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The goal of this study is to investigate the role of oramedia in enlightenment and measles prevention among women in the Bateren community in Warri, Delta State. Three research questions were formulated to address the research problems. The study used a descriptive strategy with convenient sampling.

The survey had 108 respondents. The questionnaire was used to collect data. The results revealed that oramedia platforms were used for community gathering, gong, and hieroglyphics/illustrations. The study’s findings also demonstrate that Oramedia platforms play a variety of functions in raising awareness about measles prevention in the Bateren community.

The challenges to using oramedia to raise awareness about measles prevention in the Bateren community were recognised. They include the fact that people regard it as an outdated technique of conveying information, that it is rarely used to raise awareness, and that messages transmitted through oramedia channels are not taken seriously.

As a result, oramedia can be stated to be extremely important in the education and prevention of measles among women in the Bateren community in Warri, Delta State. The report recommends modernising the oramedia platform.

Chapter one


1.1 Background for the study

Throughout human history, many communication technologies have been employed to disseminate information throughout society. For example, in rural areas, Oramedia communication channels continue to be important for sharing information and knowledge, as well as rallying rural inhabitants on topics and events that endanger their social survival.

Temofeh (2016) contends that Oramedia predates the adoption of modern mass communication channels since it was used to disseminate information to the receiver without involving mass media channels.

Ugboajah (1985, 1987), a key proponent and father of Oramedia, stated that Oramedia platforms include songs, dance, drama, drumming, storytelling, and proverbs. According to Ugboajah (1985), the term “Oramedia” is synonymous with folk media, traditional media, and Ora arts.

Temofeh (2016) states that Oramedia platforms of communication are indigenous channels of communication that may be easily identified by a group of individuals who share a culture. Itari, Beshel, and Okeme (2015) suggest that oramedia, also known as indigenous media channels of communication, are unique to people’s cultures and ways of living.

Despite the emergence of modern communication channels in the twenty-first century, oramedia continue to play critical roles in promoting enlightenment campaigns on issues and activities affecting members of society.

The importance of oramedia in communication extends to many aspects of human activity, including economics, politics, health, and education, particularly in rural places where access to modern communication platforms is almost non-existent.

According to Asemah (2011), oramedia, also known as traditional media of communication, has endured the test of time, particularly in developing nations such as Nigeria, where access to modern communication platforms is still primarily urban.

According to Anaeto and Solo-Anaeto (2010), there is a predilection in rural areas for using oramedia to disseminate information for a variety of reasons. These include illiteracy among rural residents. Illiteracy remains pervasive in emerging economies like Nigeria, particularly in rural regions.

Because modern media platforms of communication demand specific levels of literacy for their use, oramedia becomes the most successful channels of communication because messages distributed through these platforms require no literacy on the part of the recipients.

Another element that contributes to oramedia’s popularity in rural areas is the lack of access to electricity. This is because most rural regions in Nigeria have not yet been connected to the national power grid or continue to experience erratic power supply, which is typical in both rural and urban areas (Anaeto and Solo-Anaeto, 2010).

Oramedia communication platforms refer to the numerous communication platforms that allow information to spread through word of mouth. According to Watson and Hill (2012), oramedia refers to numerous avenues for spreading information and meanings, primarily by word of mouth.

The use of images to express meanings and information complements the usage of these media platforms for information distribution. According to Asemah (2011), the usage of oramedia is beneficial in spreading information among rural people, especially in rural areas where literacy levels for reading and writing are low.

Oramedia refers to archaic modes of communication that predate modern mass media platforms. Ndolo (2006), as reported in Asemah (2011), states that the growth, existence, and continuity of any society are heavily reliant on, among other things, a communication system that allows members of the community to communicate (exchange of ideas and feelings).

The thesis demonstrates that, despite the advent, advancement, and use of modern communication platforms, Oramedia of communication remain important communication instruments in areas where access to modern communication remains limited.

As civilisation evolves, the requirement to achieve societal goals necessitates the use of a communication system, no matter how sophisticated. Societal goals will remain unrealistic in the absence of a mechanism or structure for communication.

As a result, oramedia of communication play a vital role in reaching societal goals. According to Sambe (2008), because human society cannot exist without communication, humans have sought any possible communication system from creation in order to realise the society’s potential.

This demonstrates why oral media have remained useful instruments for disseminating information, ideas, and meanings, particularly among rural residents.

According to Asemah (2011), in some sections of Nigeria, rural inhabitants continue to rely on information conveyed through Oramedia platforms. Rural residents have a higher level of trust in Oramedia platforms since they are more familiar with them than modern or contemporary media platforms. Such rural inhabitants easily identified with the Oramedia, which they saw as a part of their culture.

Oramedia plays an important role in promoting substantial and significant social changes in rural communities. These modes of communication encourage the exchange and dissemination of knowledge that is relevant to society.

In avoiding the spread of epidemics such as measles, using Oramedia to transmit information, messages, and ideas may be a useful technique of supporting enlightenment campaigns on epidemic prevention, particularly in rural areas.

Oramedia could be utilised efficiently to conduct enlightenment campaigns among rural women who are cultural custodians and continue to adhere to traditional belief systems and practices about health issues such as measles, which are easily preventable.

Ivieh (2015) suggests that oramedia could be useful in educating women about how to prevent epidemics like measles while also broadcasting disease prevention messaging.

Against this backdrop, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of Oramedia in educating rural women about measles prevention, particularly in terms of disseminating disease prevention information among residents of Bateren community in Warri South Local Government Area, Delta State.

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