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Problems Of Drug Abuse On Student Academic Performance In Secondary Schools

Problems Of Drug Abuse On Student Academic Performance In Secondary Schools

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Problems Of Drug Abuse On Student Academic Performance In Secondary Schools

Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

Prior to the ages of 9 and 10, the majority of a child’s behaviour is directly impacted by his or her parents. However, following this age, when they begin secondary school, the child, particularly the boy child, prefers to seek guidance and influence from his or her classmates.

This can be both a positive and negative development since, for starters, it is a very rapid way of socialisation. A child learns considerably more rapidly and enthusiastically from his classmates than he does from his own family.

As a result, he swiftly absorbs the different implicit cultural and societal standards of respect, communal understanding, and a larger worldview than those provided by his parents.

In any case, this can be unfavourable because the child’s classmates are always youngsters his age; children who are curious and extremely experimental, but lack the answers they seek or a full understanding of the implications of their actions.

What could go wrong in such a dangerous situation is a collection of acquired behaviours that are antithetical to the concept underlying the child’s education, one of which is drug usage.

Against this backdrop, this research project has taken it upon itself to investigate the effects of drug misuse on student academic performance in secondary school.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Academic greatness demands far more than skilled teachers, a welcoming environment, enough reading resources, and a solid curriculum. More importantly, the subject, or student, must be in good psychological health, and the youngster must be willing to actively participate in the process of self-development.

This procedure must be emphasised in the child’s thinking as being of the highest priority. In the case that this soundness of mind cannot be met due to a mental defect, plans are created to adapt to such an illness.

However, substance misuse has positioned itself against this critical criteria for effective learning. And it is prevalent at the elementary and secondary levels of education, particularly in the latter. The goal of this research is to investigate this problem and, perhaps, propose a realistic and qualitative answer.

1.3 Research Questions.

1.3.1 What causes a secondary school kid to engage in drug usage.

1.3.2 To what extent does this habit harm the child’s academic achievement.

1.3.3 Who is best positioned to prevent the perpetuation of this problem?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The academic goal of this research is to successfully analyse the processes of child radicalisation that lead to drug dependence. Drug misuse in adolescents has long been viewed through the lens of university undergraduates, who are stereotyped as the most prone to drug usage.

Since the tediousness of university activities can logically lead to drug misuse. However, researchers do not fully understand the critical need to conduct extensive research on this same problem at the secondary school level because

while they do not see a logical reason to turn to drug abuse, curiosity and peer pressure are the two major factors that inform drug abuse in youth; a habit that, once developed, lasts through university years and, in most cases, a lifetime.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This current research project has the potential to considerably benefit the fields of guidance and counselling. Here, the difficulties of drug usage that have a negative impact on a child’s academic performance at the secondary school level will be listed and discussed, with hopefully realistic solutions proposed.

This will have an impact on the creation of guiding and counselling approaches, as well as how the issue is approached. Sometimes age and environment can influence the tactics used to combat a problem like drug usage.

Second, this information will be valuable to publishers who specialise in children’s literature. The data presented here could have a significant impact on their educational materials and subtle guidance to secondary school students.

1.6 Research Hypothesis

This work is based on the assumption that drug usage is widespread in secondary schools and a significant impediment to learning at this level.

1.7 Scope of Study

As stated in the backdrop to the current research, the focus of this study will be on the incidence of drug usage and its impact on children’s academic performance at the secondary school level.

This means that focus would be paid first to drug misuse problems specific to secondary school kids before treating those shared by other age groups.

Second, the scope of this research will focus on how drug addiction affects a child’s academic performance. The health and sociological repercussions would receive secondary attention.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

A study like this one would necessitate a thorough analysis of the wide pool of students and reading materials, as it is a research that necessitates extensive one-on-one counselling of students from varied topographies, specifically to determine the reasons why they participate in drug addiction.

This means that a large number of surveys would be issued to secondary school students, each with questions meant to explain the problems associated with drug usage and why they engage in it. The limits of this research work are as follows: time constraints and a lack of financial resources to explore broader ground.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Substance Abuse

This refers to the usage of pharmaceutical products for non-medical purposes. This is also referred to as substance abuse. The medicines in question are typically prohibited in the majority of countries.

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