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Background of The Study
The importance of organisational ethics in the performance of corporate social responsibility in our country cannot be overstated. This is simply because corporate social responsibility is practised because customers and governments alike are seeking more ethical behaviour from organisations today.

However, understanding the landscape of organisational ethics can be difficult at times due to the field’s vastness and frequent inclusion of concerns such as corporate governance, reputation management, accurate accounting, good labour practises, and environmental stewardship, to name a few, Sullivan (2009).

In fact, the field addresses an organization’s whole breadth of duties to each of its stakeholders: those who have a vested interest in an organization’s decisions and activities, such as consumers, clients, employees, shareholders, suppliers, and host communities.

According to Kashyapetal., (2006), organisations are voluntarily incorporating corporate social responsibility into their business goals and mission statements, while balancing the competing interests of numerous stakeholders.Another rationale in favour of organisations that undertake corporate social responsibility actions today is to acquire a competitive edge that peer firms may not have.

Corporate social responsibility measures in this area also assist organisations in attracting and retaining not only customers but also motivated personnel, ensuring the organization’s long-term existence.

According to Drumwright (1996), organisations with excellent CSR efforts establish positive social identities and experience improved loyalty from their customers, staff, and host communities.

Corporate social responsibility activities are frequently related with improved organisational financial performance.However, this requires a long-term perspective, as CSR initiatives may be perceived as an expense in the short run, but in the long run, they are considered as an investment that will return additional cashflows for the organisations.

Similarly, Margoliset al. (2001) asserted a positive association between CSR and business financial success. Corporate social responsibility activities have the ability to offer value to organisations.

Corporate social responsibility integrates the social and environmental aspects of business.It is a technique in which an organisation considers the interests of all stakeholders,

both inside the organisation and in society, and applies those interests while formulating and executing its strategy.According to Nolan, Norton&Co. (2009), organisations that manage corporate social responsibility efficiently and effectively create benefit for both themselves and society.

Apparently, an organisation concerned about society as well as profit is more inclined to invest willingly in socially responsible operations, ensuring both its own and society’s economic survival.

Organisational ethics contribute to the overall well-being of the society in which they operate.They sponsor local activities in an effort to enhance their stakeholder position and to demonstrate appreciation for the support they have received in the host towns.

For example, it is believed that organisations such as banks should examine not only profit but also the social ramifications of their operations to their stakeholders. This is due to the fact that their unethical method of profit can invariably damage the discharge of its corporate social obligation. As a result, this study was designed to explore the impact of organisational ethics on corporate social responsibility performance.


In Nigeria, organisations face numerous obstacles in meeting their corporate social responsibilities to their communities and other stakeholders. These issues include, to name a few, a lack of accurate accounting practises, decent labour practises, environmental stewardship, corporate governance, and reputation management.

However, corporate social responsibility necessitates a thorough analysis of costs and benefits.Some organisations, such as banks, may have failed to recognise the majority of stakeholder groups in their fulfilment of corporate social responsibility due to a lack of ethical ideals.

These unethical practises may have an impact on how financial organisations carry out their corporate social responsibility. This, however, may have a detrimental impact on their ability to meet their aims, because meeting their objectives is dependent on their customers’ perception and patronage of their services.

Panic and subsequent financial and economic difficulties will result from the stakeholders’ loss of faith in financial institutions.Such low confidence could be linked to unethical managerial practises used by banks in carrying out their operations.

Because of the intricacy of economic, social, and environmental challenges, it appears that ethical issues in organisations have become more sophisticated and complex.

Furthermore, despite the widely acknowledged strong corporate governance in many organisations that should promote good ethical practises towards their stakeholders, certain organisations,

such as banks, are still falling short in providing adequate services to their stakeholders.Based on the foregoing, this study intends to determine whether organisational ethics might improve corporate social responsibility performance at United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State.

The primary goal of this research is to look into the relationship between organisational ethics and corporate social responsibility at United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Specific goals include the following:

i. Determine the association between bank correct accounting practises and corporate social responsibility performance at United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, AkwaIbom State.

ii. Investigate the relationship between excellent labour practises and corporate social responsibility performance at United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, AkwaIbom State.

iii. Investigate the relationship between bank environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility performance at United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, AkwaIbom State.


What is the relationship between bank accuracy and corporate social responsibility performance in United Bank for Africa Plc. Uyo, AkwaIbom State?

ii What is the relationship between excellent labour practises and corporate social responsibility performance at United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, AkwaIbom State?

iii What is the relationship between bank environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility performance at United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, AkwaIbom State?


The following hypotheses were developed for this investigation based on the aims of the study:

In United Bank for Africa Plc. Uyo, AkwaIbom State, there is no substantial relationship between bank correct accounting practises and corporate social responsibility performance.

ii In United Bank for Africa Plc. Uyo, AkwaIbom State, there is no substantial relationship between excellent labour practises and corporate social responsibility performance.

iii In United Bank for Africa Plc. Uyo, AkwaIbom State, there is no substantial relationship between bank environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility performance.

1.6 Significance of the Research

This study is noteworthy in multiple ways because it focuses on the benefits and problems that the banking industry faces in terms of organisational ethics. As a result, it would be a source of instrument to the banking industry, specifically United Bank for Africa Plc.

Uyo, AkwaIbom State. The study would be extremely beneficial because the study’s findings and recommendations would serve as a reference for policymakers in financial institutions when developing regulations on organisational ethics.

The study will also help the banking industry identify the many variables that work against organisational ethics and expose the gap and slip that exists between organisational ethics and corporate social responsibility performance in the banking industry.

Finally, the information provided by this study will be used as reference materials by the general public and researchers, particularly high-level students, for future research in relevant topics.

Scope and Limitations of The Study

The research was restricted to the United Bank for Africa Plc. in Uyo, AkwaIbom State.

The indices covered include determining the relationship between bank accurate accounting practises and corporate social responsibility performance, examining the relationship between good labour practises and corporate social responsibility performance, and examining the relationship between bank environmental stewardship and corporate social responsibility performance.

Those involved appear to have contributed all of the resources and essential information required for this research endeavour without reservation. However, it would have been more honourable if the researcher had been given the opportunity to meet one-on-one with the CEO of this bank. This, however, has no bearing on the study’s validity because the researcher used a friendly method in acquiring data/information.

Definition of Terms
Organisational ethics refers to the concepts and norms that govern appropriate behaviour in commercial organisations.
CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility.

precise Accounting Practise: Is a financial practise that is efficient, precise, and timely and can serve as a foundation for evaluating corporate performance, supporting organisational decisions, and satisfying external reporting needs.

Good Labour Practise: A comprehensive organisational programme that combines the development of industry labour norms with a supportive good labour practises training programme.

Environmental stewardship refers to organisations’ responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practises.

1.9 Organisation of the Research

The research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter includes the study’s background, problem statement, objectives, research questions, research hypotheses, significance of the study,

scope and limitations of the investigation, definition of important terminology used in this study, and study organisation. The second chapter is a review of related literature.

Theoretical and conceptual reviews were discussed. Others include an empirical review and a summary of the linked literature review. The third chapter is about research methodology,

which includes research design, study area, study population, sample size, sampling procedures, method of data collection, instrument for data collection, validity of research instrument, reliability of the instrument, administration of the instrument, method of data analysis, and decision rule.

The fourth chapter is about data presentation, analysis, and interpretation. The study is summarised in Chapter 5 with a summary, conclusion, and suggestions.

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