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This study was conducted to determine Uyo residents’ perceptions on the reliability of selected online newspapers (PUNCH and Vanguard). The primary goal of the study was to determine their assessment of the reliability of specific online newspapers. The survey method was used for this investigation.

The study’s population was 427,436 residents of Uyo, and the sample size of 400 was determined using the Taro Yamane formula, with the questionnaire serving as the research instrument.

After analysing the study’s data, the findings revealed that the majority of Uyo locals believe PUNCH and Vanguard online publications are genuine and have no reservations about what they read online.

The majority of Uyo locals agree that PUNCH and Vanguard online publications report objectively and without bias. The majority of Uyo residents also agree that PUNCH and Vanguard online newspapers provide balanced news coverage, with all sides of the subject properly presented and all necessary information/details included.

The majority of Uyo locals believe PUNCH and Vanguard online newspapers are competent and trustworthy. The study concluded that PUNCH and Vanguard online newspapers should make greater efforts to guarantee that facts are appropriately reported in their reporting.

PUNCH and Vanguard online newspapers should ensure that facts in their reports are always verified to avoid discrepancies when compared to those of other online newspapers. Finally, PUNCH and Vanguard online newspapers should update their website/app on a regular basis to allow for timely updates of breaking news.

Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

With the widespread adoption of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), it is not surprising that the internet has become a vital, if not indispensable, instrument for information and communication.

The internet continues to grow as a key source of information, especially news. This, among other concerns, prompted newspapers to establish an online presence. (Shor, 2005).

On an average day, millions of people visit news websites to get their news from the internet. Indeed, more news sites are becoming lucrative, and news organisations are increasing their investment in online journalism. (Project for Excellence in Journalism, 2006).

However, some have questioned the veracity of online news sources. These considerations are relevant since journalism is based on credibility. The vast amount of information and news available online, combined with information searchers’ reliance on the internet, raises worries about the legitimacy and/or quality of the information and news found online.

In this context, credibility refers to the news’s plausibility and veracity. If the public does not believe or trust the online press, they are less inclined to read it.

Essentially, credibility can be diverse, with two main dimensions: competence and trustworthiness. Expertise refers to the expertise and knowledge used to the administration of online news, whilst trustworthiness refers to the capacity to be relied on to accomplish or supply what is required or correct.

In other terms, trustworthiness indicates that one is deserving of confidence. Other secondary elements that influence credibility assessments include attractiveness and dynamism.

It is assumed that a message’s credibility is a receiver-based judgement that includes both objective evaluations of the information’s quality or accuracy and the sources’ reliability, expertise, and attractiveness.

Essentially, online newspapers have become a common method of receiving and sharing information, allowing people to contribute and express themselves. (Shah et al. 2015).

As previously said, credibility is defined as believability and reliability. Credibility refers to the believability of internet news sources.

It is clear that issues concerning the credibility of online newspapers are critical, and it is crucial to assess the information and news available online in terms of reliability. The optimum answer is to include information editors and expert gatekeepers in the evaluation of internet news sources’ reliability. (Flanagin, Metzger, 2007).

However, the approach is neither practical or realistic because news and information are added and updated at an alarming velocity, making it nearly difficult to analyse the contents correctly.

Instead, assign responsibility to the users. The information and news seekers will analyse based on their perception, daily read updates, and general beliefs as they go about their daily routine, engaging in chats with others about the news they read on online news sites, which shapes their perception. (Shah et al. 2015).

1.2 Statement of Problem

Online publications have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many individuals, particularly young ones, rely on online news sources to stay informed these days.

Given that the internet is unregulated and citizen journalism thrives, one can’t help but question the reliability of online news.

Independent online news sources, such as news websites and blogs, now allow anybody to publish stories ranging from on-the-spot news coverage, sometimes known as eyewitness reports, to opinion and, in some cases, rumour.

The expanded range of online news sources, as well as their distinct reporting styles and perspectives, need trustworthiness assessment.

Assessing the authenticity of online newspapers is a key concern among readers, thus it is vital to analyse how much people trust the contents of online news sources.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

This study is initiated to:

i.) Determine their assessment of the reliability of selected online newspapers.

ii.) To determine whether online newspapers are objective.

iii.) To determine whether the news stories in online publications are balanced.

iv.) Determine the criteria employed by Uyo locals to assess the credibility of selected online newspapers?

1.4 Research Questions.

To achieve the study’s aims, the following questions will be considered.

(i) How do Uyo residents view the credibility of selected online media (PUNCH and Vanguard)?

(ii) Are PUNCH and Vanguard online newspapers objective in their news coverage?

(iii) Are the news pieces in PUNCH and Vanguard online publications balanced?

(iv) What criteria do Uyo inhabitants use to assess the credibility of the selected online newspapers?

1.5 Justification for the Study

The study will be valuable for communication scholars in Uyo conducting perception studies. The survey will also be valuable to the management of two select online publications (PUNCH and Vanguard), since it would provide insight into how Uyo locals perceive their material.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

The survey will be limited to the online versions of the PUNCH and Vanguard newspapers, and it will be conducted among Uyo residents only.

In addition, this study will look at two prominent online newspapers: PUNCH and Vanguard.

1.7 Limitations of the study

The purpose of this study, which had a sample size of 400, was to investigate Uyo people’ perceptions on the authenticity of two online newspapers. Given that Uyo has a diverse population of 427,436 individuals, the study’s findings cannot be generalised solely on the responses of 400 respondents, who represent less than one percent of the total population.

1.8 Operational Definitions of Terms

Uyo residents are people who live in Akwa Ibom State’s Uyo metropolis.

Perception is the way you think about or comprehend something or someone.

Credibility is the trait of being believable, reliable, and trustworthy.

Online newspapers are websites that publish breaking news and other information on the internet. PUNCH and Vanguard are examples.

PUNCH is an online newspaper.

Vanguard is an online newspaper.

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