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The purpose of this research was to investigate the perception of guidance and counselling services in urban secondary schools in Akwa Ibom State’s Uyo Local Government Area. The survey included ten metropolitan secondary schools chosen at random.

The study included 20 teachers from each of these ten schools, for a total sample size of 200. At the 0.05 level of significance, two hypotheses were tested using chi-square (X2) statistical analysis. The results of the data analysis from the questionnaire instrument show that: male and female secondary school teachers do not differ significantly (P>0.05) in their perception of the role of counsellors.

Whereas male and female teachers differ significantly (P 0.05) in their opinion about counsellors meriting special recognition, assigning counsellors teaching subject, counsellors advice to students. Based on these data, one could conclude that a lack of understanding and orientation regarding the functions and services of guidance / counsellors leads to negative perceptions of their services.

Based on the foregoing findings, it could be suggested that counsellors be supplied with funding for various programme activities. Furthermore, the government and the Ministry of Education should hold seminars and workshops on a regular basis to create a conducive environment for consultation with counsellors to teach or be consulted for at least one hour each week.


The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines guidance as “help or advice given to someone, e.g. a child or young person, especially by someone in authority,” whereas counselling indicates “professional advice about a problem.”

According to the above definitions of Guidance and Counselling, God is the ultimate counsellor. According to the Bible, the act of guiding and counselling began with the creation of Adam and Eve. According to Genesis 2:16-17, “And the Lord God ordered the man, saying, “of every tree of the garden you may freely eat,” “but of the tree of the knowledge of you eat of it, you shall surely die.”

God, seeing that He had created everything in such a way that man may enjoy the garden, recommended. This demonstrated that God did not abandon man to his own will and command, but rather instructed them on how to live and enjoy the benefits of the garden.

When it comes to guidance and counselling in relation to the nation, it is undeniable that the term is connected with order and administration. It takes precedence since it defines the overall behaviour of citizens. Failure to follow this instruction at any time has always resulted in consequences.

Academically, the origins of counselling can be traced back to Frank Parson’s vocational advice movement in 1986 (Uwe, 2005). This movement gave birth to the concept of a “Counsellor,” whose major goal was to help individuals grasp the realities about the world of work and themselves, and to assist them in fitting these two pieces of information together in some meaningful way.

In addition, Clifford Beers gave encouragement to the formation of this profession in 1988. By doing so, he increased public awareness of mental illness and how such people might be helped.

For the sake of this project, it is critical that the subject matter, guidance and counselling, be defined and narrowed down to the educational system in general, and Nigeria in particular. Education is regarded as the foundation of any nation’s development, advancement, and progress.

No wonder this sector has experienced unprecedented growth and expansion in Nigeria in recent decades. Aside from this notable expansion in Nigeria’s educational system, a critical examination reveals that student performance in our secondary schools is below average.

According to George (2004), only about 20% of certified kids in Nigerian primary schools can accurately spell their names, let alone construct a complete sentence. Similarly, up to 30% of accredited secondary school pupils in Nigeria cannot form a phrase, let alone write a letter.

Furthermore, only 60% of graduates’ written communication in Nigerian universities could be adjudged error free. One may then be forced to ask, what is the cause of this failure, despite the fact that the government at various levels has invested significant resources in the educational sector, all with the goal of increasing students’ academic performance.

That fact, in any case, is not far away. This is a result of the omission of one of the important factors that serves as a compass in Nigeria’s educational system. According to Denga (2001), advice and counselling in our school system is a significant influence in students’ personal, social, and educational development.

To attain qualitative and quantitative education, as every concerned Nigerian has sung, the government must incorporate guidance and counselling into the curriculum of the majority of schools.

There is little doubt that most school principals, instructors, and even students slandered counsellors.

Guidance and counselling would be defined in this framework, and the goal of its services would be realised.


Essentially, guidance services are critical to the educational system’s survival. Aziude (1995) defines guidance and counselling services as advisory services for students who are teenagers with a variety of developmental, psychological, and academic issues.

These programmes ensure that students are assisted in making sound decisions about their careers, education, and personal life. An effective principal encourages subject specialists, class teachers, career teachers, and house teachers to be involved in the task of counselling students.

Students require various types of guidance, such as vocational guidance for subject selection and knowledge of occupational guidance to discover their interests, abilities, and capacities in various studies. Education guidance, according to Denga (2001), is vital preparation for vocation choice and plays a significant role in career counselling in general.

Without adequate educational advice, a person is severely disadvantaged not only in pursuing an acceptable later vocational choice and obtaining true job happiness. He may only come into luck by chance.

Students are also provided moral and social direction in order to develop good ideals, habits of behaviour, and ways of life. Health counselling helps pupils build fundamental and emotional health and cleanliness. Guidance and counselling for late bloomers and socially awkward pupils contribute to the overall quality of learning and living at our secondary school.

For the aforementioned services provided by guidance and counselling in our secondary schools, it is critical that this course be given its proper place in the scheme of things. It is past time for teachers and students to see this course as one of the driving forces behind effective learning.

Orientation should be carried out in order to sanitise our educational system in order to improve our educational standards through guidance and counselling.

People’s perception, according to Dobson (1982:42), is very selective since we are constantly bombarded by a stream of senses such as light, colour, sound, temperature, skin and skeletal reflexes. So we cannot possibly attend to all of the sensory charges impinging on us in order to adequately cope with the demands of our environment.

As a result, it is common for specific details to be used to improve or was to which the person responded. Teachers in elementary, middle, and high schools are bound to have diverse perspectives of the importance of Guidance and Counselling services.

Dobson (1982:42) emphasised how these services may be delivered as well as teachers’ expectations of school counsellors, contributions, and working relationships. He went on to say that establishing meaningful connections between teachers and students in the classrooms, as well as between students themselves, is critical for the mission of education to be successful.

As a result, when schools focus on students’ social and emotional skills, academic achievement of children improves, the incidence of problem behaviours decreases, and the quality of the relationships surrounding each child improves.

As a result, the objective of this study is to investigate teachers’ perspectives on Guidance and Counselling administration in secondary schools in Uyo Local Government Area.


The study intends to discover whether male and female secondary school instructors differ in their views on the functions, position, and assignment of teaching subject to school counsellor. The study specifically seeks to determine whether:

Male and female secondary school instructors have different perspectives on the duty of the school counsellor.
Secondary school instructors, both male and female, have differing views on the role of the school counsellor.
Secondary school teachers, both male and female, disagree on whether counsellors should be assigned a teaching subject.

To guide the study, the following research questions were posed:

What are the attitudes of male and female secondary school teachers towards guidance and counselling services in their schools?
Do teachers comprehend the role of school counsellors?
Do teachers believe that counselling deserves special attention in the school?
Do teachers believe that counsellors should be required to teach courses in addition to counselling?


The following theory was developed:

Male and female secondary school instructors have similar views on the job of the counsellor.
Male and female instructors have similar views on whether school counsellors should be given particular honour.
When it comes to assigning counsellors to teach subjects in school, male and female instructors agree.
Male and female teachers agree on the importance of school counsellors’ recommendations to students.
When it comes to school counsellor information, male and female teachers do not differ considerably.

This study will disclose secondary school teachers’ attitudes about school counsellors in Uyo Local Government Area, allowing them to understand the value of school counsellors to students and teachers. These findings will also strengthen secondary school administration and promote the interaction between teachers and counsellors in Uyo Local Government Area.

This discovery would also provide a favourable environment for learning and teaching through the use of guidance and counselling services in the Uyo Local Government Area school system.


The study was limited to a specific target demographic of urban secondary school teachers in the Uyo Local Government Area. The study’s conclusions would only be applicable to the target demographic in Uyo L.G.A., and only teachers with sufficient teaching qualifications would be used.


It is considered that teachers in Uyo Local Government Area have some understanding of secondary school guidance and counselling.
Teachers under consideration are experiencing difficulties as a result of guidance and counselling.
iii. The teachers under consideration do not do well in secondary schools, with or without guidance and counselling.

It is believed that the project supervisor will work with the researcher to make valuable suggestions if they are required in this project.
The researcher was also optimistic that at least 75% of the questionnaires sent out would be completed and returned, so justifying the study’s conduct.
It was also believed that the researcher’s sponsors would contribute financially to allow her to complete the assignment on time.


It is necessary to employ some of the key in the researchers’ conceptual context for better understanding in this study for the sake of clarity.

PERCEPTION: Is a representation of what is perceived; yet, the fundamental component in the construction of an idea is a manner of conceptualising something. The process of perceiving is information gained through perceiving, a man admired for the depth of his awareness, sensing, or becoming aware of something through the senses.

Perception is the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organising sensory information in psychology and cognitive sciences (en.wikipedia:org/wiki/perception). However, perception is a dynamic process that seeks the best interpretation of the available data.

It also involves the operation of the senses and occurs in the shadow of our internal world’s expectations, hopes, needs, fears, and members. Perception analysis and dealing with sceptical arguments about perceptual knowledge are fundamental philosophical subjects.

Perception as we know it involves both our ability to be sensorily impacted by external objects and our ability to conceptualise these items, while other capacities may also play a part (Wordnet.


Depending on the context, the phrase “guidance” might signify different things to different individuals. The following advice is applicable to this article:

The act of directing or pointing the way,
Guidance entails obtaining instructions from a skilled superior regarding a way of work that deals with difficult or complex issues.

Guidance is assistance in making sound decisions. As a notion, guidance entails using one’s point of view to assist another. It refers to the providing of experiences that assist pupils in understanding themselves as an educational construct. Guidance as a service refers to the organisational procedures and processes used to establish a helping relationship.

Guidance is assistance or counsel provided to someone, usually by someone older or with more experience. It acts as a road map that directs a person to their destination. Guidance is also a collection of formalised educational services provided by the school to help students gain self-knowledge or self-understanding, which is required for them to achieve the fullest self-development and self-realization of their potential.


As the name implies, is a series of one-on-one sessions conducted by professionally trained staff with the goal of assisting patients in understanding emotional support and coping with the repercussions of treatment.

Counselling is also a process in which a third-party therapist assists clients in resolving personal and interpersonal conflicts. Counselling is also used to assist clients in resolving conscious conflicts, with a focus on goal setting and issue solving.

A treatment in which a professional individual listens to our concerns and anxieties and offers nonjudgmental suggestions to help us find our own solutions. It is a confidential conversation between a client and a care provider designed to help the client cope with stress and make personal decisions.

Finally, counselling is a process that takes place in a one-on-one relationship between an individual who is faced with problems that he or she cannot cope with alone and a professional worker whose training and experience qualify him to assist others in arriving at solutions to various an individualised personalised and permissive assistance in developing skill in attaining and retaining socially enlightened self understanding and knowledge.

URBAN TEACHERS: An urban teacher is someone who teaches at a school that is located outside of a rural area and whose primary purpose is to identify with the needs of his or her students as well as the needs of the community.

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