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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Many people have myopic views of marketing, misinterpreting concepts as a strategy that solely pertains to management accounting and distribution trades.

Some regard it as a talent that is only available to department workers, while others recognise the relevance of marketing to service businesses such as hospitals, insurance, and auto maintenance.

It is critical that auto repair workers, staff, and management understand the significance of marketing and how it relates to auto maintenance services.

Kottler (2006) defined service as an act or performance that one party can lend to another that is essential, intangible, and does not result in ownership of anything; its production may or may not be linked to a physical product;

the environment; and the needs of customers, which are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complicated; and a management process that identifies, anticipates, and satisfies consumer requirements profitably. Marketing is a human activity aimed at satisfying needs and desires through an exchange process.

According to Kotler (2000: 587), there should be meaningful efforts to identify customers’ needs through psychoanalysis of the customers’ problems because no two customers are exactly alike and it is impossible to provide a failure-free service to each customer, it becomes necessary to segment the customer into categories of people with broader similar needs and interests.

Anticipating the demands of consumers entails thinking about customers and planning for their needs. This entails analysing the business environment and the changing requirements of customers. Forward thinking must be combined with fruitful planning.

According to Edoga and Ani (2000: 275), marketing is a management process in which factors related to future requirements are identified and directed. Management must then combine this with forward planning and decision-making. the needs at a profit to the organisation, there is no business that can continue to grow, definitely without profit.

The main objective of marketing is that, while striving to achieve effective service to the customer, this means that service should be rendered profitably to the organisation.

Marketing also involves total evaluation of the company’s strength and weaknesses in order to know where to specialise or where to eliminate proper marketing implies providing the Using the marketing concept,

vehicle maintenance service marketing, like any other service marketing, is intangible and inextricably linked to sellers. They are also nitrogenous, highly perishable, and have a volatile demand.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Despite the fact that there are many engineers in society today, both with paper certificates and training qualifications, the rate and standard of automobiles remains low.

Due to poor qualified service from engineers, car owners end up visiting their workshop almost daily in order to put something or other in their cars; however, the cost of maintaining automobile products in our society is said to be high, and yet service delivery is still of a low standard.

Anamco, a leading manufacturer and car maintenance company, is seeing a decline in demand, and the majority of vehicles that are maintained break down as soon as they are serviced. This had resulted in client discontent with their services in the Enugu metropolis.

The researcher attempts to x-ray why vehicles break down, which is always due to a lack of spare parts; these and other issues are fundamental to the research work.

This is about the dilemma that prompted the above study in an attempt to discover a solution to the difficulty of marketing automobile maintenance services in Enugu state.


In light of the identical problem of the auto maintenance industry defined above, this study aims at a critical analysis of the auto maintenance service industries in Enugu metropolis with the view of discovering the specific problem of the industry,

especially in the area of consumer orientation and, consequently, advising management on how to improve service marketing to satisfy customer needs efficiently and thus ensure the survival of the business units that make up

i) To assess the marketing methods of an auto repair service industry workshop firm in the Enugu metropolis.

ii) To recognise where there is a promise for greater productivity in the services given to the public.

iii) To determine the feasibility of applying the marketing concept in service marketing

iv) To understand the effectiveness of consumer promotion.

v) Determine the pros and disadvantages to customers.

vi) Make recommendations on how it should be organised or which alternatives are better.


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