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Relevance Of Folktale In The Teaching And Learning Of Literature In Senior Secondary Schools

Relevance Of Folktale In The Teaching And Learning Of Literature In Senior Secondary Schools

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Relevance Of Folktale In The Teaching And Learning Of Literature In Senior Secondary Schools


This study investigated the role of folktales in the teaching and learning of literature in senior secondary schools. The study’s overall population is 200 staff members from chosen secondary schools in the Owerri Municipal Council.

The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data. The descriptive survey research design was used for this investigation. The survey included 133 respondents who were principals, vice principals, administrators, teachers, and junior staff members. The acquired data were displayed in tables and analysed with simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one


Background of the study.

Literature is viewed from a variety of perspectives. Putting the notion of literature in a single term is not acceptable, because literature does not lend itself to a single tidy definition, since its progress over millennia has been as intricate, heavy, and natural as life itself. Meyers (2005). Moody (1971) defines it as an umbrella term that expresses in words certain unique characteristics of the human experience.

Furthermore, Lombardi (2013) defines literature as any work that expresses thoughts and ideas through creative thinking. Meyer also defines literature as fiction that consists of skilfully placed words intended to express imagination, such as stories, poems, or plays. These genres depict imagination based on genuine historical events.

Imaginative writing differs from other forms of writing. Imaginative fiction, like other art forms, provides enjoyment while also attempting to transmit a perspective, emotion, sensation, or experience.

Writers turn the world’s facts about people, places, and stuff into experiences that propose meanings (Meyer, 2005). Oral traditions, legends, myths, and saga from classical times to non-literate folktales are also considered literature.

Folk stories contribute to the transmission of national culture and the development of children’s local sympathies. There are numerous works in folk tales that depict ethnic customs and national identity. Folktales frequently transcend time and space, telling twisted and weird stories.

They are typically amazing, generating a mysterious adventure atmosphere that encourages children’s imagination, aesthetic talent, and creative spirit. Folktales are wonderful, strange, and mysterious, which corresponds to the features of students’ physical growth. Folktales are intriguing to students and might pique their interest.

They provide youngsters with a lovely area for free creativity, are consistent with students’ mental growth principles, and can increase students’ motivation to study independently.

Students benefit much from using literature in terms of language skills, cultural awareness, and changing their perspectives on native and target communities. Therefore, the main goal of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of folktales in the teaching and learning of literature in senior secondary schools.

Statement of the Problem

Some folk stories’ content clearly differs from modern reality. Children can struggle to understand the expression of specific phrases in life at the moment, as well as the live events in the story. Most teachers mainly use folk tales in language fields, which are mostly taught through storytelling and performance.

With single shapes, it is difficult to pique children’s curiosity. This requires instructors to flexibly process folk stories, identify relevant themes for teaching, and carry out educational activities, so that folk stories can be better used and developed in secondary schools.

The objectives of the study.

The study’s aims are:

To find out what students think about using folktales to teach literature in secondary schools in the Owerri Municipal Council.

To determine the effects of folktales in the teaching of literature in secondary schools of the Owerri Municipal Council.

To determine the association between folklore and understanding literature in secondary school.

Research Hypotheses

To ensure the study’s success, the researcher developed the following research hypotheses:

H0: Folktales have little effect on the teaching of literature at Owerri Municipal Council’s secondary schools.

H1: Folktales have an effect on literary education in Owerri Municipal Council’s secondary schools.

H02: There is no association between folktales and understanding literature in secondary school.

H2: There is a relationship between folktales and understanding literature in secondary school.

Significance of the Study

The study will be extremely beneficial to students and teachers. The study will demonstrate the importance of folktales in the teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools.

The study will provide a thorough understanding of the benefits of employing folktales in secondary school literature education. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the relevant topic.

Scope and limitations of the study

The study’s scope includes the role of folktales in the teaching and learning of literature in secondary schools. The researcher faces various constraints that limit the scope of the investigation;

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Folktale: a story originating in popular culture and often passed down through word of mouth.

Teaching is defined as engaging with learners to help them grasp and apply knowledge, concepts, and procedures. It involves design, content selection, delivery, assessment, and reflection.

Literature: Literature is widely defined as any collection of written material, but it is sometimes used more narrowly to refer to writings that are regarded an art form, particularly prose fiction, drama, and poetry. In recent decades, the concept has broadened to encompass oral literature, much of which has been recorded.

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