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Research Proposal on Effects of Climate Change and Coastal Flooding in Yola South Local Government Area Adamawa State. Nigeria

Research Proposal on Effects of Climate Change and Coastal Flooding in Yola South Local Government Area Adamawa State. Nigeria

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Research Proposal on Effects of Climate Change and Coastal Flooding in Yola South Local Government Area Adamawa State. Nigeria


Chapter one

Background of the Study

The consequences of climate change and coastal flooding in Yola South Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria, are far-reaching and complex.

Climate change, caused by human activities such as greenhouse gas emissions, has resulted in rising global temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and more frequent extreme weather occurrences (Ujene and Oguike, 2020).

These changes are especially noticeable in coastal areas such as Yola South, aggravating existing vulnerabilities and providing considerable challenges to human settlements and infrastructure (Yusufu, 2016).

Coastal erosion is a major consequence of climate change and coastal flooding in Yola South (Farinmade et al., 2021). The combination of rising sea levels and higher storm surges causes coastal land to erode over time, endangering livelihoods and ecosystems (Caroline et al., 2019).

Another major issue is biodiversity loss, as ecosystems like mangroves and wetlands are particularly vulnerable to flooding and salinisation (Akinola et al., 2023). These environmental changes will have far-reaching consequences for the sustainability of coastal settlements.

Yola South’s human settlements are vulnerable to coastal flooding, which requires rapid care (Action Aid, 2020). Inundation has concerns that go beyond physical property loss; they can have an impact on the health and safety of local populations (Mediya, 2018).

Flooding threatens agricultural fields, which are critical to food security and economic stability (Daniel et al., 2022). Furthermore, key infrastructure such as highways, schools, and hospitals are particularly vulnerable to destruction during extreme weather events (Okoye & Ojeh, 2023).

Understanding the unique effects of climate change and coastal flooding in Yola South is critical for creating effective mitigation and adaptation plans (Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency, 2021). This necessitates extensive research into past trends, existing vulnerabilities, and future estimates (Nilo et al., 2019).

Investigating the socioeconomic and environmental repercussions of these events might provide valuable insights for policymaking and community resilience efforts (Zarma et al., 2020).

Mitigation and adaptation solutions must be context-specific and customised to Yola South’s unique issues (Ezra et al., 2021). This involves implementing sustainable land-use practices, strengthening coastal protection measures, and encouraging community-based resilience efforts (Obiora-Okeke, 2019).

Public awareness and education are also important in developing resilience and adaptive ability among local populations (Onuigbo et al., 2021).

Statement of the Problem

There are large and multifaceted research and understanding gaps surrounding the effects of climate change and coastal flooding in the Yola South Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria.

For starters, there is a serious lack of localised data and research that specifically addresses Yola South’s sensitivity to these environmental concerns (Nilo et al., 2019).

Current research frequently focusses on broader regional or national patterns, ignoring the distinct and nuanced effects on this particular community.

Furthermore, there has been little research into the socioeconomic impacts of climate change and coastal flooding in Yola South (Adamawa State Emergency Management Agency, 2021).

Understanding how environmental changes affect livelihoods, economic activity, and social dynamics in the local community is critical for building effective resilience solutions (Zarma et al., 2020).

Another gap is a lack of study on the resilience of vital infrastructure in Yola South, including roads, schools, and hospitals (Obiora-Okeke, 2019). With the rising frequency and severity of extreme weather events, it is critical to analyse and improve infrastructure capacity to withstand these challenges and ensure the continuity of critical services during catastrophes.

Furthermore, a deeper knowledge of the linkages between climate change, coastal dynamics, and human vulnerability in Yola South is required (Mediya, 2018).

This entails investigating the differential consequences on vulnerable people, such as marginalised communities and low-income households, and developing effective adaptation and mitigation strategies suited to their specific requirements (Okoye & Ojeh, 2023).

Addressing these research and understanding gaps is critical for designing informed policies, strategies, and actions to increase resilience and reduce hazards in Yola South.

Filling these knowledge gaps will enable stakeholders to better prepare for and respond to the difficulties posed by climate change and coastal flooding, thereby boosting the local community’s overall well-being and sustainability.

Objectives of the Study

This study will focus on the following specific objectives:

To evaluate the current policy framework for climate change adaptation, catastrophe risk reduction, and sustainable development in Yola South Local Government Area.

Identify the major problems and gaps in Yola South’s community-based adaptation methods and infrastructure development in response to climate change and coastal flooding.

To make evidence-based recommendations and interventions to improve resilience and reduce hazards associated with climate change and coastal flooding in Yola South.

Research Questions

The following research questions will be asked.

What are Yola South’s current policies and frameworks for climate change adaptation, catastrophe risk reduction, and sustainable coastal development?

What are the most pressing difficulties and limitations in Yola South’s community-based adaptation plans and infrastructure development in response to climate change and coastal flooding?

What evidence-based recommendations and activities can Yola South use to boost resilience and mitigate the hazards of climate change and coastal flooding?

Research Hypotheses

The following hypothesis will be tested.

There is no major gap between existing policies and their effective implementation in terms of climate change adaptation and catastrophe risk reduction in Yola South.

Yola South’s community-based adaptation plans confront no hurdles in terms of resource allocation, stakeholder cooperation, or community awareness.

Implementing evidence-based suggestions and interventions targeted to Yola South’s specific needs will not significantly increase resilience or minimise regional hazards related with climate change and coastal flooding.

Significance of the Study

This study has significant implications for numerous stakeholders involved in resolving the difficulties caused by climate change and coastal flooding in Yola South Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

The study’s findings have the potential to considerably help policymakers. The findings will be useful in developing and implementing policies addressing climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable development in coastal areas. Understanding Yola South’s individual impacts and vulnerabilities allows policymakers to customise policies and plans to effectively manage risks and increase community resilience.

Community leaders are also interested in the study’s results. The insights gained will help them prioritise resource allocation, notably in the areas of infrastructure development and community-based adaption measures.

This knowledge will enable community leaders to make educated decisions that meet their constituents’ immediate needs while encouraging long-term sustainability and resilience.

For researchers, this study contributes to the expanding body of knowledge about the effects of climate change on coastal locations. The findings and methodology used can be useful references for future research projects that focus on similar environments around the world.

By providing to a better understanding of the complex linkages between climate change, coastal dynamics, and human vulnerabilities, academics can help to shape evidence-based policies and strategies for mitigating climate risks and promoting sustainable development.

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