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Outcomes of an optional environmental physics course in high school

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In this paper I present a genuine approach of an optional science subject for students in 11 grade. In the last seven years I developed the curriculum for a one year Environmental physics course with one class per week. It discusses several topics regarding environmental flow in atmosphere and in the oceans, heat transfer and energy balance of the atmosphere, energy production, etc. A specific emphasis was taken on energy policies, with an inquiry-based approach and a role play on the future of energy production in Transylvania. The detailed curriculum of the environmental physics course is presented. For the study of energy production a new method, the energy debate is presented. Results of a survey show significant difference between the attitude of students which followed the full energy debate activities and those who missed out the preparation discussions. Some misconceptions about the environmental impact of the energy sector are presented. .


Many studies show [1] the importance of environmental knowledge. A lot of misconceptions [2] reside regarding environmental physics issues largely presented in mass-media, like pollution transport, environmental impact of different energy resources. Thus, it is important to make adequate learning situations and boost students’ environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behaviour. Secondary school physics curricula in general deal with just a few environmental physics topics, but in the Romanian curriculum it is neglected completely. Thus I find of major importance in our system to introduce the teaching of environmental physics. In 21st century schools, environmental (or sustainable development) education should be a priority at all levels and in all fields of education. Great Britain is at the forefront of environmental education, with the founding of the Environmental Education Organization and the Field Studies Council (FSC) in 1943, which has since 1945 established 17 educational centers in different parts of the United Kingdom ( about/briefhistory.aspx). The beginning of modern environmental dates back to the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Nevertheless, comprehensive programs that affect the whole school system and affect a significant part of society have only been implemented in the last 20 years. Unfortunately, Romania is lagging behind in this and the culture of environmentally conscious behavior can only emerge from decades of informative work. In 1977, at the UNESCO Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education in Tbilisi. The following recommendations were made [3]: it is necessary to modify the school curriculum, to prepare textbooks and materials for environmental education introduce modern educational methods, develop vocational training, teacher training and further training. A first definition of environmental education was stated by William B. Stapp as: “environmental education is aimed at producing a citizenry that is knowledgeable concerning the biophysical environment and its associated problems, aware of how to help solve these problems, and motivated to work toward their solution” [4]. Physics teachers should take up this area of education, all the more as environmental physics is attractive to the student, promotes a deeper understanding of natural phenomena, and also contributes to the popularity of the subject. Environmental education is also practical and children can learn things about how to reduce consumption or how to minimize environmental damage [5].


I have used the experience and curriculum of some environmental education programs of the GLOBE program (, the energy project of Powers and DeWaters [6], the practical environmental projects CDROM [7] and debating as an educational method [8] to develop a new environmental physics course. Some ideas were taken from a Greek initiative as well [9]. The curriculum was developed for 11 grade students as an optional subject. We consider the study in the PISA measurements of students’ attitudes towards science and their application in the following areas to be the guiding principle for the choice of curriculum and methods [10]: To support student science research: • accepting consideration of alternative viewpoints, thoughts and research • supporting the consideration of real information and reasonable explanations • logical and prudent conclusion making, expression of the need for creativity Reinforcing our responsibility for natural resources and the environment: • recognition of individual responsibility in environmental protection • awareness of the personal, social and environmental consequences of one’s activities • willingness to take action to conserve nature’s resources Grade 11 was found to be the most appropriate for our optional course, as this age group already has the appropriate basic knowledge of science, and their ability to understand abstract and complex phenomena is well developed. We wanted to support the strengths of our students in our work, so we found it appropriate to use project teaching methods and inquiry-based methods. The main goals of the Environmental physics course were: enriching physics education with new topics, boost student’s environmental attitude, to form a pro-environmental behavior, to give an overview of the energy production sector.


Typically we use different forms of teamwork during my classes, both to develop the information needed for learning and to develop social competences. I use project-oriented education to mobilize students’ inner creativity, and interested, talented students can research independently. Project-based learning (PBL) integrates knowing and doing. Students learn knowledge and elements of the core curriculum, but also apply what they know to solve authentic problems and produce results that matter [11]. The point is that both the topic and the elaboration of the topic come from the students. The criteria for project education in the literature are different, but we highlight the ones that we consider important in the Environmental Physics course: 1. The problem should be raised with the students. 2. The solution of the project should be connected to real situations and our local environment. 3. Give way to both individual and group work. 4. Develop it over a longer period of time. 5. Describe an interdisciplinary approach. 6. Teachers and students work together as equal partners with different competences. 7. The educator should retire to the stimulating, organizing, advisory function. 8. Relationships between students should be strong and communicative. 9. Conclude the project by presenting and evaluating the results (written and oral). Since in many cases the methods we use do not have all of the features described above, I intentionally use the term project-based education, and in this case the project is based on specific research work, so we can also refer to Inquiry Based Learning IBL [12]. In our case, the projects were basically related to three topics: environmental pollution, waste management and energy production. In most cases we tried to guide our students towards measuring tasks, which also required preliminary theoretical grounding in the given topics. In developing the topic, constant communication between the teacher and the students is needed to organize and develop the workflow. The method of debate, which in our case is particularly marked by the social dilemmas of energy production processes, plays an important role in the development of scientific thinking.


There are several concepts in environmental physics that usually cause confusion. Thus, it is important to properly clarify the causes of atmospheric flows, isobar lines, Coriolis force effects, weather and climate, as well as the concepts of heat quantity, heat exchange and temperature. At the same time, the differences between climate change and climate variability and the factors responsible for the greenhouse effect must be explained. In this section, the most difficult concept for students is the Coriolis force, which has been developed in some very useful textbooks for teachers in high schools [13,14]. Perhaps the most interesting of the videos is the visualization provided by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Faculty of Physics [15]. Using these materials students are able to explain atmospheric currents and the formation of Hadley cells. In addition, a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the concept of energy, energy transitions and law of energy conservation is a priority. Regular acquaintance with the science of physics begins in our country in grade 6, but all students already have a preliminary knowledge of physical phenomena. They have in their minds child science, child physics, and this is definitely a factor to be taken into account. If we ignore it, the children keep their original ideas deeply learned and put the material to be learned at school in a “different layer” for use in school measurement. What characterizes children’s prior knowledge of energy? Before we learned about energy in physics lessons, most people refer to the term “energy” as referring to living beings (humans, animals) or machines. Some examples are: “an athlete needs a lot of energy”, “we have energy when we eat chocolate”. Fatigue is associated with running out, running out of energy: “I can’t stand running out of energy.” This point of view is supported by the use of the phrase who is active, busy, is “energetic”, and when I am well rested, I am “full of energy”. “Energy is something that we use to move most things.”


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