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Section I



“Quality is conformance to requirements, and those requirements must be defined in measurable and clearly stated terms,” according to Crosby (1979).

One of the aims or objectives that organisations strive to accomplish is quality. However, a lot of the time this goal is not met because of issues within the companies. Any company’s standing in the market is determined by the calibre of its goods and services.

Its success is mostly dependent on. This is the calibre of the products or services it manufactures and offers to customers. “This is a result of customers wanting to get the most for their money.

The customers alone are able to determine the quality of a product or service. (Deming, in 1986.) This implies that a company’s consumers must be happy with its products or services before the company can be satisfied with the quality of its offerings.

One of the trickiest ideas in all of management theory, quality is a multifaceted notion. This means that every company in the modern world aspires to provide high-quality, reasonably priced goods and services that consumers will find acceptable.

The functional management discipline of quality control is in charge of establishing the purpose of quality. Effective quality control requires both minimal or decreased cost and freedom from deficiencies.

Thus, noncompliance cannot be justified in the name of cutting operating expenses. These expenses include waste, rework, replacement, and inspection fees, to name a few.

These are all manufacturing issues that need to be identified as soon as feasible, fixed, and, if possible, avoided.

Therefore, setting a standard for effective and efficient quality in the following areas will help achieve quality control:.

1. In the design and installation of machinery and equipment, the manufacturing process and system, and the product identification system in the factory building.

2. When designing a product.

3. Through an extensive customer response programme that provides the necessary input in the marketplace.

Every significant quality has tolerance limitations in addition to the defined criteria. These tolerance limits are the ranges of changes that will not be allowed to occur. Businesses need to ascertain what qualities their clients require and make every effort to meet those objectives.

Every employee in a company should share responsibility for meeting the quality needs of the customers. The division of goods development will build a design to correspond with the needs once the market research division ascertains what these needs are.

The manufacturing units will control the process to reach the target product quality, while the planning division will create a plan for carrying out the intended product.


The dynamic corporate environment in Nigeria is characterised by constantly shifting employee configurations, work procedures, and practices.

Due to these changes, businesses that are averse to change or that are unable to adapt swiftly and effectively are more likely to experience issues that will eventually have a negative impact on their level of productivity and profit margins.

The realisation of quality standards has proven to be a challenge for many manufacturing firms, despite the fact that every manufacturing company’s success is largely dependent on its reputation for providing consumers with high-quality products.

As a result, in order for a manufacturing company to succeed, it is imperative that they establish and maintain strong quality control policies. The individuals in charge of efficient quality control tasks need to be familiar with the necessary procedures in each quality control system. To attain good quality, careful adherence to each section’s quality protocols is necessary.

Nonetheless, it is well known that a large number of inferior goods are flooding the Nigerian market. The first thing that springs to mind is the possibility of issues with manufacturing companies’ quality control procedures or systems.

Many businesses have found it difficult to achieve their aims and objectives, such as maximising profits and establishing a positive corporate image, as a result of these issues.

Two key questions emerge from the investigation of these issues, which this study aims to determine. Which variables are in charge of these issues? What steps) are necessary to lessen or get rid of these issues and the way they affect the companies?

Using Nigeria Breweries Plc. in Enugu as a case study, we shall investigate the issues and future prospects of quality control in manufacturing enterprises in this study.


The following is the aim of this study:.

1. TO ascertain the reader’s understanding of the concept of quality control.

2. To determine the significance of quality assurance.

3. To identify the issues affecting quality control, their root causes, and potential fixes.

4. To recognise the various quality control methods.

5. To identify the issues and applicability


This study is important because it will identify quality control issues and provide solutions or strategies for handling them.

The following are some of the study’s benefits.

1. Students studying management, production management, marketing, and other relevant subjects.

2. Managers in practice at all levels of management, with a focus on quality control managers.

3. Entrepreneurs who run manufacturing businesses.

Section 1.4: Research Questions

We shall look at the following research questions in order to fulfil the goal of this study.

1. What is the company hoping to accomplish with quality control?

2. What criteria are used to determine quality at Nigerian breweries, plc. Enugu?

3. What kinds of quality control methods does the company employ?

4. Does the present procedure guarantee high-quality products?

5. What issues does the company have with quality control procedures?

6. What are the consequences of not implementing quality control?


The issues and future prospects of quality control in manufacturing companies are the main topics of this study. The study would be limited to Nigerian plc Enugu due to various constraints.

Section 1.5: Definition of Terms

The definitions of the following terms relate to the issue mentioned above.

One management


3 In charge

4 Organising

1. Management is the process of organising things such that others’ efforts are used to accomplish a goal.

2. Quality refers to the characteristics of goods or services that satisfy consumers by meeting their needs. In this sense, quality is related to income.Increasing revenue and improving customer satisfaction are the two main goals of such improved quality.

3. Control is the process of comparing the present performance to the predetermined targets included in the plans in order to guarantee appropriate procedures and satisfactory performance, both financially and physically.

4. Planning is the process of figuring out how to carry out the operations, putting together suitable plans for efficient action, and figuring out the goals or anticipated performance in terms of output, cost, and profitability.

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