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Chapter one


1.1 Background of Study

Nigeria had the second largest road network in Africa in 2011.The population density varies between rural and urban areas (approx. 51.1% and 48.3%, respectively), resulting in a population-road ratio of 860 people per square kilometre, indicating high traffic strain on the available road network [1].

This pressure contributes to increased road traffic offences in the country. In Nigeria, road transport is the preferred mode of transportation for both products and people.

Road mobility is crucial, but inadequate handling of traffic violations has led to frequent accidents. Road accidents caused by irresponsible driving, over-speeding, and other traffic offences have led to deaths, injuries, disabilities, and property damage, contributing to the country’s poverty rate.

The death of a productive member can have a severe impact on families, leading to poverty and long-term consequences for children and communities [2].

Nigeria’s poor road offence information management has reached frightening levels, leaving many frustrated and helpless. Nigeria appears to be lagging behind other developing and established countries in adopting improved management information technology to reduce road traffic offences.

Road transport management is increasingly reliant on information and communication technologies for efficiency and safety [3].Two technology solutions are needed to reduce road offences and accidents.

Road safety is a global concern for public health, injury prevention, and efficient traffic management [3].Adopting ICTs in road traffic control operations can significantly reduce traffic offences and accidents in Nigeria.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The way and manner in which drivers use the roadways has much to be desired. Drivers that intentionally drive in the wrong lane or violate right of way laws can cause traffic congestion, delays, and accidents.

This has resulted in significant traffic violations, especially in urban areas. Poor road traffic management is to blame. Improving computerised management information systems is essential for advancing information technology (IT).

To improve information technology (IT), all sectors of the economy are undergoing changes to become more compliant. Improving information management technology can benefit the road traffic offence sector by improving the collection, processing, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of data for planning, control, coordination, and decision-making.

The current system of road traffic offences does not allow for visual identification of offenders. Hence, the wrong individual may be accused. The system’s decentralisation makes it harder to manipulate and obtain traffic offence information in the database.

The system lacks the ability to present pictorial diagrams of offences and penalties for prosecution purposes. As a result, offenders may feel obligated to accept responsibility (3.1.3).

The Nigerian road safety agency, FRSC, promotes the use of computers and information technology in transportation infrastructure. Intelligent transport systems are expected to improve capacity, management, and productivity of traditional transport infrastructure, as well as contribute to achieving other goals like better managing road traffic offences.

This study aims to create a system that can accomplish the following goals:

· Centralised databanks provide easy access to road traffic offence information for permitted users.

· Improve offenders’ identification accuracy, as incorrect identification during and after documentation can hinder prosecution. ·

Provide clear evidence of an offence through a pictorial sketch or diagram. This can also be submitted in court during prosecution.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The Road Traffic Information Management System enables efficient and effective management of road traffic organisations by providing relevant information.

Effective road traffic information management and reporting are crucial for making sound business decisions. The study provides significant benefits to the Federal Road Safety Commission and other organisations involved in managing traffic violation statistics

given the advancements in information technology. Researching the road traffic offence information management system is timely for several reasons. The primary reasons are that:

The road traffic offence information management system uses an integrated database to hold all relevant information.
This improves the speed, security, and accessibility of traffic offence information for agency decision-making.

· Using visual representations to identify road traffic offenders helps agencies ensure accurate documentation and minimise wrongful prosecutions. Offenders often deny committing a crime due to a lack of evidence, such as a diagram or visual display.

Displaying offender offence for the offender to view improves agency credibility and reliability of FRSC road traffic information reports.

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