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This survey focused on Fountain University students’ perceptions of the university’s dress code. The study’s population consists of 200 Fountain University students from Osogbo, Osun State. The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data.

Descriptive A survey research design was used for this investigation. The study used 133 respondents, including final students, year four students, year three students, and year two students. The acquired data were displayed in tables and analysed with simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Education is a critical investment for any nation seeking to ensure its future economic, socio-cultural, and political development. Its significance in shaping the futures of big nations cannot be overstated. That is why every government in the modern world considers it a fundamental commitment to give education to its inhabitants.

According to the Longman Dictionary, education is “the result of the teaching or training of mind and character”. Education aims to shape character in addition to instilling knowledge. Education is the development of the human being in light of the person’s ultimate goal and the dignity of society.

Education at all levels attempts to awaken people’s positive potential, to replace error with truth, ignorance and incompetence with knowledge and competence. Furthermore, education promotes intelligence and discipline, which are the foundations of human happiness.

Clothing, which is like a second skin to men, appears to have lost its value among university freshmen, particularly females. According to Newman (2000) and Muluhan and Foire (1990), unlike other animals

humans enhance the bodily covering provided by nature with clothing, effectively creating a second skin. Since clothes is a second skin to man, it is concerning that today’s undergraduates in Nigerian institutions choose to go half-clothed.

Many students on Nigerian university campuses dress indecently. This horrible problem affects almost every higher education institution in the country.

Egwinc (2010) defined indecent dressing as the attitude of a male or female who dresses to show off areas of the body such as the breasts, buttocks or even the knickers, particularly those of ladies that need to be covered.

According to Gushee. D.P (2004), indecent appearance is inappropriate and unacceptable dressing that is provocative and insulting since it reflects the high rate of moral decay in today’s society.

Okoro.W (2006) claims that indecent dressing is a social scourge that affects numerous countries throughout the world. Indecent dressing is caused by a variety of circumstances, including inadequate parenting, peer group pressure, inappropriate internet use, fading values, and demonic influences.

According to the World Encyclopaedia Beitannica (2005), some of the most basic functions of dressing are to provide warmth and protection, to beautify or enhance sexual appeal, and to provide information about the wearer (such as age, gender, social status, occupation), among other things. However, students on campuses have turned dressing into something else.

Fountain University is one of Nigeria’s greatest universities in terms of dress code. The University’s administration issues stern warnings to students about inappropriate clothing.

said that all students must dress appropriately in accordance with the University dress code. When caught for the offence, he or she will face a one-semester suspension, and the parent will be invited.

Based on the context, the researcher aims to explore the perceptions of Fountain University students regarding the university’s clothing code.

Statement of the Problem

The prevalence of indecent dressing in Nigerian educational institutions is raising significant concern among stakeholders. The dropout rate, carryover rate, and outright failure rate among students have all increased, and attempts by the government and the general public to limit them have failed. This study aims to investigate Fountain University students’ perceptions on the dress code.

The objectives of the study

The study’s aims are:

To determine the fountain University dress code.

To determine whether good dressing is accepted in Fountain University.

To determine the perception of Fountain University students regarding the clothing code.

Research Hypotheses

To ensure the study’s success, the researcher developed the following research hypotheses:

H0: Fountain University does not tolerate respectable dressed.

H1: Fountain University accepts decent dressed.

H02: Fountain University students have no perception of the clothing code.

H2: Fountain University students have a perception on the dress code


Significance of the Study

The findings will be extremely valuable to students, school administrators, policymakers, and the Ministry of Education. The study will provide precise insight into Fountain University students’ perceptions on the university’s dress code.

The survey provides insight into the right way to dress on campus and what it portrays among undergraduates. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the similar issue.

Scope and limitations of the study

The subject of the survey is Fountain University students’ perceptions of the university’s dress code. The study would be confined to Fountain University students in Osogbo, Osun State. The researcher faces various constraints that limit the scope of the investigation;

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Perception is the organisation, identification, and interpretation of sensory data in order to represent and comprehend the supplied information or environment. All perception involves messages that move through the neurological system, which results in physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system.

A dress code is a collection of guidelines about attire that are usually written down. Dress rules are derived from social perceptions and standards, and they differ depending on the purpose, circumstances, and occasion. diverse societies and cultures are likely to have diverse clothing codes, with Western dress codes being a prominent example.

Indecent dressing: According to Oyeleye et al. (2012), indecent dressing is the deliberate exposure of one’s body in public. This activity violates the society’s acceptable standards and ideals. Moral degeneration, on the other hand, is a decline in the level of morality in

Decent wearing involves dressing appropriately for one’s function, culture, or values (non-revealing dress). Proper may not necessarily imply decent. It refers to dressing appropriately for the situation or occasion.

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