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Personality Dispositions And Academic Achievement Among University Students

Personality Dispositions And Academic Achievement Among University Students

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Personality Dispositions And Academic Achievement Among University Students


This study investigated the relationship between personality dispositions and academic achievement among University of Lagos students. In this study, relevant and related literatures were reviewed under specific subheadings.

The descriptive research survey was employed in this study to analyse the opinions of the selected respondents through the use of a questionnaire and sampling technique. This survey used 200 (two hundred) respondents to represent the entire population.

Four null hypotheses were developed in this study and examined using the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient statistical tool for hypothesis one and the independent t-test statistical instrument for hypotheses two, three, and four, respectively.

At the end of the analyses, the following results were obtained: there is a significant relationship between personality dispositions and undergraduate students’ academic achievement at University of Lagos; there is a significant relationship between truancy and students’ academic achievement at University of Lagos;

there is a significant relationship between positive peer-grouping and undergraduate students’ academic achievement at University of Lagos; and there is a Based on the data analysis and subsequent findings

it is recommended that conformity to school rules and regulations be promoted in school and society through concerted efforts of parents and teachers, school managers, government and non-governmental agencies

as well as other agents of socialisation in society, the church, the mosque, and the mass media. Students should be taught strong moral and religious ideas and teachings as part of the school curriculum; this is a definite strategy to control delinquent and deviant actions.



1.3 Background for the Study

Each person is a unique being. No two people are exactly the same, even identical twins. Individual differences are another term for this distinctiveness. Despite our inherent differences, we share certain features. Undergraduate students are not spared from these individual disparities.

Each undergraduate is unique and contains certain personality traits that set him or her apart from every other undergraduate student at the tertiary institution.

Makinde (2004) defines characteristics as distinct and relatively persistent ways in which one individual differs from another based on personality variables. Personality dispositions or traits are specific, individualised features that distinguish a person from everyone else in society.


According to Kagan et al. (1990) in Osarenren (2002), personality is the whole pattern of typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that creates the individual’s unique manner of relating to the world.

This pattern of qualities causes an individual to behave in a specific fashion, and these personal characteristics determine whether the individual is accepted or rejected in society.

Not only that, but the personality of an individual undergraduate student at any institution determines whether or not he or she succeeds or fails academically. The American Heritage Dictionary (1985) defines disposition as a habitual propensity or personal tendency of an individual that causes the individual to act or behave in an unusual manner.

Individual dispositions include temperament, character traits, personality traits, or distinct natural phenomena that set a person apart from others in their society or school. Dispositions are a collection of characteristics that distinguish one individual from another.

They are what distinguishes an individual as unique and differently made or carved out. Dispositions are a person’s prevailing frame of mind or spirit that defines who he or she is. Collins English Dictionary (1990) defines disposition as a person’s natural or learnt tendency, inclination, or habit.

Thus, personality disposition can be defined as the sum of an individual’s distinctive methods of responding or reacting to particular challenges that arise in his or her local environment, which can be school, home, or society.


Undergraduates come from diverse households and backgrounds. Each individual kid in the school environment has a distinct home upbringing that forms his or her life pattern into the person he or she is seen to be in the school setting. Even pupils born in the same home differ from one another in a variety of ways, including speech, attitudes, and overall behavioural patterns.

Many characteristics distinguish humans from others in society. These distinguishing characteristics include human genetics, blood groups, and gender, among others.

Other physical dispositions or features include attitudes such as likes or dislikes, tastes or preferences, hobbies, cognitive level, goals and aspirations, outlook on life situations, and so on. These distinct personal traits are the result of both nature and nurture (Dickson 2000).

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