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Chapter One: Introduction (1.0)

A student’s academic performance is evaluated based on their results. Additionally, it assesses a student’s competence in each course provided. Without a reliable results computation system, even minor errors can jeopardise the capacity to grade students based on their academic performance.

Designing and implementing an efficient and error-free results calculation system in schools is crucial for optimal operation. This project aims to create an automated results computation system for tertiary institutions.

The Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science at Kwararafa University in Wukari, Taraba State, will be used as a case study to identify manual system issues and potential solutions.

1.1 Background of the Study

One of the most significant aspects of education is student achievement. The data must be processed with key management and easy operations to produce examination outcomes.

Students must have timely and accurate access to their results. Students should receive their exam results to assess their achievement in different courses.

Furthermore, students must know which classes they failed in order to retake the tests. Staff in charge of calculating student results are also responsible for educating, research, exam marking, and administrative tasks.

These additional responsibilities can have an impact on the quick, efficient, and correct computation of findings.

The effort put into registering students and computing their exam scores is impressive. The fact that these activities are repeated every academic session is concerning, since it creates a demanding cycle for operators.

According to Vecchioli (1999), organising and keeping student records can be a daunting process. This project aimed to automate the manual process of creating student examination results and improve overall system efficiency.

According to Barrett (1999), schools are increasingly using technology, specifically Student Management Information Systems (SMIS), to efficiently document and manage accountability data.

This system streamlines operations such as scoring, storing, calculating grade points, and evaluating student results. The manual technique is no longer sufficient to handle the volume of examination work within the time frame.

Delays in declaring examination results are caused by an imbalance between available manpower and workload. Computerization, particularly with examination result processing software, is an excellent way to improve exam processing efficiency. RDBMS, such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL, aim to reduce data redundancy.

According to Brian (2009), databases are collections of interrelated data that can be represented as multiple files rather than just one.
According to Garcia-Molina et al. (2008), the Database Management System (DBMS) employed can either permanently integrate these files into a single connected structure or temporarily integrate them for each query.

Almost every department in an organisation need rapid data processing to generate information. Ensuring timely information processing and distribution improves efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Schools are organisations that require fast information processing and distribution for efficient operations. Many schools use their own system to manage students’ profiles and assessments.

As previously indicated, it is common practice to record student information in record books. Registration forms are used to collect students’ information from established practices.

This technique has drawbacks, including longer search times, the risk of misplacing record books, and the vulnerability of student records to unauthorised access.

According to Eludire (2011), manual course system management can lead to issues such as incorrect registration and delayed outcomes. Manual calculations lead to inaccuracies and inefficient retrieval.

Unfortunately, many developing-world educational institutions still use manual record-keeping and calculating methods. While the manual technique remains effective, it is prone to errors. Automating school administration processes should be promoted.

Using computers for automation allows for faster and more efficient processing of student results, satisfying students, lecturers, parents, and school authorities. According to the research work, Student Examination Result Processing System (2012).

The registration and compilation of examination results need significant time and effort. The University requires a computerised system to efficiently record and process registration and examination results.

My project focuses on designing and implementing an application to save student results. Users can access the software from any computer connected to the same network as the application server.

This application allows users with appropriate permissions to add new users and update students’ exam data as needed. This project aims to offer an alternative to the manual method of delivering data to pupils.

Universities, such as Kwararafa University in Wukari, have recognised the necessity for automated data management. This project focuses on automating the computation of undergraduate student results, as well as other functions such as Head of Department, Examination Officer, and Lecturer.

This research project, using the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science as a case study, aims to address issues with results computation, timely grade computation, and security to prevent unauthorised access by students and lecturers.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Manual techniques of result computation cause significant problems. The same scenario exists at Kwararafa University in Wukari, specifically in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science.

Addressing these difficulties requires assertive action. Calculating exam results is an object-centered activity, with the student as the primary focus.

To improve efficiency and effectiveness, object-oriented software design and implementation are necessary, rather than just computerised processes (5).

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