Project Material Details |
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes |
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The study aimed to assess the incidence and patterns of psychoactive substance use among senior secondary school students in Dala Local Government Area (LGA), Kano State, Nigeria. The study used a cross-sectional descriptive survey design. A simple random selection approach was utilised to choose two secondary schools from among the ten Government Senior Secondary Schools in Dala LGA, Kano State. Both schools have a total population of 2293 students, including 1202 boys and 1096 girls. The two schools in question were Government Secondary School Kurna Asabe for boys and Government Senior Secondary School Kuka Bulukiya for ladies. The data collection instrument was an adapted questionnaire from the WHO Youth Drug Survey (WHOYDSQ). The instrument’s reliability was determined through a test re-test and calculated using Pearson Moment Correlation. A coefficient of 0.82 was obtained. The generated data was subjected to descriptive statistics and evaluated using Chi-square. The prevalence of psychoactive substance usage among Government Senior Secondary School students in Dala LGA, Kano State, reveals that the majority of respondents (91.1%) have used psychoactive substances. The most commonly used substances were kola nuts (87.4%), tobacco (15%), and cannabis (5.5%). More than half of the users of each item use it only sporadically, one to five days per month, with the exception of kolanut, which is taken twenty or more days per month. They are masculine (52.9%) and female (47.1%). The majority (68.1%) of responders were aged between 18 and 20 years. The majority of respondents who use psychoactive substances were introduced by their friends (60.6%), family (27.6%), or by no one (5.7%). The majority (27.9%) initially consume kolanut at the age of less than ten years, alcoholic beverages at the age of eleven to twelve years (25.6%), and tobacco and cannabis at the age of nineteen and up (38.3%). The primary reasons for consuming psychoactive substances are to be sociable (25.4%) and for enjoyment (24.4%). There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between male and female psychoactive drug consumption. The consumption pattern varies depending on the psychoactive chemical kind (p < 0.05). The usage of psychoactive substances over a lifetime is linked to age at first use (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the prevalence of substance usage among Senior Secondary School kids is high, so the government, parents, and teachers must work together to address the issues.
Chapter one
Background for the Study
Psychoactive substance usage and dependency place a huge strain on individuals and societies around the world. According to the World Health Report (2010), psychoactive substance use accounts for 8.9% of the total disease burden. According to the report, tobacco was responsible for 4.1% of the disease burden in 2010, followed by alcohol at 4% and illicit drugs at 0.8%.
A wide range of health and social issues contribute to a significant portion of the burden associated with substance abuse and dependence. Data from the World Health Organisation (2011) demonstrate large-scale seizures of cocaine, heroin, cannabis, and amphetamine-type stimulants in various parts of the world.
The availability of cocaine, heroin, and cannabis is determined by cultivation levels in source nations as well as the success or failure of trafficking organisations. However, even with increased law enforcement activity, there always appears to be enough available for users. According to UNODC (2011), around 200 million individuals use illicit substances of some kind.
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