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Problems And Prospects Of Health Service Delivery At Grass Root Level

Problems And Prospects Of Health Service Delivery At Grass Root Level

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Problems And Prospects Of Health Service Delivery At Grass Root Level

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

Health service delivery in Nigeria has historical roots. It had evolved throughout time, comprising a number of policies and plans implemented by past administrations. Previous administration refers to the unorganised colonial and post-colonial administrations of Nigeria.

Oyewo (1991) traced the historical epoch of Nigeria’s health sector beyond the organised colonial period and asserted that maternal and child care in the pre-colonial period, as opposed to orthodox medical care, served the people with precise efficiency proportional to their level of development.

He also identified the beginning of a meaningful health service policy with the first Ten Year National Plan (1946-1956), in which health was placed on the concurrent legislative list, with both the federal and regional governments exercising defined powers within their areas of direct administrative control.

Similarly, numerous published and unpublished studies stated that Public Health Services in Nigeria and other West African Protectorates originated with the British Army Medical Services.

When the army was absorbed into the colonial government, medical care was extended to local civil personnel and their families, and eventually to the general public, particularly those who lived near the government station.

At the same time, many religious organisations, mainly Christian Missionaries, and private agencies worked tirelessly to create hospitals, dispensaries, and maternity clinics throughout the country, particularly in the South and Middle Belt.

The first Ten-Year National Plan (1946-1956), whose proponents were primarily expatriate bureaucrats, had a number of flaws, particularly in health care. The health policy of the Second National Development Plan (1970-1974) aimed to address some of the inadequacies in health-care delivery systems.

There was a deliberate attempt to develop a comprehensive national health policy that addressed issues such as health manpower development, the provision of comprehensive health care based on a basic health care service scheme, disease control, the efficient use of health resources, medical research, and healthcare planning.

The local government is primarily established as a sustainable political and administrative instrument for the transformation of all communities and the provision of critical services to inhabitants. Local governments play an important role in facilitating grassroots development.

Governments should consequently seek new and better ways to construct service institutions capable of championing and advancing the course of development. Local government must establish an acceptable and congenial atmosphere for local residents by providing efficient and effective service delivery.



1.2 Statement of the Problem

The study on problems and prospects of health service delivery at grass root level came about as a result of lack of infrastructure, lack of conducive environment in terms of war outbreak, illiteracy of the local government citizens

and lack of awareness, because the people have not been given an awareness as to what health service delivery is all about, they might cause riot, thereby leading to destruction of any infrastructure and equipments provided as well.

Finally, the majority of the research has focused on health service delivery, but not a single study has looked at the issues and potential for health service delivery at the grassroots level.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this study is to identify the issues and potential for health service delivery at the grassroots level. Other specific study objectives include:

1. To assess the impact of a lack of infrastructure on health service delivery.

2. Determine the impact of the unskilled in health service delivery.

3. Determine the extent to which local governments influence health service delivery.

4. Determine the impact of health service delivery on grassroots citizens.

5. Determine the impact of providing adequate and effective health facilities and care on the overall population.

6. To identify the elements that influence health care service delivery at the grassroots level.

7. Determine the interaction between health care delivery and grassroots citizens.

8. To propose a viable solution to the listed problems.


1. How does a lack of infrastructure affect the delivery of health services?

2. What impact do unskilled workers have on health-care delivery?

3. To what extent do local government agencies influence health service delivery?

4. What is the impact of health service delivery on ordinary citizens?

5. What is the impact of providing appropriate and effective health facilities and services on the overall population?

6. What variables influence health care service delivery at the grassroots level?

7. What is the relationship between health care delivery and grassroots citizens?

8. What are the potential remedies to the aforementioned issues?

1.5 Statement of Research Hypothesis

H0: Health care service delivery has no substantial impact on grassroots citizens.

H1: Health care service delivery has a profound impact on grassroots citizens.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study on the problems and prospects of health service delivery at grass root level will be of immense benefit to the entire local government citizens and as well as the local government authorities in the sense that it will enable them to use the solutions that are stated in this study effectively

which include; the local government authorities to employ an agency that will watch over the facilities of the health care centres to avoid theft, warn the youth, men and Finally, the study will add to the corpus of existing literature and expertise in this field of study, providing a foundation for future research.


The research into the issues and prospects of health service delivery is limited to the grassroots level.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this investigation while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the amount of time spent on research.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Problems.It is an unsatisfactory scenario that creates problems for people.

Prospect: The probability or likelihood of a future event occurring.

Health refers to a biological system’s ability to acquire, transform, allocate, distribute, and utilise energy efficiently.

Service DeliveryThe act of assisting or doing work for someone.

The grass roots level.Ordinary people, as opposed to active leadership of a party or organisation:

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