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Chapter One: General Introduction
1.3 General Background.
The distribution system is the major component of the electrical power system. It is a component of a power system that delivers power to diverse clients in ready-to-use form at their point of consumption.(Ramesh et al. 2009).

Optimal distribution system planning and design include network reconfiguration for distribution loss minimization, load balancing under normal operating conditions, and fast service restoration to reduce the number of power-outage zones during a breakdown (Muhtazaruddin et al. 2014).

Most distribution networks are built radially, which makes over-current protection of feeders easier (Muhtazaruddin et al., 2014). Manual or automatic switching activities are used to change the setups.

According to Muhtazaruddin et al. (2014), network reconfiguration serves two purposes: reducing system power loss and balancing network loads.

(iii) To optimise the voltage profile.

Power flow analysis is the process of determining a power system’s steady state conditions for a specific set of power generation and load demand. It entails solving a series of nonlinear power flow equations (Ashokumar et al., 2009).

Fast power flow solutions are essential for applications such as power system optimisation and distribution automation (Ashokumar et al., 2009). The scale and complexity of today’s power systems have increased dramatically as a result of the enormous number of interconnections and continuously increasing demand (Cossi et al, 2012).

In recent decades, efficient and dependable power flow techniques such as Gauss Seidel (GS), Newton-Raphson (NR), and fast decoupled power flow (FDPF) have been developed and widely applied to power system operation, control, and planning.

However, as Kashem et al. (2010) have frequently demonstrated, these methodologies may become ineffective in the analysis of distribution systems.

1. The wide range of X/R ratios and the intrinsic radial structure might cause distribution networks to be numerically ill-conditioned (network with significant conductor losses).

2. Power flow equations for distribution are not the same as those for gearbox.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a system that allows for the precise and flexible determination of fixed or moving spatial objects (Beyers et al. 1996). In the electrical power distribution system, it is utilised to locate any object, such as poles, substations, transformers, route tracing, and so on.

It provides the position in the form of latitude and longitude, which can be imported immediately onto a computer screen.GPS devices are becoming increasingly useful instruments for GIS data collection (Boulaxis & Papadopoulos, 2002).

The GPS may be simply connected to a laptop, a field computer, and relevant software. Users can have all their data on a common foundation with minimal distortion. Thus, GPS can aid in the creation of accurate and timely GIS databases.

Researchers have developed numerous strategies for analysing radial distribution network power flow, including modified-NR (Zhang et al., 2011), modified-FDNR (Aravindhababu et al., 2010), and Layer-By-Layer Backward-Forward Sweep (BFS) (Yan et al., 2003).

Furthermore, techniques for radial distribution network reconfiguration analysis include the Evolutionary Algorithm (Amasifen et al, 2014), Artificial Intelligence Algorithm (AIA) (Qlu et al, 2014), Improved Binary Particle Swarm Optimisation (IBPSO) (Sedighizadeh et al, 2014)

All Spanning Trees of Undirected Network Graphics (ASTUNG) (Zhang et al, 2014), and Refined Genetic Algorithm (RGA) (Zhu, 2010). BFS and ASTUNG approaches are more adaptable, less complex, and easier to deploy than all other power flow and reconfiguration systems.

The main disadvantage of most power flow and reconfiguration techniques is that they become too complex to apply as network size grows and cannot be simply implemented in a computer as a tool for power flow and reconfiguration research.

Instead of complex differential equations, some of these procedures can be made more flexible and resilient by applying numerical analytic techniques.

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