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Chapter one


For many years, there has been poor logistics management in many aspects of our economy, particularly in the area of marketing, resulting in a setback for the marketing industry.

The term “logistic” is familiar to many people, including undergraduates, graduates, researchers, and those working in the marketing industry. No marketing industry, organisation,

or business can grow without paying close attention to logistical issues; as a result, many marketing companies are always devising new marketing tactics to address logistics issues.

However, due to the critical nature of these issues, this project work focuses on the setbacks that are commonly encountered during the distribution and marketing of fast food, as well as the economic importance of food to the growth of any motion,

both developed and undeveloped. This work is strictly based on the logistical problem of marketing fast food in Enugu state. Before proceeding, it would be beneficial to first review the logistics.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, logistics refers to the organisation of suppliers and services for any complex process.

Logistics is concerned with the effective transfer of raw materials from suppliers to the plant site, where they are processed and eventually carried out as finished products, which are then moved to middlemen and, finally, to the end consumers.

Marketing logistics is also defined as the process of coordinating all activities necessary to strategically transport raw materials, parts, and finished goods inventory from vendors to corporate facilities and to customers.

The goal of logistics is to provide a predetermined and acceptable level of customer service while minimising the costs associated with transferring and storing products from production.

A logistic plan is the most advanced organisation of economic operations that transport products and services from producers to consumers.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The very basic amenities such as refrigerated vans, a good road network, and communication that are recorded to support marketing operations in fast food are absent, which has caused some logistics issues, increasing the rate of fast food production.

Although inflation is fundamentally caused by an insufficient supply of essential commodities in relation to demand, it is exacerbated by ineffective distribution of what is produced.

Logistics must be effective and efficient in order to create customer satisfaction while also ensuring the lowest marketing costs. Where there is a logistical issue, a company may be unable to satisfy its clients and meet its marketing objectives.

The key logistical issues in marketing fast food transportation are as follows: Roads in the transport sector are frequently inadequately built and maintained.

Modern communication facilities are inefficient, and in most locations, they do not exist at all, resulting in delayed contact between producers and consumers. Another issue is the amount of time it takes from manufacturing to consumption.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

This research is being conducted to find solutions to logistical issues in the marketing of fast food in Enugu State.

1. Determine if there are enough vehicles to supply product to the company’s distribution outlets.

2. Consult on how to improve the company’s market share.

3. Critically investigate the logistics system in the marketing of fast food.

4. To determine whether salespeople in various branches face difficulties in obtaining suppliers from the manufacturer.

5. To determine the company’s inventory concerns.

6. Emphasise the pricing gap between fast food production areas and urban cities where they are offered.

7. Emphasise the significance of effective logistical management in the marketing of fast food.

8. To identify broad logistics issues confronting nourisha fast food limited.

1.3 Formulation of the Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1.

H0 marketing logistics, as implemented by nourisha food limited, do not foster consumer patronage.

H1 marketing logistics, as implemented by nourisha food limited, stimulates customer purchases.

Hypothesis 11

H0 marketing logistics, as used by nourisha food limited, do not result in increased market shares for the companies.

H1 marketing logistics, as implemented by nourisha food limited, resulted in increased market shares for the companies.

Hypothesis 111.

H0 marketing logistics does not compete with nourisha food limited.

H1 marketing logistics combats rivalry in the nourisha food limited.

Hypothesis: 1V

H0 marketing logistics practice at nourisha food limited has no influence on profitability.

The H1 marketing logistics practice at nourisha food has a minimal influence on their business.

1.4 Significance of the Study

From an economic standpoint, production is not complete until the product reaches the consumer.

This study will assist both nourisha food limited and the case organisation. The study will assist them in planning their marketing logistics so that they may effectively reach their customers at a lower cost.

It will function as a document service for researchers who are interested in writing about a connected issue. It will also allow the corporation to determine how the distribution is being carried out; if there are any issues, they will take steps to resolve them in order to satisfy their consumers, as they are their target market.

Distributions will benefit since the goods will arrive at the appropriate time, location, quality, and price. This will allow them to sell to the ultimate consumers while also ensuring that the entire system is functioning properly.

Consumers of fast food will profit equally if the corporation accepts the study’s findings. The goods will likewise be offered to them at the appropriate time, location, and price.

1.5 Scope of the Study

The researcher focused on nourisha fast food Limited Enugu State. The goal of this scope is to identify the logistics issues encountered by nourisha food limited and provide valuable recommendations for improved performance.

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