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Parents Support and Self Motivation as Correlate of Academic Achievement Among Ploy Techniques Students in Delta State (Otefe and Auchi Polytechnic Used Be Used as Case Study)

Parents Support and Self Motivation as Correlate of Academic Achievement Among Ploy Techniques Students in Delta State (Otefe and Auchi Polytechnic Used Be Used as Case Study)

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Parents Support and Self Motivation as Correlate of Academic Achievement Among Ploy Techniques Students in Delta State (Otefe and Auchi Polytechnic Used Be Used as Case Study)


This study used a quantitative survey research design to look into the relationship between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment among polytechnic students in Delta State.

A structured questionnaire was used as the primary data collection tool, with a sample size of 120 respondents. The acquired data was then displayed and analysed with IBM SPSS Statistics version 26.

The study’s objectives were met by a thorough review of the data. Hypotheses were examined using regression analysis estimates to determine the existence and degree of connections between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment. The research findings revealed intriguing patterns and linkages in the data.

Notably, there was a positive association found between parental support and academic achievement, emphasising the critical role parents play in improving students’ educational outcomes.

Similarly, a considerable correlation was found between self-motivation and academic achievement, emphasising the importance of intrinsic motivation in driving student success.

These findings add to our understanding of the multiple elements that influence academic achievement in polytechnic schools. The study offers useful insights for educators, parents, politicians, and academics, emphasising the need of working together to create an environment that fosters both familial support and individual motivation.

Recognising these components allows educational stakeholders to build successful strategies that maximise students’ potential and promote holistic development. In conclusion, this study emphasises the relevance of parental support and self-motivation in influencing polytechnic students’ academic performance.

The empirical evidence presented provides a platform for future study and informed decision-making in educational settings. The findings highlight the need of creating a complete student support environment, and they provide actionable insights to improve educational quality and student outcomes.


Chapter one


Background Of the Study

Academic achievement of students has long been a source of great interest in the field of education, with academics and educators always looking for the characteristics that contribute to good learning outcomes.

This study will look into the relationship between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment among polytechnic students in Delta State, with a particular emphasis on Otefe and Auchi Polytechnics.

By investigating the dynamic interplay between these variables, the study hopes to provide significant insights into the complex aspects that influence students’ academic progress (Abesha, 2020; Adekeyi, 2018; Aremu, 2020; Asikhia, 2018).

Numerous research have looked into the effects of numerous factors on academic achievement. Abesha (2020) emphasised the importance of parental styles, academic self-efficacy, and achievement motivation in determining students’ academic success. Adekeyi (2018) emphasised the importance of good teaching methods in improving learning results.

Aremu (2020) investigated the effects of family, school, and government on primary school students’ academic achievement, whereas Asikhia (2018) examined students’ and teachers’ opinions of the causes of poor academic performance.

These studies highlight the multifaceted aspect of academic accomplishment, which is influenced by a variety of factors including home, school, and personal characteristics.

Furthermore, socioeconomic characteristics have been identified as crucial in academic attainment. Azhar et al. (2021) studied the impact of parental education and socioeconomic level on university students’ academic achievement, indicating the broad effects of background variables on educational results.

Udida, Ukwayi, and Ogodo (2018) investigated the influence of parental socioeconomic status on secondary school students’ academic performance. These studies offer light on the achievement discrepancies that might result from varying socioeconomic situations, emphasising the importance of an inclusive approach to educational policy and initiatives.

Educational psychology has produced useful information about the cognitive and behavioural aspects of learning and academic accomplishment. David (2019) explored the fundamental concepts of educational psychology, illuminating the complex link between teaching approaches, learning processes, and accomplishment outcomes.

Schulz (2019) emphasised the measuring of students’ socioeconomic backgrounds and its impact on achievement, emphasising the importance of comprehensive assessment techniques that account for various backgrounds.

Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, has consistently been highlighted as a critical element in academic accomplishment. Meyer, Allen, and Smith (2017) emphasised the importance of commitment to organisations and vocations in motivating performance outcomes.

Eweniyi (2019) investigated the impact of family structure on academic performance among university students, implying that family dynamics may influence students’ motivation to thrive academically.

Vallerand et al. (2016) developed the academic motivation scale, which provided a complete framework for understanding intrinsic, extrinsic, and motivation in educational situations, thereby contributing to the measurement and study of student motivational components.

Gender disparities have also been investigated in academic motivation and achievement. Azhar et al. (2021) investigated the impact of gender on academic achievement, emphasising the complexities of connections between gender, socioeconomic status, and educational results.

Rusillo and Arias (2018) investigated gender disparities in academic motivation among secondary school students, suggesting that motivational factors may vary depending on gender.

The study described above has paved the way for a better understanding of the multidimensional nature of academic accomplishment and the numerous elements that influence students’ success. While these studies provide insights into numerous aspects of the academic journey, the current study focusses on the roles of parental support and self-motivation in academic accomplishment among polytechnic students.

Building on the current body of information, this study aims to provide a complete understanding of how these variables interact in the context of polytechnic education in Delta State (Azhar et al., 2021; Udida, Ukwayi, and Ogodo, 2018; David, 2019).

Statement of the Problem

The educational landscape is characterised by a variety of factors that influence students’ academic performance. However, despite extensive study on academic performance determinants, the complex relationship between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment among Delta State polytechnic students has received little attention.

This study seeks to fill this vacuum by looking into how parental support and self-motivation affect the academic accomplishment of polytechnic students, with a particular emphasis on Otefe and Auchi Polytechnics.

While specific research have addressed these elements separately, a thorough knowledge of their combined impact on academic results is absent (Abesha, 2020).

This study will add to a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing polytechnic students’ academic success, potentially affecting educational policies and interventions.

As a result, the primary goal of this research is to determine the extent to which parental support and self-motivation correlate with academic accomplishment among polytechnic students in Delta State, thereby providing insights into the dynamics of achievement within this unique educational system.

Aims and Objectives of the Study

The major goal of this study is to investigate parental support and self-motivation as predictors of academic accomplishment among ploy tactics students in Delta State (a case study of Otefe and Auchi Polytechnics). The study’s particular aims are:

To determine the amount of parental support received by polytechnic students in Delta State.

To investigate the level of self-motivation demonstrated by polytechnic students in their academic endeavours.

To investigate the relationship between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment among polytechnic students.

Research Questions

The study aims to address the following research questions:

What is the extent and quality of parental assistance received by Delta State polytechnic students during their academic careers?

How do Delta State’s socioeconomic groups display various levels of self-motivation in their academic pursuits?

Is there a link between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment among Polytechnic students in Delta State?

Research Hypothesis

This study investigated the following hypotheses:

There is no favourable relationship between parental support and academic achievement among polytechnic students.

There is no beneficial relationship between self-motivation and academic achievement among polytechnic students.

Significance of the Study

This study’s significance resonates strongly with a wide range of stakeholders in Nigeria’s education system, including students, scholars, tertiary institutions, and the broader educational framework.

For students, particularly those enrolled at polytechnics like as Otefe and Auchi, the outcomes of this study can provide meaningful insights towards optimising their academic careers.

Understanding the importance of parental support and self-motivation in academic accomplishment allows kids to improve their learning skills and adopt a more productive approach to their studies.

The findings of this study can help students make more informed decisions regarding their learning environment and practices, potentially leading to better academic success. CE

Scholars in education and psychology will benefit from this research since it will provide them with a better knowledge of the specific dynamics involved in the academic achievement of Delta State polytechnic students.

The study’s findings can be used as a basis for future research, allowing scientists to delve into related topics and investigate additional elements that may contribute to student accomplishment.

The research can also help to design personalised end goals aimed at enhancing educational results for polytechnic students in the region.

Tertiary institutions in Nigeria, particularly polytechnics, might use the findings of this study to improve their support systems and pedagogical procedures. Recognising the critical roles of parental participation and self-motivation allows schools to create focused programs that build a positive learning environment and encourage students to perform at their best.

Such initiatives may include parent workshops, mentorship programs, and motivational speeches, all of which are intended to establish a holistic approach to student growth and achievement.

Furthermore, the Nigerian school system can profit from this research by applying its findings to improve educational policies and practices. A complete understanding of the elements influencing academic accomplishment might help legislators create a more effective educational framework that takes into account the importance of family support and intrinsic drive. The findings of this study may thus help to the general improvement of educational results in the country.

In essence, this study has significant implications for students, scholars, tertiary institutions, and the Nigerian education system because it sheds light on the complex relationship between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment among polytechnic students.

Its ability to inspire targeted treatments, guide future research efforts, and influence educational legislation highlights its importance in promoting good changes in the educational landscape.

Scope of Study

The scope of this study includes a thorough analysis of the relationship between parental support, self-motivation, and academic accomplishment among polytechnic students in Delta State, with a particular emphasis on Otefe and Auchi Polytechnics. The research will focus on students enrolled in various programs at these universities.

The study will collect quantitative data using surveys and questionnaires, allowing for the evaluation of parental participation levels, student self-motivation, and academic performance.

The study focused on students’ opinions and experiences with parental support and self-motivation, as well as how these characteristics influence academic success.

The study will not look into other effects other than the immediate family setting, such as socioeconomic status or cultural influences. The findings are designed to provide useful insights into the targeted connection within the context of polytechnic education in Delta State, assisting educators, policymakers, and researchers in better understanding and enhancing academic achievement dynamics.

1.8 Definition of Terms.

To enhance clarity, specific words used in this study are defined as follows:

Parental support is the involvement, direction, and assistance provided by parents or guardians to students along their educational journey, which may include intellectual, emotional, and practical support.

Self-motivation: Students’ own drive and resolve to pursue academic goals, overcome obstacles, and succeed.

Academic Achievement: The degree of achievement achieved by pupils in their academic efforts, as evaluated by grades, test scores, and overall academic performance.

Polytechnics are institutions of higher education that provide specialised training and teaching in technical and vocational subjects.

Delta State is a Nigerian state recognised for its diversified cultural and economic activities, as well as the presence of numerous educational institutions.

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