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The goal of starting a business is to attain a specific objective. To attain this goal, a variety of actions are required, including packaging, promotion, pricing, and planning. Packaging, as one of the business activities, has contributed to business growth by assisting in product promotion, protection, segmentation, convenience (handy), economy, and so on.

Most things would have been difficult to sell or transport without packing. It is an intrinsic part of a product, which consumers refer to as the whole product. Individuals can learn why packaging is such an important commercial activity thanks to this project organisation.

The job is intended to identify the issues, importance, and reasons why a corporation should package its products. It also allows organisations to learn about different types of packaging, packaging processes, and packaging features, among other things.

The study’s goal is to critically evaluate the value of packaging as a tool for conducting accompanying marketing initiatives. Chapter one of this research provides a general introduction to the topic, while Chapter two examines some earlier work on the subject.

Chapter three provides an overview of the various tools and methodology used in the study. Chapter four discusses the analysis, presentation, and testing of pertinent data. Finally, recommendations and conclusions are drawn.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Packaging is a very significant part of the product mix. It is readily clear that the physical product would not have existed without it. Packaging is just as important as the product itself, which is why McCarthy (1978) stated that in some circumstances, the packaging decision may be more important than the physical product decision.

Packaging provides benefits such as protection, promotion, convenience, segmentation, and economy, as well as helping to prevent the product from deterioration. A good packing design benefits the buyer.

According to Station (1980), packaging refers to the general group of processes involved in making a product’s container or wrapper. It refers to any activations that combine multiple activities and allow a product’s manufacturer to deliver a finished or near-finished product to a selling organisation of ultimate consumers.

Packaging can range from simple cellophane paper used to wrap plantain chips to elaborate colourful cardboard cartons for cameras, televisions, and computers. Ancient packaging was most likely constructed of leaves, earthenware, and shells.

To contribute effectively to a company’s goals, packaging requires intellectual leadership, top management backing, and the support of all departments and organisational members.

The importance of packaging cannot be overstated; the packaging of a corporate product communicates the company’s image to the public. In Nigeria today, salespeople package themselves to seek client acceptability.

How will you feel when you see a young man pushing a cart loaded of apples, dressed in clean trousers and a matching tie? Do you fancy it?

Well, that’s his way of marketing apples. You won’t be astonished if the rich and powerful stop by to buy from him. You are defined by how you display yourself. If a buyer wishes to buy from you, he must first purchase the image you package. If you want to be successful, you should package yourself.

The men and women who succeed in today’s world are not those who know it, but rather those who appropriately package themselves.

There are three levels of packages: primary, secondary, and shipping. This will be discussed later in the chapter today, but because of the importance of packaging, some authors go so far as to label it another variable of the marketing mix. Several factors contribute to the increased acknowledgment of packaging as an independent and effective selling technique.

Such aspects include self-service, consumer affluence, company and brand image, and innovation opportunities, which will be discussed in subsequent chapters.

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

All businesses pursue one or more goals, whether it is profit or survival. Companies involved in packaging contribute to the achievement of these goals.

A casual examination of the entire industry reveals that little has been done or spoken about how to improve formulated programmes for greater efficacy. This is the reason why this researcher is interested in carrying out his project.

As a result, the question posed in this study is how important packaging is as a tool for implementing a company’s marketing programme.


The goal of his research is to discover the role that packaging plays in the implementation of a company’s marketing initiatives.

To investigate or assess how efficiently packages can be used as a strategy in reaching organisational goals in order to aid in the solution of a packaging challenge.

To help suggest solutions to the situation. To encourage organisations to package their products.

This goal is projected to create job possibilities for many Nigerians while also improving their standard of living.

1.4 Research Hypothesis

To avoid a blind search and the collection of unnecessary data, the following hypotheses have been carefully developed.

Hi: Packaging is a tool for implementing a company’s marketing campaign.

Ho: Packaging is not a tool for developing a firm branding campaign.

Hi: Effective packaging helps to increase a product’s sales volume.

Ho: Effective packaging does not contribute to increased product sales volume.

Hi: Packaging helps to promote a product.

Ho: Packaging does not help promote a product.

1.5 Significance of the Study

Packaging is important to research since it stimulates desire for a product, increases company sales volume, protects the product from deterioration, storage, self-affluence, and so on.

Most organisations consider packaging to be an expensive activity that can diminish a product’s profit. They are so concerned with this that they fail to consider the economic importance of bundles.

Packaging helps to sustain or grow demand for a product in the face of price increases. A well-colored package product communicates the image of an organisation.

Those that need to use packaging as a tool to achieve an organization’s goals lack the skills to do so quickly and successfully. It is the purpose of this research to teach such individuals how to use packaging as a tool for achieving organisational objectives.

Most things, such as liquids and power, cannot be conveniently sold without packaging. However, with the power of packaging, this problem has been overcome. The most crucial level of a product is the tangible product, followed by the core product and the augmented product.

Having highlighted some packaging objectives, the study is relevant enough to allow for suggestions on packaging solutions that marketers might use to improve performance.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This research is limited to the study of packaging methods/activities adopted by marketers, such as:

• Developing packaging

• Types of Packaging

• Nature of packaging.

• The importance of packaging

• Plan packaging strategies.

• Issue and criticism of packaging

Making suggestions for how to solve such problems.

1.7 Limitations of the Study.

Many problems hampered the efficiency of this undertaking. During the course of this endeavour, the researcher faced various constraints and limitations that are worth discussing in this chapter. The following are some examples of limitations:

Lack of cooperation Some respondents are uncooperative when it comes to answering the questionnaires. Secrecy: The unwillingness of certain responders to reveal critical information limits the project’s success.

Illiteracy: Some of the project’s respondents are illiterate. The researcher’s reading of the questionnaire and explanation to them represents a percentage degree of basic influence or bias.

Academic activities that combine this project work with other academic activity over a particular period result in a low degree of incompetence for this project. Finally, finance contributes significantly to the study’s limitations. Although a budget was been out for the project, it was insufficient due to environmental factors.

1.8 Definition of Terms

The following terms will be used in this investigation, as defined below.

The definition provided by Koti Er (2003) will suffice for our purposes. It defines a “product” as anything that can be given to a market to meet a want or need.

Marketing planning has been defined in numerous ways. Kelly (1972) described it as an integrative process that combines corporate goals and resources with information about external prospects.

Branding refers to all efforts that are used to identify a company’s product and separate it from competitors.

A brand is a phrase, term, or symbol of elements that is intended to identify and separate the goods or services of one vendor or a group of sellers from one another.

Labelling is a type of packaging that includes printed information that describes the product and appears on or with the package.

Packaging is a product feature that is designed in the form of a wrapper or container for a product, or an activity that combines numerous activities to allow the manufacturer to deliver the product to the customer.

Package: The wrapper or container that holds the goods.

Trademark: A broad that has been providing legal protection, awarded primarily to the owner of the product.

Advertising is a paid, non-personal promotion or presentation of a product, service, or concept by an identified sponsor.

Promotion is defined as “a communication of information between seller and buyer with the goal of influencing information attitude and behaviour” (BUZZED 1975).

Marketing, according to Kotler (1976), “is a human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through the exchange process”

Markets: They are potential purchasers of a product. They are people who have a need to satisfy, choose a product to meet that need, and have the purchasing power to buy the thing.

Demand is the quantity of a product that a buyer is willing to buy and has the purchasing power to buy at a set price over a specific period of time.
A product is anything that can be offered to the market in exchange for attention, use, or consumption in order to satisfy a desire or need.

It is any object, both favourable and unfavourable, tangible or intangible, that attracts attention, acquisition, use, or consumption, such as packaging, colour, price, manufacturer and retailer services, which the buyer may accept as an offering of satisfaction.

Packaging Planning:- Is the act of making decisions ahead of time on how to make a package for the package of each product economically.

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