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This research examines the impact of political leadership on infrastructure development under President Buhari’s administration, from 2015 to 2019. This is based on the assumption that political leadership advances or fosters infrastructural development, and it is also empirical to assess the effects of political leadership on infrastructural development using a case study.

Invariably, Nigeria has faced developmental obstacles for many years following her independence, going through a series of political instability and government changes throughout the years, and the return to political leadership in 2015 presented a period worthy of academic study.

Furthermore, the period experienced tremendous political thuggery, making it necessary to investigate whether infrastructure development could thrive in such a heightened political environment.

The study collected primary data using three survey instruments (questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions) and secondary data using the documentary approach.

The data was presented and analysed numerically and qualitatively using the triangulation approach. To analyse the phenomena of political leadership, good governance, and their effects on infrastructure development, the Modernization Theory was used.

The adoption of this theory is informed by the fact that the wave of democratic transition in Africa and many developing countries has anchored the desire for development in line with the actualization of political leadership dividends, which is dependent on the manner of governance found in Nigeria at all levels.

The study discovered that, while not in line with the people’s desires, President Buhari’s administration has documented some infrastructure improvement in sectors such as increase in education, employment, and social amenities between 2015 and 2019. The study also discovered that people’s living standards had improved.

Corruption, imposition of leaders, poor, visionless, and unresponsive leadership/governance are among the major difficulties recognised as impeding the region’s political leadership development.

In light of this, the report proposes that leadership and governance be prioritised for the advancement of democracy in order to enhance infrastructure development.

Corruption, which is at the heart of the issues impeding the expansion of democratic governance in supporting infrastructure development, must be addressed as seriously and comprehensively as feasible.


Political leadership and development are increasingly being used interchangeably in development literature to refer to a sequence of complimentary unifications of notions closely related to good governance. According to the United Nations World Summit Outcome

Document (2001), democracy is one of the universal and indivisible basic values and principles that is “based on the freely expressed will of people and closely linked to the rule of law and the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

As a result, democracy, when supported by strong governance, feeds into economic and social policies that are responsive to people’s demands. Its fundamental characteristics include, among other things,

political tolerance, citizen engagement, equality, respect for the rule of law, social and economic freedom, human rights, a multi-party system, and a culture of accepting election outcomes.

However, the concept or meaning of good governance is relative, as what is “good” for one person may be “bad” for another (Adagba, 2009: 377). However, a broader definition of good governance includes the following eight characteristics: participation, consensus orientation, accountability, transparency, responsiveness, efficiency and effectiveness, equality and inclusiveness, and the rule of law (UN ESCAP, 2015).

Development can simply be defined as economic progress, an improvement in the quality of life of a given population, and everything else that contributes to the betterment of human existence and society as a whole. Because of its diverse approach, this viewpoint takes a broader and more general look at the term “development.”

Over the years, the three themes (democracy, good governance, and development) have received scholarly attention at various levels in development literature. Whether in practise or in writing, these concepts tend to flow into one another as indications of internationally and regionally acknowledged civilised sources of administrative and governmental institutions to bring government closer to the people.

Recent Nigerian history, that is, from 2015 to the present, has seen the popularisation of these principles, which are based on the pragmatic identification of politics to overcome the shortcomings of government and democracy in order to pave the way for infrastructure development.

This period has also seen the expression of great hopes by the masses, particularly with the belief that the democratic dispensation would address concerns such as poverty, inadequate health care, unemployment, inequality, a lack of social amenities, and an overall improvement in people’s living situations.

Many people feel that the democratic regime will match the people’s expectations, particularly in terms of economic freedom, increased incomes, enhanced market structure, respect for human rights, respect for the rule of law, press freedom, and stronger economic possibilities.

Despite the abundance of vast human and natural resources, history shows that Nigeria, regardless of the many social and economic policies implemented over the years by successive administrations, has been confronted with a slew of social, economic, and political development challenges, including acute youth unemployment, poor health prospects, insecurity,

a heightened crime rate, inadequate infrastructure development, widespread corruption, and widespread corruption. Both development students and government officials are responsible for discovering the root reasons of Nigeria’s numerous development difficulties.

It is thus worth noting that democracy, political leadership, and good administration are essential necessary for social and economic advancement. The question now is whether the people’s longings have been met over time, particularly during the research period.

Many arguments have been advanced throughout the years to determine the reality of the effects of political leadership and good governance on infrastructure development.

Some scholars (Ake, 2000; 1996; Toyo, 1994; Ogundiya, 2010) have used academic rigour to argue that democracy, when supported by strong governance, promotes development and vice versa. Many of these discourses are most likely the outcome of how people see and conceptualise democracy.

Whether the arguments advanced on the proper definition of democracy and its potential impact on infrastructure development are genuine, the simple fact remains that, judging from Ake’s point of view,

that is, seeing democracy as popular power, one can dare to assert that such popular power should be unusually anchored by good governance in order to enhance socioeconomic development.

This is unquestionably true of Nigeria in general, and of President Buhari’s administration in particular. For example, infrastructure development cannot occur if democratic governance is combined with bad leadership, which is a prototype of bad governance.

However, in any political institution, the system of administration and governance are pertinent to social and human development, and political leadership, backed by effective governance, has been given significant importance in this regard.

It is therefore crucial to assess the extent to which this practise has been seen in Nigeria. Unlike in sophisticated societies where these practises are widely followed, the situation in Nigeria looks to be different. This is a situation that has cast question on the credibility of our democracy and its long-term viability.

Because it is assumed that democracy promotes development, it has become necessary to perform an empirical study to determine whether Nigeria’s return to democratic leadership in 2015 has improved infrastructure development under President Buhari’s administration.

This study aims to investigate the extent to which political leadership has fostered infrastructure development throughout President Buhari’s administration, particularly in the areas of poverty, bad health, unemployment, inequality, and general living circumstances.

The time period under consideration is significant because, just four years after returning to political leadership in 2015, the state had a change of administration from one political party to another (APP to PDP).

The new administration, which took office in 2003, faced multiple court challenges about the integrity of the election that brought it to power and the subsequent one, a scenario that lasted nine (9) years.

Furthermore, the time experienced an intense phase of political thuggery, which resulted in increased political tension in the state. As a result, it is vital to explore whether infrastructure development can thrive in such circumstances.

However, the researcher chose this issue because he is from this region and his understanding of the area makes it worthwhile for an academic examination. However, with the informal expectations and yearnings of the people of this region on the dividends of democracy,

having produced the three Executive Governors who have ruled the state since the return to political leadership in 2015, this research becomes also necessary to assess the complementary role of Political leadership on Infrastructural Development, bearing in mind that a region does not produce a governor solely to develop its area.

The following research questions are addressed in this study:

How far has Nigeria’s political leadership encouraged infrastructure development between 2015 and 2019?

What are the obstacles to infrastructure development in Nigeria from 2015 to 2019?

How might such obstacles be overcome in order to nurture or support infrastructure development under President Buhari’s administration?

The purpose of this research is to evaluate the extent to which political leadership has encouraged infrastructure development during President Buhari’s administration between 2015 and 2019. However, the following are the study’s precise objectives:

To investigate how much political leadership improved infrastructure development during President Buhari’s government between 2015 and 2019.

To investigate the obstacles to infrastructure development in Nigeria from the return of political leadership in 2015 to 2019.

Identifying measures for political leadership to promote infrastructure development under President Buhari’s administration.

The importance of this study stems from the fact that current work on the complimentary effects of democracy on development has all been anchored on the macro level, with none having been specificised to the micro level, which this study is set to unravel.

Thus, this study is particularly significant because it examines the effects of political leadership supported by good governance on infrastructural development at the micro level,

with particular reference to President Buhari’s government. As a result, the information acquired would contribute to a better understanding of the effects of political leadership at the micro level.

The purpose of this research is to look at the impact of political leadership on infrastructure development under President Buhari’s administration from 2015 to 2019.

The time period under consideration is significant because, just four years after returning to political leadership in 2015, the state had a change of administration from one political party to another (APP to PDP).

The new administration, which took office in 2003, faced multiple court challenges about the integrity of the election that brought it to power and the subsequent one, a scenario that lasted nine (9) years.

This study is divided into five chapters. The first chapter provides a broad introduction, followed by a detailed discussion of how the research was carried out. The second chapter is a review of relevant literature on the subject under inquiry.

The majority of the material was thus analysed thematically and systematically, and a theoretical framework was used to supplement the investigation presented.

The research technique is covered in Chapter 3 of this paper. The methodology describes how the data used in this study was gathered and analysed. However, a historical review of President Buhari’s administration’s infrastructure operations was provided to supplement the field findings.

The majority of the work in chapter four consists of data analysis using descriptive quantitative and qualitative methods. In addition, chapter four contains a summary of the findings from the study’s advanced analysis.

The fifth and last chapter of the study contains the study’s summary, conclusion, and recommendations. However, the later section of the chapter provides a full list of references as well as a list of other appendices utilised in this chapter.

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