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Democratic governance is a desirable form of government that provides the electorate with the benefits of democracy. It is a system in which individuals’ freedoms, rights, and privileges are maintained and upheld, while the nation grows and develops. This study was conducted to investigate the function of non-governmental organisations in democratic governance.

The study examined the literature on civic societies and democratic governance. The study used the descriptive method of analysis to display its data. The data was gathered from both primary and secondary sources.

According to the findings of the study, Nigeria has a poor record of democratic governance. NGOs play an important role in ensuring democratic governance in Nigeria. The report advocates funding non-governmental organisations and strengthening their rights and privileges.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Democracy is a worldwide maiden that every country desires. The democratic fever has spread around the world, from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe to Africa and Asia.

It demonstrates that democracy has gained momentum around the world as a result of its numerous benefits and, by extension, the negative repercussions of poor governance (Bello-Imam 2004:1).

As a result, democratic movements around the world emphasise, among other things, the expression of popular will. Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, has no choice but to join the rest of the globe in its pursuit of democracy. Nigeria, on the other hand, has been less fortunate in terms of democratisation.

It has a long and painful history of dancing around democracy but never getting it properly. This is largely due to a number of challenges, including a lack of large-scale free, fair, and credible elections;

a lack of freedom of speech and publication; a refusal to accept defeat in elections by political gladiators; corruption and the attitude of political office holders to corner the nation’s wealth; a disregard for the rule of law; and long military rule (Adekola 2010:1).

The relatively free, fair, and legitimate elections in Nigeria in April 2011 demonstrate that light is beginning to shine at the end of the tunnel. The democratic events in Zimbabwe, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Nigeria under President Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida and Late General Sanni Abacha, among many others,

demonstrate that African democratic struggles and democratisation have been informed by different, sometimes conflicting, goals and strategies between elites and the masses. (Okoro 2007)

In contrast to public engagement, democracy in Africa refers to the ability of a small group of people to effectively control the powers and authorities of government, with or without the consent of those they represent.

To be meaningful, democracy must be defined by the concepts of openness, representation, accountability, transparency, and the defence, protection, and maintenance of individual and collective rights (Vanhanem, 1990).

Africans, through democratic battles and decades of sacrifice, have rejected dictatorship. To that regard, democracy is viewed as the only foundation for facilitating African growth. Ironically, Ojo (2005) remarked that democracy in the African setting primarily benefits the ruling elite.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Democratic administration in Nigeria has remained a theoretical concept devoid of actual application. The country has seen several administrations come and go, with little or no evidence of democracy.

All regimes that have ruled this country since the military proclaimed the gospel of democracy but failed to deliver its dividend. The democratic crusade is now employed as a technique to gain votes before being abandoned after the elections.

Even as Nigeria prepares for another election in 2019, democracy will be preached through numerous political platforms, all in an effort to persuade voters that the future administration is interested in them and capable of fulfilling its promises. However, following the elections, all of these democratic promises are put away in a box for the next four years.

Some non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have recognised this gap and have taken it upon themselves to play an important role in closing the gap between elections and democratic governance in the country.

As a result, the purpose of this study is to look into the critical role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Nigerian democratic governance.

1.3 Study Objectives

The study contains the following goals and objectives:

To assess the state of democratic government in Nigeria.

To investigate how non-governmental organisations (NGOs) contribute to democratic governance.

To assess the obstacles that NGOs face in ensuring

To make recommendations on how NGOs might play a more active role in promoting democratic governance.

1.4 Research Hypothesis:

The study generated and tested the following hypotheses:

H0: Nigeria has a poor track record in terms of democratic governance.

H1: Nigeria has a positive status in terms of democratic government in Nigeria.

H0: Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play no significant role in ensuring democracy in Nigeria.

H0: NGO’s play an important part in ensuring democratic governance in Nigeria.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study looks at the role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in democratic governance. It will benefit the myriad non-governmental organisations that are deviating from their task of ensuring democratic governance.

The report will serve as a tool for policymakers seeking to create policies that reflect democracy. The study will also serve as a reference for future research on the role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the concept of democratic government.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of this study includes non-governmental organisations whose vision is to ensure a democratic Nigeria. This is because there are several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) with visions that differ from the subject of discussion.

Furthermore, the study examines the literature on democratic governance, both nationally and internationally. However, the study is time-limited.

The researcher had less time to visit several of these NGOs and obtain firsthand knowledge about the topic under discussion. Also. The investigation is restricted by financial constraints for logistical reasons.

1.7 Definition of Terms.

Democracy is a form of administration in which people choose their rulers through elections.

Governance refers to the establishment of policies and the ongoing monitoring of their appropriate implementation by members of an organization’s governing body.

It contains the processes required to balance the members’ powers (and the accountability that comes with it), as well as their primary responsibility to improve the organization’s prosperity and viability.

Role: a role assigned or assumed.

1.8 Organisation of the Study

The study is organised into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the study and provides background information. Chapter two examines connected and pertinent literature.

The research technique is presented in Chapter 3, and the data analysis and interpretation are presented in Chapter 4. The study closes with chapter five, which addresses the summary, conclusion, and recommendation.

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