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Perceived Difficulties Of Some Biological Concept By Senior Secondary School Students In The Study Of Some Biological Concept

Perceived Difficulties Of Some Biological Concept By Senior Secondary School Students In The Study Of Some Biological Concept

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Perceived Difficulties Of Some Biological Concept By Senior Secondary School Students In The Study Of Some Biological Concept


Background Of the Study

Biology is fundamental to understanding the complexity of life. This aspect of science, such as genetically modified foods, has made substantial contributions to many of the inventions that are changing current day, as well as helping to explain many of the events encountered in everyday life.

Despite its importance, biology has the lowest pass percentage of any science subject in WAEC and NECO exams among students in general. In Nigeria, for example, biology departments and Teacher Education in biology continue to see a lack of students, resulting in a severe scarcity of biology teachers in secondary schools.

Educators agree that pupils learn best when biological ideas are clearly presented. Furthermore, students’ impressions of a subject influence their knowledge and learning of it (Gebbels, Evans, and Murphy, 2010), as well as their continued study of it (Williams, Stanisstreet, Spall, and Boyes, 2013).

This suggests that a significant factor influencing students’ engagement in a learning assignment is their perception of it as interesting/boring, easy/difficult, or relevant. There is evidence that students who are interested in a subject are more likely to pursue it further (Williams et al, 2013).

Thus, for students who view biology concepts to be difficult, learning them may become regular, with a lower possibility that the knowledge would be usefully applied, let alone continued study.

This has major ramifications for developing a pool of biologists needed to shape life development, as well as biology teachers who can assist lay a solid basis for the topic in the classroom.

Students struggle to understand biological concepts for a variety of reasons. The nature of science and its teaching techniques are among the causes for challenges in learning science, while Lazarowitz and Penso (2011) argue that studying biology is challenging due to the biological level of organisation and the abstract level of notions.

Other barriers to efficient biology learning include overloaded biology curricula, the abstract and multidisciplinary nature of biological topics, and textbook issues (Tekkaya, Jerime, & Jackson 2011).

Overloaded biology curricula may hinder students’ achievement and cause them to absorb the content through memorisation. This, of course, impedes genuine learning. Designing learning environments that ignore students’ interests and expectations leads to a variety of learning issues and a decrease in their interest in biology (Zeidan, 2010).

Fraser (2012) claims that there is a strong link between students’ evaluations of their classroom learning environment and their success. According to Osborne and Collins (2011), students’ declining interest in learning biology is due to overloaded curriculum content that is not generally related to working life

a lack of discussion of interesting topics, a lack of creative expression opportunities, science’s alienation from society, and the prevalence of isolated science subjects.

Biological science requires students to study many abstract concepts, events, subjects, and facts. This makes it difficult for students to learn them (Saka, 20016; Durmaz, 2017).

Çimer (2014) suggests that biology teachers’ teaching styles, tactics, and approaches can impact student learning. If students are dissatisfied with the way biology is taught, it may have an impact on their interest and attitudes towards biology and education.

Biological knowledge has played a significant impact in society. It has been used to address diseases and low yields in agriculture by developing disease-resistant and high-yielding plants and animals; overpopulation through the creation of hormone-based contraception; and environmental protection and management.

Maundu, Sambili, and Muthwii (2015); Campbell and Reece (2002). Despite its prominence, pupils’ performance at the Nigeria National Examinations Council has been low. For example, in 2010, students scored an average of 29.23% in the WAEC or SSSCE West African Examination.

This underachievement in Biology has been attributed to student and teacher variables (KNEC, 2011; CEMASTEA, 2011). Against this backdrop, the purpose of this study is to investigate the perceived difficulties of some biological concepts experienced by senior secondary students in Awka South Local Government Area.

Statement of the Problem

Science education scholars feel that teachers play an important role in implementing reforms in schools and classrooms (Levitt, 2012). According to Aubusson and Watson (2013), teachers have a significant impact on the quality of instruction and learning in the classroom.

If teachers are willing and positive about trying new initiatives, the chances of effectively guiding pupils through the challenging experience in the subject are reduced.

Studies have also found a link between student perceptions of the learning environment and student attitudes towards the subject (Cakiroglu, Telli, and Cakiroglu, 2013).

Despite a suitable learning environment, students continue to fail biological subjects and are unmotivated to study them. This problem has resulted in an annual decrease in the number of students interested in studying biological courses at our university.

Furthermore, investigations on the perception of difficulty with some biological ideas by secondary school students have not been thoroughly investigated in order to solve the issue of students’ low performance in biological subjects.

Against the aforementioned, this study was conducted to investigate the perceived difficulties of some biological concepts encountered by senior secondary students in Awka South L.G.A.

The purpose of the study

The study’s goal is to look into the perceived difficulties of some biological topics among senior secondary students in Awka South Local Government Area. Specifically, the investigation will determine.

Biological topics are considered as difficult by students.

The impact of this biological notion on biology education.

Students’ perception of biological concepts.

Students consider successful teaching tactics for biological ideas as difficult.

Significance of the Study

The study will help secondary school students, teachers, and future researchers.

Secondary school students will benefit from the study because it identifies several effective ways for teaching biological subjects that students view as challenging. It will also help students develop an appreciation for biological principles and become motivated to study the subject.

Teachers will benefit from this study since it will allow them to observe how biological ideas viewed as challenging for students have impacted their ability to master biology courses. It will also assist teachers in developing successful techniques for helping students learn and profit from biological subjects.

Future scholars will profit from the study because it will provide material and references for subsequent investigations.


Scope of the Study

The study’s scope includes the reported challenges of some biological concept experiences by senior secondary pupils in Awka South Local Government Area. The study will also look at biological schemes that students perceive as difficult

the extent to which these biological concepts affect biology learning, students’ perceptions of biological concepts, and effective strategies for teaching biological concepts that students perceive as difficult. It will target senior secondary school students (SS1 through SS2).

Research Questions

To fulfil the study’s goal, the following research questions will be used to lead the investigation.

What biological ideas do students see as difficult?

How much has this biological idea affected

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