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Participation of girls in secondary schools  sports programmes

Participation of girls in secondary schools  sports programme

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Participation of girls in secondary schools  sports programme


This research study is an online collaboration with global research to investigate the scope and impact of general concerns and challenges associated with girls’ engagement in high school level sporting activities. The research hypothesis was examined and found to have no significant effect on the problems and difficulties encountered by students participating in sports activities in secondary schools in Ikeja, Lagos State.

The theory has also been explored with reference to gender differences. This study’s demographic included all teachers and pupils from Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. A random sample of 120 pupils from ten high schools was chosen. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The findings indicate that the obstacles and difficulties encountered by girls participating in sports activities had a major impact, and a gender difference was also noted.




Since there is a variance in the role of sports participation and the accomplishment of its advantages, the role of sport has always been recognised. The general public’s perception of sport’s involvement in everyday life is favourable, and it is regarded as a friendly commitment to humanity.

Sport, according to Cote and Fraser, has the capacity to achieve three crucial goals: physical health, psychosocial development, and mastering motor skills. Furthermore, Kilpatick et al. Ryska, Koivula found that sports engagement had favourable benefits on physical health, psychological improvement, stress reactivity, and mental well-being in both sexes.

Sports engagement has also been beneficial in enhancing kids’ intellectual and social talents. Khan backed up this claim by stating, “Being athletes, most students have shown good academic results in their credits, particularly at the university level.” Participation in university athletics has been shown in studies to benefit not only the physical and mental development of players, but also the social interactions of young people.

Khan S supports this viewpoint, arguing that the “declining position of education can be improved through sport and games.” Given the foregoing, it is reasonable to conclude that students’ academic results and engagement in athletic activities are related.

According to Resnick et al., “participation in sports activities is more valuable in the development of physical and mental health, social attributes, and skills.” Other popular benefits of meditation include stress alleviation, a sense of well-being, the acquisition of excellent health, entertainment, and weight control.

The fundamental issues and challenges for girls’ engagement in sports in Nigeria have been among nations with a high population growth rate. Nigeria is currently the sixth most populated country in the world, with a population of 188 million people, 51.35% of whom are men and 48.65% of whom are women.

(Nigeria’s Active Population Survey 2012-13, Ministry of Planning, Development, and Reforms, Population Projections for the Years 2007-2030, and Nigeria’s Office of Statistics). Girls make up about half of the total population, but despite this fact, our priorities have shifted, and instead of paying attention to them, we are now ignoring them.

We disregard and push ladies to the bottom of our priority list by promoting them. Girls have historically been underrepresented in various occupations, including sports. In these circumstances, it is critical to give equal possibilities for girls in all occupations, including sports involvement.

A number of studies have been conducted to examine various barriers to girls’ participation in sports (personal, environmental, biological, psychological, environmental hereditary social, access to peer groups, age, perceived barriers) Type of family activity, obesity, lack of time motivation, money, and other facilities. Hoden (2010), Kara and Demirci (2010), Scott and Mowen (2010), and Stanis et al. (2010) discovered that the biggest recreational obstacles for girls’ engagement in sport are a lack of time, a lack of expertise, family difficulties, a lack of money, and peers.

Women’s sports generally bring in less money than men’s sports. Women account for 41% of all athletes supported by various programmes. Because they do not have a significant fan base, girls’ teams in community sports tend to receive fewer sponsors from local businesses. According to Attarzade and Sohrabi, Mozafari et al. Shores et al.

Sport culture is a problem in and of itself. Sports activities have traditionally been considered largely masculine in third-world countries, particularly in our eastern culture.

Girls, on the other hand, encounter a number of challenges in order to engage in the sport. According to Deem, Jackson, and Henderson, being addicted; It has always been difficult for women to have money to spend on recreational activities. Girls, on average, have less confidence than boys and rank their performance or skills lower. Competition is also linked to self-confidence.

Parents, coaches, and other adults have differing effects on females and boys. teenage girls lay a greater importance on self-comparison and adult comments than teenage boys, who base their personal judgement on physical competence on competitive performance. The goal of this research is to look into the issue and challenges of girls’ sports involvement in Nigerian public schools.


Limitations for females’ engagement in sport include personal, environmental, biological, psychological, social, environmental, peer group access, age, perceived familial issues, obesity, a lack of time, motivation, money, and other resources. All of these elements have a significant impact on female involvement and sport promotion. The researcher chose the theme “Problems and challenges of girls’ participation in high school sports activities in Ikeja, Lagos” after considering the sport’s past and present situation.


To examine the implications of concerns and challenges on female secondary school students’ engagement in sports and other sports activities in Ikeja, Lagos state.
To assess the existing situation of female engagement in sports in secondary schools in Ikeja, Lagos state.


H01: Issues and challenges have no substantial effect on female students’ engagement in sports activities in secondary schools in Ikeja, Lagos state.

H2: There is no statistically significant difference in the perspectives of boys and girls respondents on various concerns and challenges in girls’ engagement in sports activities in Ikeja, Lagos state.


The significance of this study can be defended for a number of reasons. First, consider the significance of sports in the daily lives of young people. We assign every task of our everyday life to machines and computers in today’s mechanical world, which tends to make man lethargic, sluggish, and inept.

Games and sports are the only efficient ways to gain free time and happiness while also making excellent use of the numerous leisure hours, and free time is a major societal issue. Games and sports are the only efficient means of frequently providing opportunities to make the most of leisure by participating in various sorts of sports activities of our choice and interest.

Tension and mental health issues are increasingly widespread nowadays. Without discrimination, the sport provides ample recreational and enjoyment options for all members of society. Sport has always provided favourable benefits, regardless of its nature, time, or style of application, and in cases of stress and mental issues, sport gives players with a sense of freshness and pleasure.

Women’s participation in sport and sport’s health advantages are now widely known and recognised around the world. According to the World Health Organisation, participation in sports and sporting activities can help avoid a range of noncommunicable illnesses, which account for more than 60% of deaths worldwide, including 66% in developing countries.

A player never struggles to fit in and is a valuable member of society. There are ongoing games in space, the mountains, the plains, and on the water’s surface. It was a worldwide occupation, and its significance has always been acknowledged. This research will concentrate on general sports difficulties as well as the challenges that girls face when participating in sports and other sports activities at a high school in Ikeja, Lagos state, Nigeria.


The study was carried out in Lagos since the city has the biggest number of high schools in Nigeria with a strong interest in extracurricular activities, particularly sports. It is also the world’s most populous city, with nearly all public, private, and international sociopolitical and economic sectors.

Because the researcher was unable to include all of the people who live and work in Lagos, this study used twelve secondary schools in Ikeja.

The researchers faced a number of problems during the investigation, including a lack of time. The time provided to the investigation was insufficient to conduct a comprehensive and exhaustive study because some of the information was not readily available. The cash for the individually sponsored study was insufficient to cover all expenses, including transportation, food allowances, research assistant recruiting, and stationery.

The researcher ran into administrative issues while conducting his investigation. Many of the respondents, particularly those who were intended to use questionnaires, were unable to complete them on time, while others tricked them to the point where the researcher had to disseminate additional copies.

Furthermore, several respondents considered receiving money from the researcher, especially because they knew he was conducting study as a requirement for graduation. The researcher was not persuaded by the university’s letter of introduction.

This research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter discusses the problem’s introduction and context, its statement, the study’s major and specific objectives, and the research questions. The following sections are covered in this chapter: scope, meaning, limitation, delimitation, and study organisation.

The second chapter discusses the research literature. It includes an introduction, word definitions, a theoretical review, an empirical review, and a conceptual framework. The research methodology is covered in Chapter Three, which comprises the research paradigm, research design, study area, population, sample and sampling methodologies, instruments, validity, and dependability of the research.

The instruments, instrument management, and data analysis plan have all been defined. Chapter Four includes a data analysis and discussion of the findings. The summary, conclusion, recommendations, and further topics of investigation are covered in Chapter 5.

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