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Relative Academic Performances Of Secondary School Students In School Certificate Mathematics & English Language

Relative Academic Performances Of Secondary School Students In School Certificate Mathematics & English Language

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Relative Academic Performances Of Secondary School Students In School Certificate Mathematics & English Language


The study looked at how students and teachers perceived the causes of poor academic performance among secondary school students in Enugu North, Enugu State. The study included fifty (50) students and fifty (50) teachers randomly selected from four secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State.

A questionnaire was employed to gather pertinent data for the investigation. The research questions were analysed using percentages and the Chi-square test. instructors’ responses revealed that instructors’ qualifications and students’ environments had little influence on students’ low academic achievement, however teachers’ teaching approaches do.

Students’ responses, on the other hand, revealed that, while teachers’ qualifications and students’ environments have an impact on students’ bad performance, teacher methods of teaching and materials do not. The significance of these findings for secondary school guidance counsellors who want to help adolescents succeed academically were examined.

Chapter one


The disparity in scholastic achievement among pupils in Enugu North has been and continues to be a subject of worry and research interest for educators, government officials, and parents.

This is due to the significant role that education plays in the country’s overall development. There is widespread agreement across the country that Enugu State’s educational standards have declined (Adebule, 2004).

Parents and the government are completely in agreement that their massive investment in education is not producing the anticipated results. Teachers also complain about pupils’ poor performance on both internal and external exams.

The annual release of Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) results by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) validated the problematic nature and generalisation of low secondary school pupils’ performance in many academic subjects. For example, the percentage of failures compared to students who passed English language and mathematics from 2004 to 2008 is seen here.

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