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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Big Brother Naija has had a significant impact on Nigeria’s mass media. In the previous year alone, society has seen an increase in BBN influencers, whereas other broadcast programming have not received similar or even comparable viewership or participation from Nigerians (Blankenheim, 2019).

This trend will undoubtedly have a long-term impact on the face of mass media in this country, but as the repercussions of these changes spread, one must evaluate the impact of hype on the broadcaster’s hip views.

At the same time, the new media environment and the behaviours connected with human involvement within it call into question long-held notions about popular opinion (hype).

This study will look at how these changes affect the long-standing spiral of silence hypothesis, as well as provide a new viewpoint on how public and individual opinion is formed in social media environments.


Statement of the Problem

This study investigates the impact of hype on viewership of broadcast programmes, with a focus on Big Brother Naija. The main source of buzz in this situation is social media, which orchestrates the program’s big marketing.

Social publishing tools are made up of a unique communication medium that is based on the concept of computer-mediated communication. They include user-generated material on platforms like YouTube and Twitter, as well as the explosion of personal and professional blogs.

By definition, these tools lack traditional social context cues (Griffith, 2019), which increases the likelihood of anonymous conduct. This raises a compelling new set of difficulties for traditional communication theory and theorists, particularly Noelle-Neumann’s spiral of silence (1984). According to the theory, Noelle-Neumann argued that the process of opinion formation and sharing was based on

perceptions of popular opinion, and that beliefs of declining support for one’s perspective led to a decreased likelihood of speaking out on the matter (Noelle-Neumann, 1977).

The impact of computer-mediated communication has previously been used to counter the spiral of silence idea (McDevitt, 2003), but the specific impact of social media and citizen journalism on individual opinion formation has yet to be examined.

Furthermore, a thorough grasp of the spiral of silence theory’s interaction with social publishing and social media has the ability to reveal how each medium influences individual opinion.

According to a study of the available literature, there is a scarcity of empirical research that examine how human behaviour on the Internet influences opinion formation in oneself and others, as well as how different social media contexts influence that behaviour.

The Spiral of Silence theory has been thoroughly researched from a variety of perspectives.

The theory is not without detractors, but the nature of the criticisms and recommendations made by these critical studies for research in this area creates an appealing panorama of research opportunities.

This study will build on those concerns by seeking to evaluate the effect of social media hype on the marketing of broadcast programmes, as well as get a better grasp of the theory by looking at it from a new perspective: social publishing.


Objectives Of the Research

To investigate the impact of social media hype on the increased outspokenness of those who have minority views.

To analyse the impact of freedom of expression on BBN promotion.

To determine whether hype has any effect on the public’s opinion of BBN.



H1: Access to content via social publishing platforms, notably blogs and online content platforms such as Tumblr, causes dispersion in opinion-forming variables and increases outspokenness among people who hold minority views.


H2: The increased anonymity of social media, particularly online chat environments, allows people with minority opinions to express themselves more freely than they would in person.

H3: This fragmentation and freedom of expression calls into question the Spiral of Silence model, requiring individuals to have a more editor-like role in selecting the influences that shape their opinions.


Definition of Terms Used


Social Publishing Tools: Internet-based self-publishing systems that allow anybody to share and consume material without editorial or other restrictions. Examples include Tumblr, YouTube, Blogger, Twitter, and Digg.

Social Decision-Making Environment: The social media environment in which a user interacts online. This setting combines technology and a communication medium, making it a mediated communication environment.

A blog is an online content site that has a series of diary entries published by a person or media institution. An internet content site created by an individual or media entity for widespread use. For the sake of this thesis, refers to the end-user experience rather than the technology platform.

Synchronous Online conversation: An online conversation environment that is real-time and immediate, with all users participating. Unlike other online discussion forums such as discussion boards and listservs, where discourse occurs asynchronously and over extended periods of time.

Organisation of the remaining chapters.

The paper is divided into five chapters. The second chapter provides a review of the available literature in the topic of research. The third chapter outlines the study’s scope and methods, as well as an overview of its assumptions and hypotheses.

The fourth chapter offers a review of the study’s data as well as a discussion of the findings, which are then compared to the initial hypothesis. Chapter five summarises the thesis, examines limits, and makes additional recommendations for future research in this field.

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