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Prevalence Of Diabetes Mellitus Among Aged People And Other Youth Of 27 Years And Above

Prevalence Of Diabetes Mellitus Among Aged People And Other Youth Of 27 Years And Above

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Prevalence Of Diabetes Mellitus Among Aged People And Other Youth Of 27 Years And Above

Chapter one

1.1 Background of the Study

Prevalence can be simply defined as the number of people who are sick or will get sick with a specific ailment in a population at a given period. (John I. Chaveh, 2013).

The term diabetes mellitus derives from Greek and meaning “syphon.” Aretus the Cappadocian, a Greek physician from the second century A.D., coined the term diabainein. He described patients who were passing too much water (polyuria).

Like a syphon, the word became “diabetes” once the English adopted the Mediaeval Latin diabetes in 1675. Thomas Willis added mellitus to the phrase, which is now popularly referred to as diabetes. Mel is a Latin word that means “honey”.

Diabetes mellitus is defined in the Sixth Edition of the Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary as any metabolic condition characterised by excessive thirst and the production of large volumes of urine.

Diabetes mellitus refers to a set of metabolic illnesses characterised by excessive blood glucose levels. Either because insulin synthesis is insufficient, the cells in the body do not respond correctly to insulin, or both. By Christian Norguist, April 2010, amended July 2012 (Gobsle Com).

According to Anyam A. Ordedoo (2000-2008), diabetes mellitus is a metabolic condition caused by insulin insufficiency, which affects carbohydrate metabolism and causes sugar accumulation in the blood and urine.

Diabetes mellitus is an acute or chronic disease that affects as many as 16 million Americans for unknown reasons. Diabetes mellitus is becoming more common in our population to the point where public health officials are calling it an epidemic that requires immediate attention from the 16 million people with diabetes, about one-third of whom are unaware. Every year, 8,000,000 more cases are diagnosed.

Diabetes mellitus is the most prevalent endocrine disease that arises when there is a lack of insulin or, in rare cases, an impairment of insulin action. Insulin resistance causes varying degrees of disruption of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The incidence of type one (1) and type two diabetes is increasing worldwide. Ross Wilson (2010).

Diabetes mellitus currently affects more than 6% of the population, with over 9% of Americans expected to have diabetes by 2016. Diabetes is predicted to cost approximately S100 billion per year in the United States, and it is the sixth greatest cause of mortality (Alaribe H.A. 2009).

In terms of the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among the elderly, Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area Taraba State is not an exception.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Prevalence of diabetes mellitus among the elderly and youth: a case study of Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area, Taraba State is a challenge to all health providers, particularly community health workers and the government.

Diabetes mellitus in the elderly is divided into two categories: type 1 and type 21 diabetes, which account for 5 to 10% of all diagnosed diabetes.

Thus, it is less prevalent than Type 2. It is an autoimmune illness, which means that your immune system, the body’s system for fighting infection, has gone crazy, destroying the cells in your pancreas that generate insulin, and kinds 2 diabetes are known as non-insulin dependent diabetes. Mellitus of adult-onset diabetes. This type of diabetes mellitus differs from type 1 diabetes in that the body produces insulin efficiently.

kind 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common kind of diabetes, accounting for 90–95 percent of all cases. It normally develops after the age of 40. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition that can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, renal disease, limb amputation, and blindness (Alaribe H.A, 2009).

In light of this, the researcher wishes to investigate the underlying cause of diabetes mellitus in older persons through a case study of Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area, Taraba State.

1.3 Object of the Study

1.3.1 General Objective

To evaluate the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among elderly adults in the Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

It specifically aimed at:

1. To identify the primary cause of diabetes mellitus in the elderly and others: a case study of Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area, Taraba State.

2. To discover the percentage of the aged individuals and other youth of 27 years in Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area Taraba State who suffer from chronic diabetes mellitus.

3. To determine whether the socioeconomic situation of parents influences the level of food intake of older and other youth people in the study area.

4. A case study of Yitti Ward Lau LGA in Taraba State was conducted to determine methods to prevent diabetes mellitus among the elderly and other youth aged 27 years.


1. What are the leading causes of diabetes mellitus among the elderly and those aged 27 and up in Yitti Ward Lau LGA Taraba State?

2. What percentage of elderly adults suffer from chronic diabetes mellitus?

3. What are the preventive measures for diabetes in Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area, Taraba State?

4. How does the socioeconomic situation of parents effect the level of food consumption of children and other young in the research area?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will assist parents, families, individual health planners, and the government in understanding the severity of diabetes mellitus among the elderly and other youth, as illustrated by the Yitti ward case study. Local Government Area, Taraba State, with the goal of planning curative, controlling, and preventive measures.

1.6 Limitations (scope) of the study.

The study is limited to the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in a case study of boys and females from Yitti Ward Lau Local Government Area in Taraba State. It does not involve children or adolescents.

1.7 Definition of Terms

METABOLISH: The sun of all the chemical and physical changes that take happen within the body to allow it to continue growing and functioning (Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary).

CARBOHYDRATE: These are organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio of hydrogen to oxygen atoms (Gemson 2007).

Obesity is a condition in which the body has acquired extra fat, primarily in the subcutaneous tissues.

Diabetes Mellitus is a carbohydrate metabolism illness in which sugars in the body are not oxidised to produce energy due to a lack of pancreatic hormones. Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary (6th ed., 2002).

HYPOGLYCAEMIA: A lack of glucose in the bloodstream that causes muscular weakness, incoordination, mental disorientation, and sweating (Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary).

HYPERGLYCAEMIA: Excess glucose in the bloodstream (Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary).

GLUCOSE: A simple sugar with six carbon atoms.

POLYURIA is the production of huge volumes of watery, pale urine.

The pancreas is a 15cm-long complex gland that lies behind the stomach, with one end in the curve of the duodenum and the other touching the spleen.

INSULIN: Is a protein hormone produced in the pancreas by beta cells in the islets of langerhans that regulates blood sugar (glucose) levels.

RENAL FAILURE: This is linked to diabetes nephropathy that affects the kidney and is a significant cause of death in persons with diabetes. Ross and Wilson (11th Edition, 2010).

ISLET: A tiny collection of cells that are architecturally unique from the cells around them.

RETINOPATHY is defined as any of several retinal conditions that cause impairment.

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