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Role Of Mass Media In Enlightening Nursing Mothers On The Benefits Of Exclusive Breast Feeding

Role Of Mass Media In Enlightening Nursing Mothers On The Benefits Of Exclusive Breast Feeding

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Role Of Mass Media In Enlightening Nursing Mothers On The Benefits Of Exclusive Breast Feeding

Chapter one


1. Background of the study.

A country’s long-term development is dependent on its ability to communicate effectively. The media is an effective tool for driving a country’s overall growth. In order to convey a message, the media has a tendency to package government programmes and policies in such a way that everyone understands them.

The media, through campaigns and commercials, packages programmes that would benefit the country’s development. It is not only important to package the message, but also to ensure that it reaches its intended audience and serves its goal effectively.

People must be involved in development efforts (Okunna, 2001, p. 299). Many developmental activities have been carried out in Nigeria, but the question of how to attain them remains. One such campaign is on exclusive breastfeeding.

Given its numerous duties, the media has the potential to make 100 percent progress in educating nursing moms about exclusive breastfeeding.

Furthermore, considering two of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which are reducing child mortality and improving maternal health before 2020, an effective media campaign can help reach these goals.

(WHO, 2005).This is achievable because one of the benefits of EBF is lower child mortality and morbidity.

One of the primary efforts made by the World Health Organisation and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund was the launch of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)

which aimed to educate nursing mothers on the need of using the EBF method. The BFHI suggested that newborns be fed exclusively breast milk for 6 months before transitioning to other foods.

According to a study, this program was not totally successful because the proportion of children aged 1 to 5 who are exclusively breastfed fell from 18% in 2003 to 12% in 2008 and 12% in 2010, before returning to 18% in 2010, increasing the rate of child mortality.

However, this study discovered that the number of individuals who are aware of EBF in Nigeria’s metropolitan areas is larger than in rural areas, posing a danger to EBF’s importance (NPC and ICF Macro, 2009). The foregoing suggests that the media has a significant role to play in educating nursing moms about the benefits of EBF.

The media can accomplish this by airing EBF-related programs and advertisements on radio, television, newspapers, bulletins, posters, and other mediums to keep the message in the minds of nursing moms.

They might take it a step further by visiting hospitals and prenatal homes to educate nursing moms and potential mothers about the need of using EBF.

However, despite the media campaign, there appears to be a communication gap among nursing moms in rural Nigeria, as if they are cut off (Oruamabo, 2004: 16). Obviously, the majority of media in Nigeria is located in metropolitan areas, and its broadcast does not always reach people in rural regions, isolating them.

This takes us to the question of embracing both modern and traditional modes of communication through verbal and nonverbal means of communication, as long as they are accepted and understood by the people (Ndolo, 1998:13).

This study aims to determine how effective the media may be in educating nursing moms about the benefits of EBF, regardless of their location.

1. Statement of the Problem

Over time, we have seen incidents of people from rural areas of the country being relegated. They are relegated to the distribution of information. It could be due to the language chosen to convey the message or the medium via which the information is disseminated. Furthermore, due to the poor state of infrastructure in the country’s rural areas, many media houses will be hesitant to establish stations there.

Another issue that can impede the media’s ability to play its function is that of’media ownership’. Government-owned media rarely promotes developmental efforts such as breast feeding; instead, they aim to promote political activity.

Also, Nigerians are naturally conservative. They do not easily accept change. Even while breastfeeding programs are ongoing, some nursing women find it difficult to embrace this strategy. They believe that their forefathers never practiced such, so why should they?

These are some of the issues that will be addressed during this investigation.

1. The aims or objectives of the study

The primary goal of this study is to determine the influence of the mass media in educating nursing moms about the benefits of EBF.

Other specific objectives are:

1. To investigate the problems that the media faces in educating nursing moms about the benefits of EBF.

2. To determine how effective the media can be in educating nursing mothers about EBF.

3. To investigate the problems that women face when using mass media.

4. To determine which medium will be most effective in educating nursing mothers on EBF.

1. Research questions.

1. To what extent does the media play a role in educating nursing moms about the benefits of EBF?

2. What are the hurdles for the media in educating nursing mothers about the benefits of EBF?

3. What problems do women confront when using mass media?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

1. The media fails to educate nursing mothers about the benefits of EBF.

2. The media has a role in educating nursing mothers about the benefits of EBF.

1.6 The study’s significance and justification

This study aims to inform, educate, and enlighten the general public, particularly nursing moms, media practitioners, and the government, about the role of the media in illuminating the public.

The purpose of this study is to remind the mass media of their role in educating nursing moms about the benefits of adopting EBF. It is intended to remind media practitioners that effective dissemination of development messages requires a media mix.

This study is intended to educate the government that it can sponsor messages in various kinds of mass media in order to ensure effective communication about the benefits of EBF.

This study will be extremely beneficial to other researchers who want to learn more about this topic, and it may also be used by non-researchers to expand on their work. This study adds to information and may act as a direction for future work or study.

1. Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study is broad in scope since it examines the influence of the media in educating nursing moms in Nigeria about the benefits of EBF.

Limitations of study

1. Financial constraints- Insufficient funds restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing appropriate resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

2. Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this study while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the amount of time spent on research.

1. Definition of Terms

Role: This is the function assumed or part played by a person or entity in a given scenario.

Mass media refers to technology designed to reach a large audience. It is the primary means of communicating with the vast majority of the general audience.

The most common mass media platforms include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and the Internet. The general population often relies on the media to offer information on political, social, and entertainment topics, as well as pop culture news.

Enlighten: To increase (someone’s) knowledge and awareness of a subject or situation.

EBF (Exclusive Breastfeeding): This refers to the infant receiving just breast milk. Except for oral rehydration solution and drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals, or medications, no other liquids or solids are provided, including water.

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