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Psychological Effects Of Inter Ethnic Conflicts On Social Health Workers In Nigeria

Psychological Effects Of Inter Ethnic Conflicts On Social Health Workers In Nigeria

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Psychological Effects Of Inter Ethnic Conflicts On Social Health Workers In Nigeria


This study looked at the psychological consequences of inter-ethnic conflicts on social health professionals in Nigeria. The survey research strategy was employed to carry out the study since it required the collection of data from a large number of respondents within the time frame specified for the project’s completion.

The study’s conclusions were demonstrated by answering relevant research questions and testing hypotheses. The researcher created a questionnaire, which was validated by the supervisor, and distributed to respondents in order to collect data.

To create the sample size, 100 respondents (86 male and 14 female) were picked using a simple random sampling procedure. The sample size was deemed acceptable and representative because all of the respondents were members of the same profession and had similar orientations, although coming from various schools.

The data collected from respondents was analysed using percentage and frequency distribution tables, and the study’s hypotheses were tested using the chi-square (X2) statistical method to see whether they were correct or not.

The study’s findings revealed that poverty is a factor of inter-ethnic conflict among social health workers in Nigeria. Inter-ethnic conflicts among Nigerian social health professionals are caused by poor leadership and a lack of resource control. Inter-ethnic disputes among social health professionals in Nigeria are caused by a high level of illiteracy and unemployment.

Chapter One


Background for the Study

Nigeria is a multi-religious, multi-ethnic, and multicultural society with vast economic, social, and democratic growth opportunities. However, violent conflicts and violence have plagued the country since its inception under colonial administration, preventing development and advancement.

Nigeria is commonly characterised as a severely divided country in which important political issues are fiercely debated along complex ethnic, religious, and regional lines.

The origins of these conflicts may be linked to how religion is depicted to its members, as well as mistrust among followers of different religious and ethnic groupings.

The most contentious issues are those that are considered fundamental to the existence and legitimacy of the state, and competing groups tend to use exclusionary, winner-take-all strategies, such as control of state power, resource allocation, and citizenship.

Ethnic violence has been correctly identified as one of the most significant barriers to real development in Africa (The Courier 1993). In Nigeria, this type of competitiveness and rivalry amongst ethnic groups is viewed as the result of colonial contact.

However, the ethnic component did not disappear with the arrival of independence; rather, it remained a yardstick for judging contribution to national development efforts, particularly for allocating and distributing power and national resources.

As Nigeria is currently involved in another exercise aimed at constructing a sustainable form of democracy, it is critical to address perceived issues that may jeopardise the success of this attempt.

In some quarters, the military’s repudiation of the democratic transition programme in 1993 after the presidential elections is said to have been motivated by ethnic resentment. On a similar note, the 30-month needless killing caused by the Nigerian civil war from 1967 to 1970 was based on ethnic conflict.

Given this, as well as the ramifications of pronounced conflict over power sharing and resource distribution, the ethnic question must be addressed on an ongoing basis if efforts to create a beer Nigeria are to be successful.

Furthermore, this form of study may help to avert ethnic violence by suggesting ways to reduce ethnic tensions and resolve disputed issues. Only a thorough investigation of the phenomenon itself can yield feasible answers to ethnic problems.

Ethnic conflict undoubtedly has an impact on a society’s growth, as it can only occur in a peaceful and democratic environment free of hostility.

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