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Parental Attitudes Towards E-Learning During Covid 19 Pandemic On Secondary School Students

Parental Attitudes Towards E-Learning During Covid 19 Pandemic On Secondary School Students

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Parental Attitudes Towards E-Learning During Covid 19 Pandemic On Secondary School Students


The research investigates parents’ views towards e-learning during the Covid 19 pandemic in teaching and learning. The research sample included 200 parents. The major source for data collection was a structured questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents. The study used a qualitative and quantitative data analysis strategy.

The Hypotheses were tested using ANOVA, Correlation, and Regression analysis in SPSS version 25. The Cronbach Alpha test was used to determine the reliability coefficient. The data demonstrated that parents fully cooperated with the E-learning process, which has a significant impact on the dissemination of COVID-19.

Furthermore, we discovered that online teaching can aid with social distancing. Social media shows a negative link with community spread of COVID-19, however video conferencing has a favourable impact on COVID-19 importation, and Internet usage may help to reduce coronavirus spread in Nigerian secondary schools.

The study finds that distance learning technologies are an effective technique that the Nigerian government should implement in the educational sector to prevent future sickness outbreaks that disrupt academic activity.

The report advises that the Ministry of Health require all Nigerian educational institutions, from primary to tertiary, to comply with information communication technology (ICT) in order for distance learning technologies to be active and efficient.


Chapter one



Background of Study

The latest Coronavirus pandemic has widened the global education divide. Although the Coronavirus pandemic is new, it has already had a negative impact on humanity. The COVID-19 outbreak caused educational disruptions and worldwide health issues that global health institutions struggled to control.

As of now, no nation or race in the globe is immune to the coronavirus pandemic, and the entire planet appears overwhelmed by the rapid spread and catastrophic impacts of COVID-19.

The coronavirus pandemic has no boundaries, and its impact is widespread and rapid. Within a few months of the disease’s emergence, it significantly altered global lifestyles, forcing billions of people to’stay at home’, ‘observe self-isolations’, and work and learn from home. It has limited people’s freedom to migrate, trade, and associate.

COVID-19 has not only resulted in absolute lockdowns in numerous countries around the world, but it has also killed thousands of individuals, including women and the elderly.

It was even more frightening to see that data from many continents, including America, Africa, Asia, and Europe, showed a daily increase in the number of new cases and deaths due to COVID-19.

As of April 2020, the number of global COVID-19 cases had topped one million, with more than 220,000 deaths. It was especially scary that the United States recorded more than 2000 COVID-19 deaths in a single day, despite the country’s tremendous commitment to combating the virus. The number of Coronavirus deaths was skyrocketing, with no clear answers in sight.

The sickness showed no indication of slowing down over the world. The COVID-19 outbreak prompted US President Donald Trump to use the “Defence Production Act”. The government recently declared a national emergency due to the increasing number of new Coronavirus cases in the country (Priscillia, 2020).

The US administration also negotiated with lawmakers to adopt a stimulus package worth more than $2 trillion to combat the Coronavirus pandemic and provide some assistance to residents and companies affected by the outbreak.

Similar preparations were taken in several other nations, like Germany, where 810 billion US dollars were set aside to mitigate the impacts of the epidemic, but the virus quickly spread over the world.


Distance learning technology is the technique of learning from home using the internet, email, and telephone. Distance learning technologies, commonly known as online learning, are becoming increasingly popular globally. Many businesses are implementing it to reduce office congestion and make better use of their flex-time.

Telecommuting refers to learning from home while engaging with your business, customers, and others via phone, email, and the internet (Hornby et al. 2010). A teleworker could hold meetings via teleconferencing

which is a conference or discussion in which people from different places can communicate via online technologies such as Zoom, Google Meet, WhatsApp, and other communication methods such as video and phone. Distance learning technologies incorporate learning from home or another remote location using computers and telecommunications equipment (Daft, 2010).


The Third Wave has taken centre stage around the world, both in the West and in the Global South. Electronic learning has eclipsed the traditional method of learning used in the educational sector prior to the crisis.

In the 1990s, organisations typically used a specific room equipped with television cameras for videoconferences, but thanks to modern computers and telephones with integrated cameras and microphones, one can now participate in videoconferences without leaving the office (Robbins, Timothy, and Seema, 2008).


Teleworking is defined as learning from home using a terminal connected to a central organisation or networked with other learners (Armstrong, 2006).

Distance learning technology refers to the concept of learning from home utilising a computer, phone, email, and the internet. Because the globe is like a village, globalisation has made it relatively simple to learn from anywhere. Unlike today, most computers and phones from the 1980s and 1990s lacked built-in cameras and microphones.

As a result of the improvement, telephones and laptops with built-in cameras and microphones enhanced workflow, allowing business to be conducted from home as if it were in an office, but with less stress. Nigeria has 92.3 million internet users, which is predicted to grow to 187.8 million by 2023.

This demonstrates that internet penetration in Nigeria was 47.1% in 2018 and is anticipated to increase to 84.5 percent by 2023 (Clement, 2019). Nigeria is ranked 47th in Saharan Africa and 21st out of 65 countries in terms of internet freedom (Freedom House Index, 2019). Internet usage in Nigeria provides significant benefits to distance learning technology in learning and teaching.

Mobile phone internet is widely used in Nigeria, with about 50 million individuals using smartphones to access it (clement, 2019). The usage of the internet, cellphones, and other social media, such as Zoom, Google Class and Meet, WhatsApp, and so on, makes distant activities easier and less stressful.

Remote access allows you to utilise a computer system, phone, email, and other devices from another location by connecting via an electronic link (Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary, 2003).

Remote access makes lecturing from home simple and pleasurable, allowing the teacher and students to communicate as if they were in a traditional classroom via videoconferencing, Skype, Google Meet, WhatsApp video, the Zoom app, and so on.


1.2 Statement of Problem

The institution closures affect not only students, professors, and families, but also have far-reaching economic and societal implications. In reaction to school closures, UNESCO urged that schools and teachers employ distance learning programs, as well as open educational software and platforms, to reach students remotely and limit educational disturbance.

According to UNESCO monitoring as of July 7, 2020, around 1,067,590,512 students have been affected by school closures in response to the epidemic, with 110 countries implementing national closures, affecting roughly 61% of the world’s student population.

Several other countries have imposed localised closures, affecting millions of more students. Only in Nepal, about 87 lakh pupils from preprimary to tertiary education levels [ISCED levels 0 to 8] are affected by the COVID-19 epidemic closure. While it is difficult to foresee how the epidemic will play out, there is the prospect of lengthy physical distancing measures.

According to the United Nations, 166 nations closed schools and colleges to stop the spread of the coronavirus, which infected around 1.5 billion children and young people, or 87 percent of the enrolled population.


Many academics have examined the influence of online studies in Nigeria’s educational system (Onyeukwu, Akanegbu, and Igbokwe, 2017). The implementation of distance learning technologies in Nigerian educational institutions has numerous benefits for both students and professors. When distance learning technologies are used in any educational institution, courses are rarely interrupted.


Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, first emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, and has since caused devastation around the world. An Italian introduced the virus to Nigeria. Many countries’ economic, social, and educational growth has been disrupted.

The dreadful COVID-19 pandemic resulted in numerous lockdowns and disruptions to many sectors’ activities, as well as the closure of schools. It became important to use remote learning technologies to instruct students from home across the country.

Distance learning technologies remain the only instrument that can be utilised to combat the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria’s education system. However, the concept has significant obstacles, including insufficient electricity supply, excessive airtime costs, and poor network service from network providers.

These issues have hampered the efficiency and effectiveness of remote learning activities, social distancing, and online instruction in teaching and learning. These issues led to the development of an appropriate solution.


Research Questions


What are parents’ attitudes towards e-learning amid the Covid 19 pandemic?

How has online teaching influenced social distancing in teaching and learning?

To what extent has video conferencing affected the physical expansion of COVID-19 in teaching and learning?

To what extent has internet use influenced the community spread of COVID-19 in teaching and learning?


1.4 Research Objectives

The primary goal of the study is to investigate parental attitudes towards e-learning during the Covid 19 epidemic in teaching and learning. Other objectives that were raised in response to research questions are as follows.

The study aims to assess the impact of online teaching on social distancing and video conferencing on the dissemination of COVID-19 in the classroom.
to investigate the impact of internet use on community diffusion of COVID-19 in teaching and learning.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

Null hypotheses were developed to steer the investigation in accordance with the research questions and objectives. Ho1: Parents’ attitudes towards e-learning improve students’ success.

Ho2: There is no link between video conferencing and the spread of COVID-19 in teaching and learning.


1.6 Significance of the Study

The COVID-19 virus affects humans in many ways. COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, and the majority of infected persons will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without needing specific treatment. People with underlying medical issues and those over the age of 60 are more likely to develop serious disease and die.

The research makes suggestions to the Nigerian government on policy formulation in the Nigerian educational sector. This would provide secondary school management in Nigeria with an alternate method of reducing the negative consequences of any future disease epidemic that has the potential to disrupt educational and school activities. The study adds to the body of knowledge and can be used as reference material by other scholars.


1.7 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The study focusses on parents in Abuja secondary schools, with rural communities chosen at random. The study focusses on parents’ attitudes towards e-learning, students’ academic performance in secondary schools, and the environmental health behaviour of rural residents in the AMAC education zone.


1.8 Organisation of the Study

This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter One provides an overview of the study. This chapter also includes an introduction and a discussion of the research objectives. The second chapter (Chapter Two) provides the literature review and theoretical foundation of the study, while the third chapter addresses the research methods.

The fourth chapter contains an examination of the research. The analysis was designed to answer the research questions posed in order to provide a problem definition and suggestions for the United Bank of Africa. Finally

Chapter Five provides a summary, conclusion, and recommendations. This article also provided a list of references and annexes related to the topic.

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