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Nutritional Problems Of Physically Challenged Individual

Nutritional Problems Of Physically Challenged Individual

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Nutritional Problems Of Physically Challenged Individual

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

With increased exposure and knowledge of health, food, and nutrition in Nigeria, a series of research on the dietary challenges faced by physically challenged individuals have been conducted (Benton, 2009).

Nutrition is commonly thought to be vital for physical health, but mental health is just as important. Nutrition, in addition to genetic, socioeconomic, environmental, and behavioural factors, has been demonstrated in research to have an impact on a child’s development (Associate Parliamentary & Health, 2008; Bryan et al., 2004).

Understanding the relationship between diet and mental function in children is critical for their academic success and productivity in later life (Alderman, Behrman, Lavy, & Menon, 1997; Florence, Asbridge, & Veugelers, 2008).

To date, there is a growing body of data indicating nutrition may influence brain growth and function, which in turn affects mental performance as a functional outcome, particularly during childhood and early adolescence (Benton, 2008a).

A diet high in harmful ingredients or deficient in essential nutrients is likely to have a negative impact on mental outcomes (Associate Parliamentary & Health, 2008), whereas a balanced diet is important for physical and mental health, with implications for school performance.

To guarantee the highest potential cognitive development and performance, children should consume a varied diet with high nutritional value on a regular basis (Bellisle, 2004). Because parents are viewed as gatekeepers to a child’s diet and provide the primary environment for the development of a child’s eating habits (Birch & Davison, 2008; K. A. Brown, Ogden, Vogele, & Gibson, 2008)

they are an important group of consumers for nutritional communication through policies, public health intervention programs, and health claims on functional food products.

Parents have some impact over every element of a child’s life, including the development of dietary preferences as well as the availability and sorts of food in the home (R. Brown & Ogden, 2004; Golan & Crow, 2004).

Furthermore, parents’ eating habits impact those of their children (Birch & Davison, 2005), making the home an important environment in which young children can learn and establish eating habits and food preferences.

As children grow and attend school, other people, such as friends and teachers, become increasingly influential (Perez-Rodrigo & Aranceta, 2006), and they gradually become less dependent on their parents.

The family is regarded as one of the most important contexts for a child’s development, including cognitive growth and accomplishment (Scott-Jones, 2004).

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

The prevalence of disabilities in Nigeria has risen over time; some of the reported causes of disability include parental exposure to radioactive sources and the use of medications without visiting a physician. Others might be the result of an accident.

All of the concerns listed above that may create disability in persons may deprive or produce nutritional problems in physically challenged people.

Second, while there have been numerous studies on nutritional problems, not a single one has been conducted on the nutritional concerns of physically challenged individuals in Nigeria.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of the research is to look into the nutritional issues that physically challenged people face. Other specific purposes of study include:

1. Determine the extent to which neglect and isolation influence the nutritional intake of physically challenged individuals.

2. Determine the effect of family background on adequate nutrition among physically challenged individuals.

3. to get insight into the control of the problem affecting the physically controlled individual.

4. to provide solutions to the aforementioned difficulties.


The study developed research questions to determine the study’s above-stated aims. The research questions for the project are as follows:

1. How much do neglect and isolation effect the nutritional intake of physically challenged people?

2. What effect does family background have on healthy feeding for physically challenged individuals?

3. How can problems affecting physically challenged people be controlled?

1.5 Statement of Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1.

H0: neglect and isolation have little affect on the nutritional intake of physically challenged individuals.

H1: Neglect and seclusion affect the dietary intake of physically challenged individuals.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study on nutritional problems of physically challenged individuals will be extremely beneficial to physically challenged individuals in Nigeria, as well as the Ministry of Health and other researchers who wish to conduct similar research on the subject

as the study’s findings will educate the above population on nutrition, nutritional challenges, and nutritional problems of physically challenged individuals. Finally, the study will add to the body of existing literature and expertise in this field of study and serve as a foundation for additional research.


The study on the nutritional difficulties of physically challenged individuals will include nutrition, nutritional challenges, and the nutritional problems of physically challenged individuals from 2000 to 2016.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this investigation while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the time spent on research work.

1.9 Definition of Terms

A balanced diet is one that includes all six food groups in the proper proportions.

Unbalanced diets are those that do not comprise all six food classes.

WHO: World Health Organisation.

Poor Nutrition: The body’s inability to obtain sufficient nutrients from food.

Marasmus is a condition caused by eating foods with very little caloric value.

Calorific value = nutrient value.

Nutrition is the process of providing or getting the food required for health and growth.

Physically challenged: insufficient strength, physical or mental competence.

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