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This study looked into the reform of Nigerian elementary education through the teaching of thinking. Primary education, which is regarded as the foundation of all intellectual processes and activities, as well as a stepping stone to secondary and higher education, is jeopardised by epistemic dysfunctions.

The epistemic dysfunctions dragging down this most critical level of education are described in the famous statement “our people perish due to lack of knowledge.” Our government’s curriculum, which guides primary schools, is flawed. As a result, many students suffer as a result of inadequate teaching and planning methods. This research paper places a strong emphasis on teaching thinking as a solution to issues.




The ability to perceive beyond the bounds of assumptions makes planning failure extremely unusual. The strength of the planning and the level of implementation determine society progress and development. This is because the capacity to plan well does not imply the ability to follow out the plan completely.

Nigerian primary education, like its global counterpart, is the foundation of educational progress and development. Through secondary school, people are shaped and given the strength to pursue greater success in the educational area. This means that once the foundation is firm, the groundwork for growth and development in other aspects of life is ensured. This would be critical to the achievement of the country’s aims and aspirations.

When secondary education has the necessary influence, the crisis that could arise in the following areas is avoided. To summarise, the departed foreign powers did not give significant consideration to the fundamental conditions for the establishment of true secondary education in Nigeria. Even in the pattern planning for the implementation strategy that does not inspire people to think. And it is clear that thinking is a necessary step towards people’s sociopolitical and economic progress.

According to Eze, progress allows for self-esteem, freedom, and creative initiative in individuals and the country as a whole. The pressing question is what would be required for the realisation of this noble tendency in Nigerian life. Our secondary school is in charge of introducing children to the fundamentals of literacy and numeracy. Its purpose is to mentor students in the art of critical thinking and scientific enquiry. However, the realisation of this noble duty is distant from reality.

The study is looking for the fundamental elements that would lead to the creation of a functional secondary school system that will foster scientific inquiry and critical thinking in the lives of Nigerians. It is almost certain that the introduction of critical thinking, creative thinking, caring thinking, systems thinking, synergic thinking, Ecumenical thinking, mathematical thinking, and other forms of higher order thinking will solve Nigeria’s problems of academic enslavement and moral decadence.


Everyone appears to be convinced that our youths are far from the expected leaders of tomorrow, which we all signify that the children initiate what they see in the environment, implying that with an adequate supply of the necessary environmental stimuli, the children would live up to the society’s expectations. But the question remains: are these children fulfilling their duties as we would expect?

Primary education aims to provide the required foundation for children’s and adults’ thinking and problem-solving abilities. Is this a position that can be fulfilled in our society? Why are our children in such a moral quagmire today? Anih argued that good will alone is not enough in our academic curriculum.

Taking it literally, he regretted that good will without action is nothing. The second question is, how can the children be helped to think for themselves and be reasonable? How can the primary school, which is the cornerstone of their formed education, be made to serve this job extremely well? The amount of schooling without thinking in society indicates that if the elementary level is weak, the influence will spread to the other levels of education.

This could explain why many of our own graduates become job seekers rather than job producers. Education in the country has failed to address the dependency mindset that colonialists instilled in our inherited formal education.

Teachers are also considered as being vital to the development of education. This indicates that the quality of the teacher is critical in the development of the kids. The big question is whether our teachers are grounded in facts and critical thinking skills.

How can a teacher who was never taught to think teach secondary school students to think? If it is true that one cannot provide what one does not have, how can we improve secondary education in the face of present educational crises?

It is worth noting that many of our subjects in school are already tabulated. What would thinking do in a pre-planned education in which the subjects have already been pedagogically designed? The patterns by which thinking can be utilised in the acquisition of English, mathematics, elementary science, Igbo language, and even other subjects in the primary school curriculum would then be the focus of this research.

The education of thinking would result in some kind of social reformation. It must be persuaded as the backbone for ushering in the pure development of democratic principles and a value-oriented life. Unfortunately, these are not existent in today’s culture.


Our teacher education and the teachers themselves are the first beneficiaries of the introduction of thinking in secondary education. The instruments for effective teaching should be the primary priority of effective teachers. In our notions of the teacher as an academic midwife, it is obvious that no instructor would be content if academic progress was still being born.

Teachers in the field and educators in institutions of education would regard these developments as a means to unlocking the children’s minds. They would find the classroom engaging if the community of inquiry approach was used to encourage students to think.

The study would be extremely beneficial to the students. The secondary section’s introduction of thinking is the way to their self-realization. This would imply that the products of this great reformation will be free of the colonising and dehumanising scheduling patterns of learning.

The upshot of this activity would be a boost to the learners’ independence, as they would be forced to reason through thinking rather than memorise by rote-learning and cramming of the pre-determined learning outcome.

The curriculum planning professionals would apply this in the foreseeable problems of living up to its educational challenges. They would utilise this research as a guide to the eddying of schooling without thinking, which is currently a cog in the wheel of human development.

Finally, this research would help to advance moral, functional, and personnel development in Nigeria. The outcome could indicate to the reasons for the type of life that our school graduates lead. Thinking allows for reflection, which leads to a deeper knowledge of phenomena. The improvement of the primary section is the improvement of the society’s overall facts.

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