 2011).

Sorghum is a staple food crop farmed by subsistence farmers in Africa and Asia’s semi-arid tropics. It is the primary food crop farmed in northern Nigeria (Zakari and Inyang, 2008). Sorghum, like other grains, is mostly starchy and remains an important source of energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Sorghum grows in hard conditions where other crops do not thrive, exactly like other staple foods like cassava, which are widespread in underprivileged parts of the world. It is often farmed without the use of fertilisers or other inputs by a large number of small-holder farmers in several countries (FAO, 1999).

African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) is an underutilised legume crop that is grown mostly in Western Africa. It yields nutritious pods with large seeds and can grow in marginal places where other pulses fail (Enwere, 1998). It has the ability to supply the growing protein demands of the population in this area.

Crayfish, popularly known as crawfish, are related to freshwater lobsters and belong to the superfamilies Astacoidea and Parastacoidea (Hart 1994). Southeastern North America has the greatest diversity of crayfish species, with over 330 species in nine genera, all of which belong to the Cambraridae family.

Another genus of astacid crayfish can be found in the Pacific Northwest and at the headwaters of several rivers east of the Continental Divide. Many crayfish live in lowland places where the water is high in calcium and oxygen comes from subsurface springs (Thompson et al., 2007).

Because many African mothers use sorghum gruels as complementary foods for their infants due to their inability to afford nutritionally superior commercial meaning foods, this study was conducted to evaluate the nutrient composition, functional and organoleptic properties of complementary foods made from sorghum, roasted African yam bean, and crayfish locally formulated into flour blends.

Aim and Objective

To assess the nutrient composition, functional, and organoleptic qualities of complementary foods made from sorghum, roasted African yam bean, and crayfish.

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