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During the reign of Oba Ewedor, the fourth Oba of Benin, who reigned from 1255 to 1280 AD, he was the first Oba to establish a native prison called “Ewedor” in his own name where offenders were confined, the keeper or warder was called “Eriebo” in Benin dialect, and the prisoners were called “Eseghan.”

This indigenous prison system existed prior to the arrival of the colonial masters in 1895. During the reign of Oba Eweka, the government rebuilt the prisons in the same location in 1910. It has been revealed that the prison was fenced with ordinary hard wire from 1910 to 1950, and that the perimeter wall was fenced with burnt bricks in 1957.

As a result of this awareness, the concept of rehabilitation rose to the forefront of delinquent treatment. Rehabilitation is defined as efforts to restore (a person degraded or attained) to former privileges, ranks, and possessions through a formal act or declaration, or to re-establish (a person’s good name or memory) through an authoritative pronouncement.

It also refers to restoring a person’s or thing’s character or reputation to a previous state in order to set up again in proper condition. When applied to deviants, it means that society has realized that the deviant, who was on the path to development, can be helped to readjust once more if the proper rehabilitation techniques are used. A desirable rehabilitation policy was thus formalized in order to re-establish in proper condition those prisoners who had broken the law of the society and who now needed to be restored as properly integrated members of society.


To make this study simpler and easier to understand, future researchers who may find this study useful on the main issues in this project are required. An understanding of the major issues to be raised in this project is enhanced by an understanding of the topic reformation and rehabilitation of prison as a function of facilities on human resources in the prison project. To clear the way, the following questions must be asked.

1. It is not true that some inmates who are released from prison are not accepted back into their homes, communities, and societies.

2. Do any inmates who have been released from prison return to prison?

3. Are inmates provided with vocational training while incarcerated?

4. Do governments keep track of inmates to see if they are receiving vocational training?

5. Have any inmates or prisoners been reform after being released from prison?

6. What is the difference between reformation and rehabilitation in terms of the type and number of self-help projects carried out?

7. What significant changes did reformation and rehabilitation bring to the lives of inmates or prisoners in Benin Prison? The above-mentioned issue will be the focus of this research project.


The following research question has been developed for the purposes of this research study.

1. Can a formerly incarcerated person make a positive contribution to society?

2. Is it possible to release prisoners without first reforming them?

3. Is it possible for a prisoner who has been released to reintegrate into society?

4. Is it possible to keep a prisoner after he has been discharged through the doors?

5. Is it possible to monitor prisoners who have been released?


In modern society, the purpose of imprisonment is not always to punish offenders. Deviants in modern society are a far cry from what they were in previous societies. Then, crimes and delinquency were viewed as severe problems that required severe surgical interventions.

Despite stories of thieves having their arms amputated, eyes gorged out, and heads basked in, social scientists and scholars of society were to show that stealing, rape, and other felonies against society were never truly reduced. Instead, they have steadily increased not only in scope and size, but also in the degree of viciousness visited on their victims and society. As a result, the emphasis has shifted away from the penal nature of remand homes and toward reformation and rehabilitation. Norms and values govern social interaction patterns throughout human society.

Because these norms and values are supposed to be internalized through socialization and social controls, scholars reasoned that if these deviants in society have not been properly socialized, they will alienate them. Efforts should be made to reform and rehabilitate them (Goftman, 1961, Sykes Wheeler and Messinger, 1970).


There is a need for research on reformation and rehabilitation as a function of human resource facilities in prison. Project to determine whether or not reformation and rehabilitation are worthwhile projects in our prison. The study will also help society recognize the need for and importance of prison reformation and rehabilitation.


The scope of the project includes the reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners in Benin Prison.


A prison is a structure where people are kept as punishment for committing a crime, or a system of keeping people in prisons.

Prisoners: Individuals who have been captured, for example, by an enemy and are being held somewhere.

Rehabilitation is defined as the formal act or deterrence of restoring a degraded person to privilege.

Rehabilitate: To assist someone in resuming a normal, useful life after being very ill/sick or in prison for an extended period of time. He was instrumental in rehabilitating magnitude as an artist.

Reformation: A reformation is an act of improving or chinning, or a person who practices a form of Judaism that has changed some aspect of worship to adapt to modern society.


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