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Chapter one



Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are increasingly promoting or promoting alternative health care, poverty reduction, women’s education, social justice, community development, and other purposes, but are hampered by government inefficiency and limited resources.

However, the reality of (NGO) is more complex; not only are there differences between government and NGO, but they may also face resource restrictions and managerial inefficiencies similar to those provided by the government.

Some registered non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operate for profit. In practice, policy development must reflect the NOGs’ strengths and weaknesses in a specific setting and should be based on resource mobilisation, efficiency, and/or quality.

Policy development will always involve a significant government presence in coordinating, regulating, legislating, overseeing, educating, financing, and providing technical help, as well as an NGO sector responsible for the government’s policy aims.

As a result, the purpose of this research is to look into “the role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in community development, with a particular emphasis on the development education centre (DEC) Enugu.”

NGO, as a non-governmental or profit-making organisation, pursues an issue(s) of interest to its members through persuasion and/or direct action in the field of international economics. NGO’s play an increasingly important role in defending human rights, protecting the environment, and combating poverty.

Development education centre. Enugu, a non-governmental organisation registered as a trustee with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Abuja, Nigeria in October 1991, has demonstrated numerous functions towards community development, including:

– Education

– poverty alleviation

– Water and Sanitation

– Economic Empowerment

Observations have revealed that NGOs make a significant contribution to community development, and people are eager to join the organisation because of the benefits. As the investigation continues, we will see how far NGOs have gone to promote community development.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

The basic difficulties that this research endeavour aims to answer are listed below in a verifiable manner:

1) Can the community develop without appropriate funding from the NGO?

2) Can the NGO work optimally without appropriate funding?

3) Can the activities of the NGO contribute to community development?

4) Is it true that the NGO gives long-term financial and community growth opportunities?

5) A lack of understanding of the relevance of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) may exacerbate the problem of community development, as the government alone cannot fix it.

6) How might inefficient personnel and inadequate training of NGO staff impede their efforts in community development?
The staff’s poor standard of living and low monthly salaries hinder their attempts to promote the community.

7) Could it be that the NGO’s operations are highly relevant in justifying their efforts in community development?

8) Does the level of development in the community demonstrate that the NGO is doing well?

9) Should the strength and weakness of NGOs be based on their advantages over government organisations?

10) How can an NGO effectively contribute to community development?

1.3 Study Objectives

The overall goal of the study is to determine the impact of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) on community development.

Special objectives include

1) TO determine whether it is important for the growth of a community.

2) To know if Non- governmental organization reasonable impact in developing the neighbourhood.

3) Understand the many methods in which non-governmental organisations contribute to community development.

4) To investigate the possibilities of achieving better development through collaborative efforts by the NGO.

5) Conduct an inquiry on the economic status of the community in an independent layout and assess the influence of non-governmental organisations on their aid.

6) To understand the challenges to community development in an autonomous layout.

1.4 Significance of the Study

It is always preferable to attain the goal/objective for which an activity is conducted, rather than wasting important time conducting research that will be of little use. This research was undertaken to assist many people, including:

– The students who would use it in future for investigation.

– The members of the Non- governmental organization especially the Development Education Centre (DEC) branch, to know the extent they are participating towards community development in the area.

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