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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

Strategy is the art of planning inside an organisation. It is long-term and comprehensive. It penetrates and governs critical organisational acts, and it is a key factor in determining an organization’s long-term success or failure.

Stoner and Wankle (1986:11) define strategy from two separate approaches. Strategy is a wide program for defining and attaining an organization’s objectives as well as implementing its mission, both from the standpoint of what an organisation aims to achieve and what an organisation eventually does.

The second perspective defines strategy as the pattern of an organization’s responses to its environment across time.

Stoner and Wankle (1985: 11) describe strategy from two distinct approaches. From the perspective of what an organisation intends to do as well as what it finally does. From the first perspective, strategy is a wide program for establishing and attaining an organization’s objectives, as well as implementing its mission.

Our talks on strategy will incorporate both definitions, but with an emphasis on the active role. Strategic planning is the active formulation of strategy, which often has a wide and long-term focus.

According to Stoner and Wankel, a strategy provides a coherent direction for the organization’s numerous objectives, as well as guidance for the deployment of resources utilised to drive the organisation towards those objectives.

When defining strategy, it will coincide with planning, and planning is the first and possibly most significant role of management. The essence of planning is to prepare for and forecast future occurrences, which is why strategy and planning work hand in hand.

Planning encompasses developing the strategy and procedures required for the active plan’s effective implementation, as well as determining control, direction, and techniques for achieving the overall organisational objectives.

Planning entails establishing objectives, developing strategies to accomplish those objectives, and determining the actions and resources required to achieve them step by step (Astion 1994).

Strategic planning is formed by combining strategy and planning.

Strategic planning involves identifying an organization’s goals and developing policies and programs to achieve them.


1.1 Background of the Study

Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation (AKBC) is a public corporation established by the government of Akwa Iborn State to receive, process, and disseminate information to the public via radio and television. The corporation was founded in accordance with the Akwa Ibom State Edict No. 4 of 1988.

The radio service of the ‘AKBC’ began with the aptitude modulation (AM) equipment, which the state government inherited in 1987 from the previous Cross River Radio substation in Abak.

The facility was, however, improved by the state government, which formally commissioned a 10 watt ‘AM’ station of the AKBC Radio service on September 27, 1988, by the state’s then-military Governor, Colonel Godwin O. Abbe.

Again, history was made on Saturday, July 27, 1991, when then-military Administrator of Akwa Ibom State, Wing Commander Idongesit Nkanga, commissioned the Broadcasting Corporation – Radio Akwa Ibom on the frequency modulation Band. Christened “The Voice of Promise,” the station came to life with an installed 30-kilowatt transmitter power.

The AM/FM station broadcasts for 18112 hours (S. 30arm -12 midnight) every day. The FM station serves the entire state of Akwa Ibom and Cross River, as well as portions of Imo, Abia, River, Anambra, Enugu, Edo, Delta, and Benue, as well as the Cameroon Republic.

Similarly, the television Authority arm of the AKBC began with the facilities of the former Cross River Television Authority, which the state government expanded to provide broader coverage. The station transmits in colons on channel 45 UHF with an estimated strength of 30 kilowatts.

The program philosophy of both the AKBC’s radio and television branches puts the people first (i.e., people-oriented) and exposes them to regional outturn tasks and characteristics while also teaching, enlightening, and entertaining the masses.

Radio and television programming are meant to appeal to a wide range of listeners and viewers, creating an environment conducive to efficient marketing and communication.

The AKBC is structured with a Board of Directors in charge of making corporate policies. This is followed by the general manager, who is the corporation’s main executive and accounting officer and is in charge of the day-to-day operations of others, including the heads and other workers with various designations and tasks down the line.

The key departments in both radio and television services include commercial, administration, programs, news and current affairs, FM service, and engineering.

Other smaller functional areas include accounts, presentations, internal audit, monitoring, and credit control. The AKBC’s radio and television services currently employ 305 and 213, respectively.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Modern businesses often fail due to poor management practices. It is not because the labour is unproductive, the product is not marketable, or a reasonable profit is not made, but rather owing to a lack of strategic planning and competent management tools.

It has been observed that public organisations suffer from inadequate management, and the majority of enterprises in the public sector have failed to meet expectations, impeding the development of our economy. Some of the managerial issues are.

1. Inadequate proficiency in specialised instruments, methods, and techniques.

2. Difficulty collaborating with and motivating others, both individually and in groups.

iii. A lack of cognitive ability to organise and integrate all of the organization’s interests and actions. This requires the manager to see the organisation as a whole and comprehend how its components interact with one another. Necessary to attain particular targets to the aims and establish the means necessary to ensure that the policies and strategic programs are implemented.

1. IV. A lack of government assistance or care. This includes failing to exercise its supervisory function over the activities of both the board and management, as well as the entire organisation.

This has sparked a lot of interest and general commentary from a variety of sources, including elites and non-elites, the government and the governed, the corporate and public sectors. Consequently, there appears to be a broad dissatisfaction with our public enterprises.

This study will look into potential or strategic solutions for effective management of government parasites in order to boost economic development.

1.3 Scope of the Study

The study, on the other hand, focusses on the origins of Nigeria’s government parastatals: the basic problems with government-owned enterprises in Nigeria, as well as the problems associated with the management/administration of broadcasting media in Nigeria.

For the sake of convenience, the Akwa Ibom Broadcasting Corporation (AKBC) Uyo will be used as a case study, with a lot of emphasis on it.

1.4 Limitations of the Study

1. Financial Constraint: Due to the current economic constraints, which have made our currency a rare commodity, Tile researchers are finding it difficult to pay all of their financial responsibilities in a study project.

2. Time Factor: The most significant of these limits is the issue of time. There are so many Nigerian government parastatals that it is impossible to conduct a research on their alleged poor administration.

It should be highlighted that all organisations formed or supported by any of the three levels of government are considered government-owned firms in this study, along with their experiences.

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