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Role of Digital Literacy for the Teaching and Learning of Adult Learners in Ovia East Local Government

Role of Digital Literacy for the Teaching and Learning of Adult Learners in Ovia East Local Government

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Role of Digital Literacy for the Teaching and Learning of Adult Learners in Ovia East Local Government


This study looked into the impact of digital literacy on adult learners in Ovia East Local Government, specifically in rural areas. A quantitative survey research design was used to elicit information from a sample of 120 respondents. A structured questionnaire was developed to collect important data on several areas of digital literacy and its impact on adult education.

The acquired data was analysed using SPSS27, which made the findings easier to present and explain. Hypotheses were developed and tested using the t-test to determine the importance of the correlations between digital literacy and various educational outcomes in adult learners.

The findings demonstrated strong links between digital literacy and improved learning experiences, access to educational resources, and overall academic success. Additionally, difficulties such as restricted access to digital devices and insufficient training were recognised as impediments to improving digital literacy abilities among adult learners.

Based on the findings, it was concluded that digital literacy has a significant impact on adult learners’ educational experiences and outcomes, particularly in rural locations. As a result, efforts to develop digital literacy should be prioritised in adult education programs to ensure equal access to educational opportunities and resources.

Recommendations include creating comprehensive digital literacy training programs, providing appropriate digital infrastructure, and encouraging cooperation between educational institutions and community organisations to assist adult learners in obtaining key digital skills.

By implementing these guidelines, stakeholders can help to enhance digital literacy and promote socioeconomic development in rural communities.


Chapter one


Background Of the Study

In today’s digital age, developing digital literacy skills is more important for people of all ages (Li & Wong, 2021). Digital literacy refers to the capacity to successfully explore, evaluate, and use digital technology for communication, information retrieval, and issue solving (Baber et al., 2022).

As technology permeates all aspects of modern life, digital literacy has become a requirement for success in school, work, and civic involvement (Gudoniene & Rutkauskiene, 2019).

To flourish in today’s interconnected society, individuals must have basic digital literacy abilities, which range from accessing internet resources to participating in remote job or school.

However, digital literacy is particularly important in adult education contexts (Martinez-Alcala et al., 2018). Adult learners, particularly in rural regions such as Ovia East Local Government, frequently encounter specific barriers to accessing and utilising digital technology for learning (Castilla et al., 2018).

Limited internet infrastructure, a shortage of cheap devices, and insufficient digital skills training all contribute to the digital divide that many adult learners in rural regions face (Novitasari & Fauziddin, 2022).

Furthermore, adult learners may face difficulties due to their age, educational background, and socioeconomic situation, compounding their digital literacy challenges (González & Morales, 2019).

Understanding the significance of digital literacy in adult learners’ teaching and learning processes is critical for developing successful educational interventions that are suited to their specific needs (Nurhayati and Musa, 2020). Adult learners can use digital literacy not just to access and assess online resources, but also to engage in lifelong learning and skill development (Nedungadi et al., 2018).

By introducing digital literacy into adult education programs, educators may provide learners with the abilities needed to traverse digital settings, critically assess material, and communicate successfully in digital formats (Marsegi et al., 2023).

Educational interventions targeted at improving digital literacy in adult learners must meet the population’s unique problems (Nurhayati et al., 2022).

In rural locations such as Ovia East Local Government, where access to technology may be limited, community-based projects and collaborations with local organisations can help bridge the digital gap.

Access to low-cost devices, internet access, and digital skills training programs can enable adult learners to take advantage of digital learning possibilities and participate more fully in society (Colchester et al., 2017).

Furthermore, educators must use learner-centred techniques that recognise adult learners’ different needs and backgrounds (Musa & Nurhayati, 2021). Experiential learning, problem-based scenarios, and real-world applications can help to make digital literacy teaching more relevant and effective (Ghofur & Nurhayati, 2023a).

Furthermore, giving flexible learning routes, such as blended or hybrid models, can meet adult learners’ scheduling constraints and preferences while also allowing for hands-on practice and peer cooperation (Cholifah et al., 2023).

In essence, digital literacy is critical in preparing adult learners to handle the intricacies of the digital age (Lee, 2014). Understanding the unique problems faced by adult learners, particularly those in rural areas, allows educators and policymakers to create targeted interventions to improve digital literacy abilities and encourage lifelong learning (Nurhayati, 2021). We can work together to close the digital divide and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to prosper in today’s digital society (Pegrum, 2022).

Statement of the Problem

The formulation of the problem in the context of digital literacy for adult learners, particularly in rural locations such as Ovia East Local Government, indicates numerous key gaps that must be addressed.

Despite the growing relevance of digital literacy skills in today’s society, there is still a lack of understanding of the unique problems that adult learners encounter in rural areas (Castilla et al., 2018).

First, there is a lack of access to digital technologies and internet infrastructure. Many adult learners in rural regions do not have access to affordable equipment or dependable internet connectivity, limiting their capacity to engage in digital learning activities (Nedungadi et al., 2018).

This digital divide exacerbates existing educational disparities and impedes the incorporation of digital technology into adult education programs (Novitasari & Fauziddin, 2022).

Second, there is a lack of digital skills training and assistance. Even if adult learners have access to digital technology, they may lack the requisite abilities to use it successfully for learning (González & Morales 2019).

There is a need for specialised digital literacy training programs that cater to adult learners’ individual requirements and preferences, taking into account characteristics such as age, educational background, and prior technology experience (Musa & Nurhayati, 2021).

Furthermore, there is a research shortage on effective pedagogical strategies for teaching digital literacy to adult learners in rural areas (Buchholz et al., 2020). While there is a growing corpus of research on digital literacy in education, much of it focusses on K-12 or higher education settings, ignoring adult learners’ specific requirements and concerns (Gudoniene & Rutkauskiene, 2019).

Empirical research are needed to investigate the effectiveness of various instructional methodologies, curriculum designs, and assessment methods for improving digital literacy among adult learners in rural regions (Marsegi et al., 2023).

Overall, addressing these gaps in access, training, and research is critical for developing successful interventions to improve digital literacy abilities among adult learners in remote communities such as Ovia East Local Government.

By identifying and filling these gaps, policymakers, educators, and other stakeholders may help to close the digital divide and ensure equitable access to digital learning opportunities for all adult learners.

Objectives of the Study

The study’s particular aims were as follows:

To determine the level of digital literacy among adult learners in Ovia East Local Government.

To investigate the difficulties encountered by adult learners in learning digital literacy skills.

To investigate the effects of digital literacy on the teaching and learning outcomes of adult learners in Ovia East Local Government.

Research Questions

To guide this investigation, the following research questions were developed:

What is the current digital literacy level of adult learners in Ovia East Local Government?

What are the key hurdles that adult learners face when obtaining digital literacy skills?

How does digital literacy affect the teaching and learning experiences of adult learners in Ovia East Local Government?

Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were proposed:

Null Hypothesis (H0):

There is no substantial difference in digital literacy levels between adult learners in Ovia East Local Government.

Adult learners’ struggles in obtaining digital literacy skills have little impact on their learning outcomes.

Digital literacy has no discernible impact on the teaching and learning experiences of adult learners in Ovia East Local Government.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1):

The level of digital literacy among adult learners in Ovia East Local Government varies significantly.

Adult learners’ learning results are greatly influenced by the hurdles they confront when gaining digital literacy skills.

Adult learners in Ovia East Local Government benefit greatly from digital literacy in terms of teaching and learning.

Significance of the Study

This study has important implications for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders working in adult education in rural regions such as Ovia East Local Government. Understanding the importance of digital literacy in adult learning allows stakeholders to create tailored interventions to increase educational access and results for adult learners.

By effectively addressing these requirements, stakeholders help adult learners flourish personally and the community advance socioeconomically.

For policymakers, this study provides insight into the specific difficulties and opportunities associated with digital literacy in adult education. Recognising the critical importance of digital skills in modern society enables governments to direct resources towards initiatives that promote digital literacy among adult learners in remote locations.

This could include investing in infrastructure to improve internet connectivity, subsidising the cost of digital equipment, or creating training programs to boost digital skills proficiency among adult learners.

Furthermore, policymakers can form partnerships with local organisations and educational institutions to implement successful digital literacy programs that are targeted to the needs of adult learners.

Educators are critical to the success of digital literacy projects in adult education settings. Integrating digital literacy into adult education programs provides learners with the necessary abilities to succeed in the digital age.

This could include creating engaging learning activities that use digital technology, training in important digital skills, and providing continuous support to adult learners.

Furthermore, educators can foster a culture of lifelong learning and digital fluency among adult learners by emphasising ongoing skill development and adaptation to technological changes.

Stakeholders in community development efforts gain from promoting digital literacy among adult learners. Individuals with digital skills benefit from more economic opportunities, easier access to information and services, and greater social inclusion in rural communities.

This entails working with local businesses to determine digital skill requirements and developing educational programs accordingly. In addition, stakeholders can leverage digital technologies to better efficiently deliver important services to disadvantaged rural communities.

Scope of the Study

This study focused on adult learners from Ovia East Local Government in Nigeria. The study investigated the level of digital literacy among these students, highlighted the barriers to obtaining digital skills, and investigated the influence of digital literacy on their teaching and learning experiences.

The study did not include additional geographical areas or age groups except the adult learner demography in Ovia East Local Government.

Operational Definition of Terms

Digital literacy is defined as the capacity to successfully communicate, study, and solve problems using digital technology.

Adult learners are those above the age of 18 who participate in official or informal learning activities.

Teaching is the process of transferring knowledge, skills, and information to learners.

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and attitudes via study, experience, or instruction.

The geographical emphasis of this study is Ovia East Local Government, which is located in Edo State, Nigeria.

Challenges are obstacles or challenges faced while learning digital literacy abilities.

Impact is the effect or influence of digital literacy on teaching and learning outcomes.

Education is the process of assisting learning through formal, informal, and non-formal approaches to acquire knowledge and skills.

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